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Everything posted by candide

  1. As usual, you are making things up. There is currently no federalism project. Some people are advocating it, there are debates about it, but there is no official project or position to transform the EU Institutions into federal institutions.
  2. The conclusions from the committee are not the evidence. The evidence is in the testimonies by trusted Republicans (not <deleted> fake paid whistleblowers with conspiracy theories records), messages, recordings and documents. Anyway, nice to see that you adhere to new principles re. producing evidence. When do you start apply them to your own posts?
  3. Coming from Jim Jordan, we knew it was <deleted>. It just confirms it.
  4. Some if them will soon ask for creationism to be re-introduced in curricula.....
  5. Fun time! ???? Trump rages on ‘MAGA hating globalist RINO’ Rupert Murdoch, calls Fox News hosts that ‘endorsed’ election ‘brave and patriotic’ "If Rupert Murdoch honestly believes that the Presidential Election of 2020, despite MASSIVE amounts of proof to the contrary, was not Rigged & Stolen, then he & his group of MAGA Hating Globalist RINOS should get out of the News Business as soon as possible, because they are aiding & abetting the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA with FAKE NEWS. Certain BRAVE & PATRIOTIC FoxNews Hosts, who he scorns and ridicules, got it right. He got it wrong. THEY SHOULD BE ADMIRED & PRAISED, NOT REBUKED & FORSAKEN!!!” Trump stated on Truth Social." https://americanwirenews.com/trump-rages-on-maga-hating-globalist-rino-rupert-murdoch-calls-fox-news-hosts-that-endorsed-election-brave-and-patriotic/
  6. Your statement was at best ambiguous. ("Amongst the members with smaller economies it is. Common sense really. They get more out of it than they put in."). You suggested that EU would be popular among smaller economies. Literally, you did not exclude that EU may also be popular among larger economies (which is shown in the graph). However, you chose to highlight the case of smaller economies.
  7. It's not the "left proclaimed insurrection". There has been an official investigation, and offenders have been judged by courts of law. Some of them even pleaded guilty. They had lawyers to defend them, and these lawyers also had access to the videos, among other evidence produced. Not to mention the obvious conflict of interest by McCarthy, who officially provided the footage only to a politically friendly media, which has a proven record of knowingly diffusing big lies.
  8. That's incoherent. If Trump had such declassified material, he would have released it.
  9. He altered the date until the last day allowed in the agreement signed by the Trump administration. Delaying more would have likely meant starting the fight again, bringing back the troops Trump withdraw, etc... It was not a popular option in the public opinion, and I am certain that the same people who are criticizing him now would have accused him of making war again, after Trump signed a perfect peace treaty.
  10. Who is censored? There have been plenty of press articles discussing this issue.
  11. And it's worth quoting, for lazy forum members: Speaking at a Coca-Cola factory in Lisburn, he said: “If we get this right, if we get this framework implemented, we get the executive back up and running, Northern Ireland is in the unbelievably special position, the unique position in the entire world in having privileged access not just to the UK home market, which is the fifth biggest in the world, but also the European Union single market. “Nobody else has that" ????
  12. Sure! What is the Great Reset - and how did it get hijacked by conspiracy theories? https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-57532368
  13. On the other hand, he may have a career in Russia by playing the bad American guy! ????
  14. A few more information about it https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/27/uk/brexit-northern-ireland-negotiations-gbr-intl/index.html
  15. It's not surprising that interpretations may differ, as the law applied in Wisconsin considers the perception of danger by the defendent in cases of alleged self-defense. So if a jury thinks the accused actually felt threatened, he may be acquitted. Of course, individual opinions may diverge about the real nature of the threat. "The defendant may intentionally use force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if the defendant reasonably believed that the force used was necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself." https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/rittenhouse-trial-jury-instructions/0b78a521e19f369d/full.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjxlsXrzLX9AhXGQ6QEHXSdC34QFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2EN-6c5oyqDXwX7xcWUqYs
  16. Wait a minute! Xi has a strong competitor for brokering peace! ???? Trump mocked after revealing his plan to end Ukraine war: ‘Knock heads and get it done’ https://news.yahoo.com/trump-mocked-revealing-plan-end-165436624.html
  17. Well, if it is specified that the bill would put all hiring decisions in the hands of each universities’ board of trustees, I guess that it was not (fully) the case before.
  18. Have you read the transcript? It's about the composition of the government, not about coordinating the rebellion as you claimed.
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