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Everything posted by candide

  1. If I remember well, she blamed it on Russian interference, among other reasons. It's not possible to quantify its effect, but there was a Russian interference (see Mueller report and the GOP led Senate investigation). led Senate. Not like Trumps ridiculous conspiracy theory of dead people voting, which never happened. What did cost Trump the 2020 election......is Trump himself.
  2. Bad memory, obviously. 😊 What about GDP, employment, energy production, inflation reduction, infrastructure, industrial sovereignty....
  3. Ask Trump! He was so upset he lost the popular vote in 2016, that he evoked a ridiculous conspiracy theory about elections having been rigged. Already! 🤣
  4. And that's exactly the reason why the current government is diverting attention from it by changing name and other nationalism-related issues.
  5. Ooops! OK, not indicted, Fox News agreed to pay Dominion $787.5 million and acknowledged the court's earlier ruling that Fox had broadcast false statements about Dominion.
  6. According to the article, they worked in the same firm during 2 years in the early 90's, so around 30 years ago.
  7. No, he hasn't. You can post it over and over, it will not make it true!
  8. He already started changing his tune... So predictable! 🤣 Trump bemoans record stock market as just making 'rich people richer' https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-bemoans-record-stock-market-just-making-rich-people-richer-2023-12-18/
  9. The same lame claim you already posted in another thread will get the same reply: - you are knowingly distorting the reason why Fox News was indicted: it was indicted for claiming the 2020 elections have been rigged, while knowing they were lying about it. Not for discussing if maybe it could be possible to hàck a system - the expert has been able to do that because he used a malicious code (not just a pen and a card, they are useless without the code). And he was able to write a malicious code because he was given access to the system for months. - the lawsuit is motivated by the breach by Kraken Powell and her team, who stole the software and put it on a server. They got caught, but many people could have had access to it. This is quite different from November 2020, before the breach. Without this breach, there would be no lawsuit.
  10. It's been even worse than that. Irak was actually one of the few secular regime in the Arab world. It was de facto governed by Suni, but Christians were rather well considered. The great Republican idea was to replace a secular regime by a regime based on religion. The President must be Kurdish (Suni), the PM and the House speaker Shia. Of course, Christians have been leaving the country since then....
  11. As other posters have stressed, under the current constitution, there is no immunity. Trump is asking courts to change that, and introduce immunity for a President. It makes sense that Presidents may have a certain level of protection about their Presidential duties, I.e. defining and implementing policies (in most cases as approved by Congress). However, it cannot be seriously claimed that asking a person in charge of supervising elections to find him 11,800 votes, a fake elector plot, or watching fans assaulting the Capitol for hours without telling them to stop at once, is part of Presidential duties.
  12. Obama and other countries were quite successful in preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. It ended with Trump's stupid withdrawal from the Treaty, and this put Iran in a position of having nothing to lose. It also pushed it in the arms of Russia and China. Sure, there were no ships attacked in the Red Sea, as well as no U.S. base attacked by Iran or its affiliates under Trump! Oh wait! 😀
  13. Does she also believe elections have been stolen from Trump in 2020, because of massive fraud?
  14. You forgot to mention that a large part of Donbas and Donestsk had been de facto annexed under Trump.
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