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Everything posted by candide

  1. And, of course, the GOP doesn't agree with it. It would make it more difficult for them to lie about it.
  2. You mean like when he moved the embassy to Jerusalem and negotiated a 'peace plan' with Netanyahu only, without involving the Palestinian authority?
  3. One question. If it fails again, will you still believe elections have been stolen?
  4. I don't think so. Trump is a coward and will bend over to get a pardon from the new president.
  5. Ignoring facts you don't like again! Trump willfully took documents, refused to give back some of them, hid them, lied about it, obstructed justice and share the content of some documents with guests (while stating that he knew he had no right to do so as he couldn't reclassify them). Evidence from his own statements, statements, documents, testimonies under oath, video and audiobrecord8ngs.
  6. As usual, you forget to acknowledge that Trump intentionally kept presidential records, and not only refused to give some of them back, but hid them and lied about it. On top of it, he knowingly shared the content of some of them with guests.
  7. The quote in the image is characterising you quite accurately. Good choice!
  8. I replied to a post mentioning "This thing about using the word "coloureds". If you've been back home in England, or if you drink in bars in Pattaya, you will notice people using terms far more offensive that "coloureds". People make comments like "back home in Britain, a place full of P_k_s" I doubt they came to UK because of the EU.....
  9. Not to mention the fact that most of these "coloured" people did not immigrate to UK because of the EU, but because of the former British Empire (or the current Commonwealth, if one prefers).
  10. That's what is implied when using the word vermin. Hitler did more then imply, and actually eliminated people he used to call vermin, in particular a specific category of them.
  11. Thai people won't be bothered much, as very few of them consume weed. No change for them, they can still buy Yaba pills for as low as 30Bht each, if they want to get high. Anyway, it's time to start storing. I wonder how long well packed buds can keep their potency.
  12. It did not work like that when Trump made tax cuts for the rich. Companies often used this money to buy back their stock. Not much of it went into the real economy.
  13. Lower than other advanced economies. Plenty of countries (ex. UK) would be happy to have only the current U.S. inflation rate. Emerging market and developing economies 8.5 Advanced economies 4.6 World 6.9 United States 4.1 https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PCPIPCH@WEO/OEMDC/ADVEC/WEOWORLD/USA/FJI
  14. Exactly! Take away all his far-right characteristics and he's not that far-right!
  15. He won with 25% of votes/seats. It confirms the percentage of people who favoured Nexit in polls.
  16. Wilders' share of votes reflects the results of polls asking about Nexit, around 25%. Why waste time and money for a referendum about it?
  17. Confirmed by the atest data about 2023 from the IMF Emerging market and developing economies 8.5 Advanced economies 4.6 World 6.9 United States 4.1 https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PCPIPCH@WEO/OEMDC/ADVEC/WEOWORLD/USA
  18. I agree with the relevance of these two issues. However, about the first one, it should be noted that there is also a huge amount of organised crime in China which is only selectively repressed by the Chinese police.
  19. GAG! James Comer Melts Down Over Report He Did the Exact Same Thing as Joe Biden https://news.yahoo.com/james-comer-melts-down-over-200048227.html
  20. And Brexiteers cannot even blame the EU for it! 😀
  21. Hitler, Mussolini, but also Stalin and Mao used to call their opponents vermin. It was also frequently used by Hitler about Jews.
  22. And the Republican politicians who are manipulating and conning them by telling them B.S. are respecting them, really?
  23. Same strategy as before. Divide to rule and make sure there isn't a single interlocutor representing all Palestinians, how rotten the PA may be.
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