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Everything posted by candide

  1. What has it to do with your "fast track" conspiracy theory?
  2. It's you who posted an unsupported conspiracy theory. No one compelled you to do that.
  3. From January 2021 in a specific context! Quote from your link: "Rep. Joaquin Castro and Sen.-designate Alex Padilla want immigrants working on the front lines of COVID-19 to get the chance to become U.S. citizens."
  4. Where is your link proving that most intelligence organisations claimed there were WMD in Iraq?
  5. It does say that "Since her release from federal prison in Dublin, California, Hemphill has made multiple appearances on cable news networks, renouncing Trump and his Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement." It's still a ridiculous conspiracy theory.....
  6. So one women changing her mind after being fooled by Trump is a proof of this conspiracy theory? 😃
  7. The NYT was reporting what inspectors stated. Of course, you prefer to believe Trump rather than inspectors. I guess you also used to believe what Bush/Cheney claimed about WDM, rather than inspectors.
  8. Contradicting Trump, U.N. Monitor Says Iran Complies With Nuclear Deal https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/31/world/middleeast/un-nuclear-iran-trump.html https://archive.is/wNdjg
  9. As far as I understand, one is not bound to anything until the agreement is signed Edited From their point of view, history has shown they were right to maintain alternative option in case the deal would be nullified.
  10. Keeping to the thread's subject: my point is that there will be likely no major war between Iran and the U.S. as claimed by another poster. Neither country wants it. That,'s why Iran used only proxies and the U.S. hit targets only outside Iran
  11. According to the Reuters article it has been build during negotiations, not during agreements. Quote: "Instead of building this factory in the next seven or eight years, we built it during the negotiations but have not started it," Salehi, said, according to state media."
  12. Lol. It's you who compared Biden with Trump during Covid! Biden also spent a lot due to Covid, even if it was spent after the core of the pandemic. As every other developped country. That's why the debt/gdp ranking among G7 is the same as under Trump.
  13. Facts about debt: Trump: FY 2020 + FY 2021: 5.7b Biden: FY 2022 + FY 2023: 5,3b https://www.thebalancemoney.com/us-debt-by-president-by-dollar-and-percent-3306296 https://www.statista.com/statistics/273294/public-debt-of-the-united-states-by-month/
  14. As in other developped countries confronted with the same issue (recovering rom the Covid crisis) That's why the rank is the same as under Trump pre-Covid.
  15. Statista, ridiculous link? 😃 Fact is: the U.S. ranks exactly at the same level as under Trump.
  16. Second, among which countries? Among.....most populous countries (India, etc...)! That's a ridiculous comparison! 🤣 Compared to G7 countries, it's number 4, the same rank as under Trump in 2019! https://www.statista.com/statistics/1370943/g7-government-net-debt-share-gdp/
  17. The same lame argument. People preferred the economy before Covid in every country.
  18. So Biden is responsible for the assault launched by Hamas? 😃
  19. And how did it work? Iran increased its Uranium enrichment program 10fold, and was thrown into the arms of Russia and China.
  20. And at the same time, they also accuse Biden of being weak. Coherence is also not in their repertoire either
  21. As usual.... Trump lawyer backs off idea that E. Jean Carroll judge had conflict https://news.yahoo.com/trump-attorney-claim-judges-conflict-171719285.html
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