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Posts posted by z42

  1. Another disgraceful episode here. There have been reports of people staying in the guesthouse getting pulled out of bed and forced to provide drug tests.


    Why the majority of these people are required to even seek bail is disgusting in the extreme.

    Hiso's / connected here get bail for murder, manslaughter and all manner of violent offences.

    Simply, a 3rd world law enforcement and justice system at work here. I would never want to end up in its grasp. Scary in the extreme.

    I hope these people caught up in this latest fiasco get released asap.

  2. And yet the daylight robbery these same tuk tuk drivers perpetrate with their overpriced fares and boorish behaviour when on duty everyday goes completely unpunished.

    Another fail for the BIB. And am not saying this idiot deserved to get his stuff stolen, but not locking his door is a pretty dumb move by any standards

  3. This guy is so full of $#it it's untrue... How can anyone with an ounce of intelligence respect a set of laws that are not only enforced in different ways depending upon who they are used to target, and which can and are used by crooked persons to deflect attention from their own crimes, often criminalizing legitimate plaintiffs in the process.
    This guy and all his cronies are becoming more objectionable by the day, they are not fit to utter the king's good name.

  4. Just now, NongKhaiKid said:

    He's pointing at the ground, case solved.

    If I remember correctly last year the national police said ' no more re-enactments ' and very recently the PM the said suspects were not to be paraded in front of the media. Two supposedly very powerful men whose directives are continual ignored,.


    Like these turds need to follow guidance like that. The reenactment is to get the conviction at any cost and gain face for the cops as you well know  i wondr if they're done in any other country.

    What a dreadful crime and what a waste of 3 lives. 

  5. The line between desparation and outright stupidity is awfully hard to distinguish here at times.

    The general population know full well how these crooked outfits operate, and the depraved lengths they go to when demanding payments, but still lap up the extortionate loans without hesitation. 

    It is a sad situation that we never hear how the crooks' convictions and sentences stack up in relation to the misery they cause. I'd bet a lot the punishments are paltry because the lending gangs seem to be doing wonderfully well ?

  6. The whiff of bullshit (mods, can i say that?) is overpowering. 

    The attackers' account of what led up to him kicking this Japanese lad twice in the chops is absurd at best. 

    Wonder what the punishment for assault on a tourist is, and wonder why he wasn't charged with tarnishing the good image of pattaya ?


    And its weird that a group of attackers is mentioned yet only 1 is getting arrested. Hmm

  7. 6 hours ago, Nepsydaz said:


    Exactly.. I also lived with a Doctor (Otolaryngologist) for a couple of years and seeing some of the videos from his phone showing how he diagnosed people - I can now tell which doctors are good and which are "Clowns" and also I think I can diagnose patients.


    So who is the idiot here?

    A trained professional guys showing how he works or some half informed person who thinks this video is a guide to be followed?

    Oh behave yourself man. You're comparing apples and oranges. By the video evidence shown the guy is not a professional. Sure he gets the job done, but he looks every inch the cowboy, takes almost zero safety precautions, and appears to misunderstand just how dangerous these snakes are from specimen to specimen (how they can move, speed they can move, striking range, and venom toxicity)


    And people watching who may try to catch cobras they encounter in the same way would almost certainly be lulled into a very false sense of security. These animals are not toys, and if for example you get bitten on a major blood vessel you're as good as dead.


    I do know what am talking about. I know a lot about reptiles (especially snakes), and i know that the venemous ones need to be dealt with the utmost care at ALL TIMES. having earphones hanging loose and dangling your hands in front of the nose of a monocled cobra while its well within striking range is akin to playing Russian roulette. Go try it out if you think what he's doing is totally safe and foolproof. Just tell your buddies to prepare a few beers for the wake

  8. This is the most idiotic way to catch snakes, completely unsafe. I lived with a herpetologist when living in Australia, and some of the videos from his phone showing how it should be done safely are light years apart from this clown show. Waving your hand within striking range of any venemous snake is practically suicidal.
    And the way he folds the bag with his hands, the snakes can and do bite through the bag. You only need a scratch from one of these and you're envenomated.

    This video should not be for human consumption, other than as a guide of how not to do it. Idiot

  9. The BP is reporting another homeless lady has been killed only last night. The poor lady (RIP) had her hands tied, and was stabbed and bludgeoned several times in the same way that other victims were.

    I am even more skeptical now as to whether this Burmese guy was involved in any of the killings, and am leaning towards a convenient patsy (it certainly wouldn't be the first time). However I hope this series of killings does get investigated and tried fairly, but I have my doubts it will

  10. I can't quite believe (well, actually I can really) how someone up high in whatever uniformed "service/s" were involved in this latest fiasco doesn't realize that this kind of thing SERIOUSLY damages tourist confidence, and is frankly scary to many / most.

    Just going about your night on the town, and suddenly being asked to produce your passports or piss in a cup without any good reason is scandalous. With the amount of crime and corruption in the city, those 200 officers would absolutely be better deployed in other areas.

    A disgrace, pure and simple

  11. The stories (lies) that these knuckleheads wheel out whenever caught bang to rights are absurd / hilariously pathetic in the extreme.

    It's outrageous he even got bailed. What kind of message does it send? it's ok to shoot people because they beeped at you, ok to potentially cause multi vehicle crashes because your feelings got hurt, ok to bare face lie to cops and still be let on your merry way (he would never have surrendered if the viral clip hadn't existed).

    The RTP proving yet again what a clown show they are through their actions

  12. Absolute BS, the full article quotes the auditor general as saying "that if the national carrier Thai Airways International (THAI) had booked regular flights for each delegate, the cost would have been up to Bt500,000 per each (person)"

    I'm sorry but that is a complete lie,  first class travel is expensive for sure, but it is not 16000 USD expensive. As if the original, hideously expensive flights were not obscene enough, the outright arrogance shown by all parties in the subsequent cover up (what else should I call it?) by spinning such outrageous lies is sickening. Thailand has no hope as the odds are stacked entirely in the crooks' (what else should I call them?) favour :bah::bah:

  13. I wonder if the delegation had any translators on board, if there weren't any i'd dare say that is a giant red flag as a lot of these generals will almost certainly not speak / understand English at anything close to the levels needed to contribute in discussions at such an event.


    Form shows that this Prawit guy is a repulsive man, who is very economical with the truth and a very shady character to boot. I doubt after he's done we'll be completely in the know. I almost expect the 2 wrongs make a right argument to be wheeled out however. Almost a given

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