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Everything posted by candide

  1. Diversion. My point was that this law has not been made for Trump. Who believes all women? I tend to believe what juries have decided. She did not file a suit, so we don't know what a jury would have thought about it.... So no reason to believe her, and even less knowing her profile.
  2. This Tara Read? 😀 "Reade misrepresented herself and her life experiences on numerous occasions, including lying under oath and in court proceedings. For example, she falsely claimed to hold a bachelor's degree from Antioch University.[2]" "In May 2023, Reade defected to Russia to seek Russian citizenship, which she announced during an interview with Sputnik in Moscow alongside suspected Kremlin spy Maria Butina, whom Reade called her friend.[4] Reade said that she felt safe in Moscow, and criticized the United States' "aggressive stance" towards her.[5]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden_sexual_assault_allegation
  3. Sure. It's been passed only because of Trump! 😀 The law that launched 2,500 sex abuse suits and felled celebrities is expiring https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/20/new-york-adult-survivors-act-law-expires-trump-diddy-bill-cosby
  4. Haven't you noticed that high profile celebs have been only recently sued (i.e. Weinstein and the me too movement)? Haven't you also noticed that, because of these events a law was passed allowing to sue for older cases too? BTW who is "them"?
  5. So Hamas is not "Palestine", as I mentioned. And the Palestinian Authority, which officially represents Palestine (which is not a state), disagrees with it.
  6. Russia and Ukraine are States with a government, an army, borders, etc... There is no Palestinian State. What looks 'a little bit' like a State is the Palestinian authority, and Hamas doesn't recognise its authority on Gaza.
  7. It does look political, in a way.... nearly all witnesses are Republican, and often Trump's allies and aides! 😃
  8. Exactly! Impeach Taylor Swift!😁 Oops! My mistake, It's Hunter Biden who's going to be impeached! 😃
  9. You mean 'Comer says'? 😆 The sources of his wealth are on the tax returns (for example he made a significant amount of money from books and conferences, when he was not VP or President). And you can be sure they have been scrutinised by the right-wing Media and his political opponents. Or are you referring to an imaginary additional wealth which would not appear in his tax returns?
  10. For an outsider like me, these relations seem to be beneficial for both India and the ME. What's the negative side of it?
  11. So if it doesn't make sense, why change the current situation and pass a new bill? It seems DeSantis needs publicity after his recent fail...
  12. Life was better pre-Covid. Same as anywhere in the world.
  13. The rate of employment is higher for foreign born than for UK born. It means they proportionally contribute more often than UK born.
  14. New GDP growth forecast released for 2024 https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  15. The jealous loser has a new theory...😆 “THIS IS THE TRUMP STOCK MARKET BECAUSE MY POLLS AGAINST BIDEN ARE SO GOOD THAT INVESTORS ARE PROJECTING THAT I WILL WIN, AND THAT WILL DRIVE THE MARKET UP,” Trump wrote in an all-caps missive on Truth Social. https://thehill.com/homenews/4435862-trump-claims-credit-record-stock-market-biden/
  16. You may be right, however superpowers, as well as not so super, always exert power. If the U.S. would stop exerting power, it would soon be replaced by others. Choose your pick: China, Russia, India, Turkey.....
  17. How did the "hard line" work? Did it prevent or trigger uranium production by Iran? Who killed the 2015 nuclear deal? As a direct consequence, Iran increased uranium enrichment by 10-fold in 2019
  18. Interesting.... "A Morning Consult survey from March 2023 estimated that 53% of US adults consider themselves Swift fans, an astoundingly large support base. To put that into perspective, the 2020 US Census found there are around 258.3 million adults in the country. If that and the aforementioned survey are correct, that means there are nearly 137 million voting-age Swift supporters situated across the US, or approximately 60% of the total number of votes cast in the 2020 presidential election for either Biden or Trump." https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-will-not-win-a-war-against-the-swifties-2024-1?r=US&IR=T
  19. The article blames the reduction of U.S. military presence over the years. Who bragged about having withdrawn troops from Iraq? Who sacrificed the presence of Kurds in Syria to his friendship with Erdogan? Who stopped support to the Free Syrian army?
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