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Everything posted by candide

  1. Orban, the strong independent leader who whines when EU subsidies are freezed! 😅
  2. The idea of Frexit has been buried in 2017, after observing the mess caused by the Brexit decision.😅 As to the rest of your post (and your previous posts), it reflect your ignorance of EU institutions, scope, and how the EU works,
  3. In a Trump win, economists see revived inflation and a more wary Fed "A wide range of economists see Trump's tariff agenda, coupled with aims to deport millions of undocumented workers and the likelihood of expanded deficits, reigniting price pressures that are now easing and likely driving the Fed to react with more restrictive monetary policy than is now penciled in." https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/trump-win-economists-see-revived-inflation-more-wary-fed-2024-07-25/
  4. Please stop distorting what I wrote. I wrote that most of those who were Republican at that time (and were still able to vote) also voted for Trump.
  5. Trump cultist talking about religion! 😃
  6. When the right-wing starts talking about rigged election, you know that they are worried about losing it. 🤣
  7. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/03/14/a-look-back-at-how-fear-and-false-beliefs-bolstered-u-s-public-support-for-war-in-iraq/
  8. Actually, I am surprised he did not already claim the 2024 election would be rigged by massive fraud! I guess we won't have to wait long before he does! 😃
  9. And Trump has been claiming for 8 years that two presidential elections have been rigged by massive fraud! 🤣
  10. Lol! Trump, the bone spurred strong man who is continuously whining and lying because he is unable to face reality! 🤣
  11. know it was 20 years ago. Tell it to the poster who mentioned it. I also know about the new MAGA orientation (well, so far). I was just highlighting the irony of old Republican voters criticizing the WDM B.S. and blaming the liberal media for it, as they massively supported the WDM BS at that time.
  12. I never claimed that no Democrat supported the resolution. It was a Republican administration, Republicans massively voted the resolution, and Republican voters massively supported it. Nice to see that you complain about what is mainly a Republican story.
  13. A long list of false equivalences. Hillary did blame Russian interference (and also Comey's annoucement). There is no way to measure their effect, so it can neiter be confirmed nor rejected. It's at the same level as Trump blaming the MSM, etc... However, Hillary and the Dems never claimed that the 2016 election has been rigged by massive fraud and that the count was not right. Trump did that, before the 2016 election because he expected to lose, and also after he won the election because he was jealous that Hillary won the popular vote. 😁
  14. Where did I write that Trump claimed the 2016 election was stolen? He claimed the 2016 election was rigged by massive fraud because he was furious that Hillary won the popular vote. (He also claimed it before the election as he was expecting to lose it). Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud https://apnews.com/article/f5f6a73b2af546ee97816bb35e82c18d BTW, he also claimed the 2012 election was rigged. 😀 https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-longstanding-history-calling-elections-rigged-doesnt-results/story?id=74126926
  15. What happened? This. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/WLD/world/inflation-rate-cpi
  16. Hillary never claimed the 2016 election was affected by massive fraud. It's Trump who claimed that, as you already know! 😀
  17. The WMD B.S. was sold by Republicans and supported by Republican voters most of them being Trumpers now! 😀
  18. MAGA posters are unable to deal with any subject without evoking a conspiracy theory! 😀
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