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Everything posted by candide

  1. Less Republicans got vaccinated than democrats, because they listened to the right-wing anti-(Covid-19)vaccine nutters. Of course, as a consequence, more Republicans died from Covid-19 than Democrats. Dumber than dumb! 😃 "Contrast these converging figures with disparities based on politics: 90% of Democrats had been vaccinated, compared with 68% of Independents and just 58% of Republicans" For COVID-19 vaccinations, party affiliation matters more than race and ethnicity https://www.brookings.edu/articles/for-covid-19-vaccinations-party-affiliation-matters-more-than-race-and-ethnicity/ "More specifically, the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened" Republicans' excess death rate spiked after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, a study says https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study
  2. Engrave a stone would even be better! 😃 Joke apart, the system prints a ballot so that the voter can check. The problem is actually the QR code, which they may not use any more.
  3. Ahem! Do you also believe the 2020 elections have been stolen because of massive fraud?
  4. You seem to be very confused about this issue. 1. Fox News claimed elections have been rigged. Its staff and boss admitted they were lying about it. They did not believe it, as evidenced by messages and testimonies. 2. Plaintiffs and their experts stated there is no evidence Dominion machines have been hacked before. 3. The reason why one expert was able to write a malicious code was because he was given access to the system. The only other way is a breach, but it doesn't get unnoticed (see what happened to the Kraken lawyer and her team) 4. The breach by the Kraken lawyer's team is one of the may cause of the lawsuit, as they put the software on a server. So the current concern in this lawsuit is not that the Dominion machines may have been hacked during the previous elections. It is that it may be easier to hack it since the software leak by Republicans in 2021. "Evidence of it first emerged as a result of the Coalition for Good Governance case, and the plaintiffs argue the software leak makes it easier for bad actors to find ways to subvert the machines in Georgia. “That software is still ricocheting around with all sorts of actors with all sorts of motives,” said Marilyn Marks, the executive director of The Coalition for Good Governance. Not addressing those risks before 2024, she added, would create “enormous risk of post-election chaos.” https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/09/georgia-court-voting-machines-trump-election-fraud-00134420
  5. Sorry I forgot about China. It should work well with Bing, too. It's true that there is not much on the progress of the trial, we have to be patient... BTW, It's not only a big pen which is needed, also a card or a USB key with a malicious code on it. Apparently, it is able to print ballots showing the right vote, but with a fake QR code, so they may have to stop using QR codes on ballots.
  6. Get more skilled in using Google. Type Gorgia Dominion January 2024 and you'll get plenty of MSM and news sites links, such as this one: https://apnews.com/article/georgia-voting-machines-lawsuit-trial-dominion-260ef8035b9fc520f38e0ac9a1f2ec88
  7. Come on, the Donald would never do that, would he? 😃
  8. Thank you for linking his speech. He sometimes stumbles over a few words, such as in your quote, but it is a well structured, well argued and coherent speech. Far from the erratic and incoherent 5 years old style speeches from Trump: “They go ‘missile launched!’ and you hear a bell go, I mean I see this, it’s so incredible,” he said, then praised the “geniuses” who respond to the bell to stop the missiles. “These are not muscle guys here,” he said, pointing to his arm. Then, he pointed to his head and said, “They’re muscle guys up here.” Trump went into sound-effect mode as he described the action: “Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! They’ve only got 17 seconds to figure this whole thing out, right? Boom, OK. Missile launch, pssshng, poom! It’s the most ― and we don’t have it here!” 🤣 https://news.yahoo.com/trumps-attempt-describe-missile-defense-095714061.html
  9. Do you believe that the 2020 election was "stolen" from trump, because of massive fraud?
  10. Nice try, nobody claimed they were able to do it! 😃 They tried. Not to overthrow the government, to prevent the next legitimate government (President) from being certified. On the other hand, Trump did publicly claim elections have been stolen. So back to the MAGA test: - do you believe that the 2020 election was "stolen" from trump? (Because of massive fraud, as he claims).
  11. It was inaccurate, but harmless (quite the opposite). Not like the anti-vaccine propaganda on Fox News which actually resulted in people dying. "More specifically, the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened." https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study
  12. You can have whatever opinion you want, but not your alternative facts.
  13. One more testimony contradicting the Committee's tale: “He never heard mention of President Biden with respect to any of the transactions pursued by Hudson West III and is unaware of any involvement President Biden may have had with his son’s business pursuits,” Dayananda added. https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-family-business-associate-had-165658350.html
  14. Durham's face saving after his massive failure. The Durham probe brought no additional charges and no changes to agency rules. It did not disprove the IG report concluding that the Russia investigation has been properly predicated. Trump promised the Durham investigation would prove a vendetta. It has largely fallen short. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/10/20/trump-durham-russia-probe-setback-danchenko-verdict/10540926002/
  15. How and when did Trump do that? How did he talk Putin out of attacking, as Russians have been attacking Ukraine and de facto started the annexion process under Trumps mandate? How did he talk "very smart" Hamas out of attacking Israel, by adopting Netanyahu's peace plan?
  16. Sure! Biden is responsible for all conflicts in the world. What about the last snow storm? Biden's fault too? 😁
  17. Lol! It's you who made a claim, It's you who need to prove it. And you have nothing to prove it. I have proven wrong the claim that Dems who changed registration were the cause of the high number of votes for Haley, as they were only 4,000 last year, less than 3% of those who voted Haley.
  18. "(tens of thousands?)" "Some of them were independents, but a lot of them were closet Dems, just voting against Trump". It's not maybe tens of thousands, It's not a lot of those who voted as unregistered, It's only 4,000. so even if you assume they voted for Haley, it would certainly not explain the high number of votes for Haley, who got 139,469 votes. It represents less than 3% of the number of people who voted Haley.
  19. Please stop with your imaginary numbers. As I replied already before, only 4,000 dems changed registration last year in NH, for whatever reason. Haley got 139,469 votes. So even if your conspiracy theory is true, 4000 votes is peanuts and would not have significantly changed the result. Ahead of primary, nearly 4,000 Democratic voters switch affiliation to Republican or undeclared https://newhampshirebulletin.com/briefs/ahead-of-primary-nearly-4000-democratic-voters-switch-affiliation-to-republican-or-undeclared/
  20. My contention is that: 1. They likely had other things to do than to follow the script of this conspiracy theory 2. Calculating individuals, who may have had in mind to influence GOP primaries, surely knew that Haley was the candidate most likely to beat Biden. Edit: I checked the number, 4000 dems changed registration last year in NH, for whatever reason Haley got 139,469 votes. So even if your conspiracy theory is true, 4000 votes is peanuts.
  21. So your conspiracy theory is that Dem voters would have changed their registration months in advance, so they can vote at the GOP primaries, in order to help the Republican candidate which is the more likely to beat Biden? Ahem! What to say ...😁
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