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Posts posted by z42

  1. I wonder what measures Thailand actually has to PREVENT terror attacks exactly. Bombings and shootings in the thousands in the deep south despite martial law and heavy army presence. And attacks in tourist spots and downtown BKK had the rtp scratching their <deleted> about who did it, before obviously solving the course and getting a nice bit of reward money too :post-4641-1156693976:

    Again, completely full of it. Standard, pathetic

  2. This guy is a complete turd. I can only applaud the fact he is in custtody now, but according to the bp he only faces 6 months and / or a 6k baht fine (undoubtedly reduced after confession).


    His apologies and excuses ring very hollow indeed. And no mention of an apology to the young lad he battered either.


    Would be interested to know what the Thai population at large make of this latest farce ?

  3. Very sad, certainly not a problem exclusive to Thailand, but it seems that in Thailand for every one person who gives a toss about the environment, and every person who can see past their own nose (read convenience) when it comes to recycling / responsible rubbish disposal, there are 10 others who couldn't give a flying one.

    I think only severely harsh financial penalties are the only way to curb such behaviour. But there are no enforcement arms here with the discipline / will to see it through. So frustrating and sad really :(

  4. Reprehensible... This individual needs to be made the biggest example of by the authorities here, battering a young kid for (well there never is a reason, is there?) should bring out an incredibly harsh sentence, and some monstrous treatment from some of the more gnarled cons in the nick.

    But I wonder what will actually happen, some kid I remember got stomped by his friend's dad in a stairwell near their house, and we don't know what happened there (although do we ever). This am sorry is 1 instance where a mob beatdown (or a good kicking by the cops back at the nick) is not only justified but required.

  5. There are 112 reasons I can think of off that bat that people should be incredibly worried about RE the computer crimes act. I believe that in its original form, it was designed as legislation that was targeting online scammers, data stealing, financial cyber crime and such.

    It seems now it has been morphed into a godawful thing that can be interpreted in the most malevolent of ways for the purposes of criminalizing whistle blowers, and those who wish to bring to light a scandal so that it can become known (and hopefully tackled in the correct way).

    The direction in which Thailand seems to be heading is frankly terrifying. Any person can get caught up in the horrible web of the justice system here (innocent, guilty or otherwise). Something needs to change, but I see nobody even on the periphery with the want, or will to actually enact a positive change.

  6. Disgraceful, but still the pseudo monk who orchestrated the whole scam remains in a bubble of untouchability due to the buffoonery, ineptitude, and now seemingly outright criminality of Thailand's premier investigative agency, the DSI. An absolute and utter shambles.

    As others before have mentioned, corruption by those in a uniform seems to be tolerated, if not encouraged when the only punishment is a desk job til whatever the next step is (which we never hear). It gets old real quick :post-4641-1156693976:

  7. Another black eye for the ridiculously inconsistent, ineffective bunch of planks that is the rtp. Disgusting that without an official complaint, or any evidence that the moto rider did anything wrong at all, they are by their spokesman's words trying to bust the guy.

    So by that logic they should surely go after the millions of helmetless, licence-less, red light runners, and idiots who drive against traffic flow on a daily basis.

    Absolutely disgraceful, standard ?

  8. The (frankly ridiculous) self defence plea isn't going to work i think. Not when Nott and his buddy dragged the victim over the road to kowtow to the car.

    The cops won't like this 1 bit now. They've been circumvented it seems due to whatever reason.


    The guy got his nose broken. He is by no means seriously injured like the article implies. But i think that if this nott guy gets banged up if only for a few days it would be a huge wake up call to other wannabe's to try other similar stuff

  9. This has got to be 1 of the worst stories i have EVER read here, 1 year in jail for killing and permanently disabling 2 people. Absolutely immoral. When defamation and "computer crimes" sentences are recommended as 5X that, and drug dealing sentences 20X to 50X that, it simply leaves you scratching your head as to who comes up with the idea that such ludicrous sentences  even remotely resemble justice.

    Sick to my stomach reading this. If my girls were killed / disabled this way I would simply not accept the judgement, and would risk jail / deportation to seek a more appropriate level of justice to achieve closure. Just wow, scary.

  10. Indefensible if the threats were real.. But I still can't feel sympathy for anyone except the motorcyclist in all of this. Seems it is going under the carpet and Nott's day in court will never come.. Just wish we could know what the monetary settlement will be. I can imagine it will be pretty high and Nott will be kicking himself for loss of face, and big chunk of cash.. Som nam na :)


  11. The billion baht man has spoken, and as expected what he has said is absolute tripe :coffee1:  and I have to say I do strongly agree with what others have said about him reserving comments while it seems gross misconduct / criminality of cops under his watch are hitting the headlines on a daily basis, with the inactive post as the sole punishment... What do they say about people in glass houses again????

  12. Pretty much all of the tuk tuk drivers, to the man, are an utter disgrace.

    They display unbelievable arrogance not only when driving somewhere, but also at the point of sale (fare negotiation - or lack thereof), and also when going about their daily bidding.

    A plastic mafia for sure (seen in the latest altercation where 4 of them attack a solitary russian with sticks) But the authorities' approach to their standover type tactics just continues to embolden them.


    They're one of the reasons i avoid spending time or money in phuket

  13. Sad as at is, this defense team is pissing into the wind if they think the SAME court who stitched their defendents up so disgustingly at the first trial are going to overturn it either now or anytime in the future.

    This is an appalling miscarriage of justice, those orchestrating it I hope are outed and severely punished in time.


    Also interesting to note the running man footage is being talked about. I wonder where that spineless @$$#ole with the dicky arm is now. 


    What a disgusting farce ?

  14. While bribery still remains a very viable, and widespread option it won't improve anything. The amount of exams students must do is absolutely obscene. I have a good relationship with many of my M6 students, the ones that really care are sick with worry and stressed to the hilt cramming for a multitude of different tests at the same time.

    This is one of the times I wish Thailand looked overseas at how it is done in other nations. Here it is simply not healthy in its current state

  15. Your laws are only as strong as the enforcement protocols used by the agencies who are in place to enforce them. And with an enforcement arm as crooked and ineffective as the one currently in place, the laws are utterly worthless. And in this particularly awful recent case it seems that very little is being done, or has been done already to right the wrongs


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