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Everything posted by candide

  1. Politically motivated? Do you think that in any other western country, a President or PM putting pressure on officials to find 11,780 votes (on top of his aides and lawyers organizing fake electors lists and computer system breach) would not have been indicted (on top of having been fired from his own party)?
  2. No tears for McCarthy ???? "I wasn't sure it was going to pass," he remarked. "You want to know why? Because the Democrats tried to do everything they can not to let it pass." Brennan responded with laughter. "Democrats were the ones who voted for this in a larger number than Republicans to keep the continuing resolution alive," she said. "Did you watch the floor yesterday?" McCarthy asked. "Yes," Brennan replied. "Ninety Republicans voted against it." https://www.rawstory.com/kevin-mccarthy-shutdown/
  3. I think no one is interested in him as an outlet, for not being able to find anything on his father.
  4. Reply 2: Not Trump's DOJ? Well , I was just parodising the right-wing. Not his DOJ then, nor Biden's DOJ now either. But certainly not anti-Trump at that time as they were led by a Republican, at both the DOJ and the FBI. Here are a few example of not being against Trump Justice Department backed Trump strong-arm of House impeachment probe https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/21/justice-department-backed-trump-strongarm-house-impeachment-probe-101333 Judge Slams Barr for ‘Misleading’ on Mueller Report https://www.courthousenews.com/judge-slams-barr-for-misleading-on-mueller-report/
  5. The response to your other theory is that the number of reports is probably linked (in all States) to: - the fact that robbers are seldom arrested (you made this claim about Texas), - the possibility of having their insurance pay for it. In most cases, insurances companies may only pay for theft in case of property breach. Most retail linkage or theft probably don't fall into this category. For these reasons (among others such as lack of time, etc...) It is likely that only thefts above a certain amount are reported in both States.
  6. Of course, there are always research limitations.Yet you don't have any data to contradict it. As mentioned by Heybruce, there is also a very logical explanation: if you are an illegal immigrant, the last thing you want is to be stupidly caught for shoplifting. About your last claim, it is a peer-reviewed article, it was financed by a grant from Trump's DOJ. In 2019 and published in 2020.
  7. As usual.... Illegal immigrants commit less crimes in Texas than born citizen Quote: We make use of uniquely comprehensive arrest data from the Texas Department of Public Safety to compare the criminality of undocumented immigrants to legal immigrants and native-born US citizens between 2012 and 2018. We find that undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/comparing-crime-rates-between-undocumented-immigrants-legal-immigrants-and
  8. Wow! Kelly is not tender with Trump! ???? “What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ Exclusive: John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/index.html
  9. Lol! You carefully avoided to mention who was "he"! It was Putin! Quote "He has indeed interfered in our elections in the past," Psaki said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin Thete's no doubt that there was Russian interference. Confirmed by the FBI, and also by the GOP Senate committee!
  10. Employees are one of the major store shrinkage source. So they should shoot at each other too? ????
  11. Interesting article. Gun-friendly Texas is on top and California is not even among the highest larceny cases. https://www.statista.com/statistics/232542/larceny-thefts-reported-in-the-us-by-state/
  12. As mentioned several times, they changed the calculation methods. On top of it, UK GDP growth was -0.5% in July. So + 0.3% in Q1, + 0.2% In Q2, - 0.5% In July=?. Also from your source: "Sandra Horsfield, of the investment bank Investec, said: “We see little in today’s numbers to derail our expectation of a more challenging growth picture ahead: we continue to forecast that the UK economy will enter a recession over the winter months.” Ruth Gregory, the deputy chief UK economist at Capital Economics, said: “We still think that higher interest rates will trigger a mild recession involving a 0.5% fall in GDP in the coming quarters.”
  13. As usual... Can you point out where she saidvelevtions have been stolen? https://www.foxnews.com/media/hillary-clinton-warns-potential-election-interference-2024-hell-do-it-again
  14. I hope for you that you are aware it's Russian propaganda and you do it on purpose, rather than naively diffuse it
  15. As usual..... Justice Department backed Trump strong-arm of House impeachment probe https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/21/justice-department-backed-trump-strongarm-house-impeachment-probe-101333
  16. The man has integrity? Really? He accepted to be the puppet of the yellow green network and consistently followed instructions given to him (ex. make sure Prayut would be nominated as army chief in September 2010, at all costs). He also participated in the orchestration leading to the 2014 coup. He disclosed a sense of integrity only after he sourly found out that the Junta would directly govern, without any key role for him.
  17. It's Putin who has been warmongering for years instead of developing the economy of his country and improving the well-being of its citizen. The great Russia! What a joke! The GDP (mainly thanks to energy and minerals) of Spain or Italy and the life expectancy of Haiti.
  18. So people having robbed, say 100 bucks, should be shot. Then, what should deserve people, who have robbed millions with fraudulent charity and fraudulent University and tax fraud? Breaking on the wheel?
  19. So you are not able to substantiate your claim. Posen's prediction (he is the co-author of the report) is unambiguous: "The Washington-based Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) said a drop in GDP this year of 0.3% would be followed by a fall of 0.2% next year while the eurozone and the US were on course for growth this year and next."
  20. Real GDP is deflated. So GDP growth is calculated after the effect of inflation has been neutralized. PPP is a different concept, it takes into account local prices, ex. You can buy more in Thailand than in UK with 1$.
  21. So what did the author take out and how does it change the meaning of Posen's prediction?
  22. The article is simply reporting what Adam Posen is predicting. Do you consider this article as ideology?
  23. Neither European countries nor Russia have any right to Ukraine. The fact that Ukraine or other countries are not attracted by Russia is only Russia's fault. And in particular the current backward incompetent leader who has been unable to develop the economy of his country, and provide wellbeing to his citizen. Russia has no soft power. No country wants to be dependent on Russia, unless it is ruled by an autocrat, such as in Belarus.
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