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Everything posted by candide

  1. “What Trump said was so damaging to him”: Experts say NY AG “struck gold” with Trump court rant https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-said-damaging-him-experts-140808805.html
  2. 56 percent in new poll willing to see Trump disqualified from ballots in all or some states https://www.yahoo.com/news/56-percent-poll-willing-see-173551420.html
  3. Well, it didn't really work this way last time. Contrary to Trump's initial claim, the cost of tax cuts was not compensated by enough extra growth and tax revenues (nor did the Bush tax cuts). Actually, low tax policies only work for small countries. You could have added: not to companies which used tax cuts to buy back their shares in order to increase the value of stock options, but there wouldn't be much companies left.
  4. It's better with the title: Donald Trump says he’ll attend E. Jean Carroll trial next week: “I’m gonna explain, I don’t know who the hell she is.” 😃
  5. (Sore looser) whiners whine! I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!” 😅 https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-melts-down-truth-social-152058209.html
  6. It's a bit difficult to get a clear overview of Trump's scams because there are so many of them. Even the NYPost reported about some of them recently! 😃 Donald Trump bluffed his way out of bankruptcy in the 90s — will this come back to haunt him during NY fraud trial? https://nypost.com/2024/01/11/news/how-donald-trump-bluffed-his-way-out-of-bankruptcy-in-the-90s/
  7. Trump said It's because the U.K. was doing a very good job controlling the virus! 🤣 Trump critics also said that it was because Trump had properties in UK.
  8. I mentioned them because they were mentioned at that time in the MAGA propaganda, I.e. by Trump. So who were the mysterious "top" democrats who criticized the China travel within hours after Trump's decision? It wasn't Biden, it wasn't Pelosi, it wasn't Sanders (according the Fox News link it was something he said in March, and it was a general comment).
  9. Something quite interesting surfaced recently. Jan. 6 Rally Organizers Lied About Plan to March to the Capitol, Report Finds Women for America First, which planned the rally on the Ellipse, knew of President Donald J. Trump’s plans to have his supporters march to the Capitol but repeatedly denied it to federal permitting officials. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/18/us/politics/jan-6-capitol-rally-report.html A White House liaison to the rally organizers sent a text message on Jan. 3 to Women for America First regarding a demonstration at the Ellipse. “POTUS expectations are intimate and then send everyone over to the Capitol,” the message said, according to the report. Katrina Pierson, a Trump spokeswoman, had sent an email on Jan. 2, 2021, with nearly identical language. ....... On Jan. 4, Kylie Jane Kremer wrote in a text message: “POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol.” She added: “It can also not get out about the march because I will be in trouble with the National Park Service and all the agencies, but POTUS is going to just call for it ‘unexpectedly.’”
  10. B.S.! The Dems were calling Trump xenophobic because of the so-called Muslim ban", not the China travel ban! Please show us a quote of Biden or Pelosi criticizing the China ban! https://thehill.com/homenews/house/480991-pelosi-trumps-expanded-travel-ban-is-outrageous-un-american-and-threatens-rule/ https://dc.medill.northwestern.edu/blog/2020/02/04/trumps-travel-ban-is-islamophobic-and-xenophobic-civil-rights-groups-say/#sthash.g2NdtjBA.dpbs P.S. Trump may have done the right thing, but not fully as he let American citizen from China in without check (I guess in his simple min, only Chinese could be infected). He also spared UK from travel bans, and that's how the virus was introduced on the East coast (ill-intentioned people said it was because of his properties in UK -who could believe that?)
  11. They won't be going after Biden the same way because (I anticipate) he won't try to overturn legitimate elections. As to your false equivalence, a President is only protected when it falls under his presidential duties (for example a policy decision) Please explain us how how asking to "find 11,000 votes", plotting a fake electors scheme, and watching the assault of the Capitol on TV while doing nothing against it, fall under his presidential duties.
  12. And, of course, he spoke! "Your honor look, I did nothing wrong,” he said. "They should pay me for what we had to go through. What they’ve done to me reputationally and everything else.” 😃 https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-civil-fraud-trial-01-11-24/index.html
  13. Oh, I remember that. Brexiteers were all excited about the perspective of such a deal, which never came up!
  14. The usual "life was better before Covid" worthless argument! And, as placeholder commented, you exclude the pandemic years. Trump is responsible only for the years during which the global economic environment was good, not when it was bad. And, of course, Biden is responsible for the problematic global environment post-covid.
  15. Ahem.. Biden hates UK... Is that why he enrolled UK in his strategic defense alliances worldwide? Or increased cooperation in military equipment (such as submarines for Australia - which won't delivered soon, but that's another story). The main reason Trump liked a brexited UK was that he liked anything who would weaken the EU.
  16. When did I ever claime per capita qualifier was not oK?
  17. Lol! It's one of the two most populated countries in the world. If you compare emissions per Capita, the Marxist (so to say) China emissions per capita are half those of the Capitalist USA. https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-per-capita/
  18. So instead of being de facto restricted to a limited number of touristic attractions, shops and restaurants, they will be everywhere! Is it good news?
  19. As I wrote, votes don't count any more under the current Constitution (to some extent). Nevertheless, the Pandora's box is open. The next Senate will not elect the PM any more, so the next elections will be 'normal' elections again.
  20. It played a role, but not that much. Economic development and consumer society played a much more significant role. From this chart, it can be seen that: - until the end of the 80's the growth of CO2 EMISSIONS mainly occurred in developped countries, - if you compare China (low population growth, high GDP growth) to India and Africa (high population growth, lower GDP growth), the comparison is eloquent. https://ourworldindata.org/co2-emissions
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