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Everything posted by candide

  1. Biden will remain as the guy who's beaten Trump flat and square. And Trump as the bad loser who's been beaten by Biden. πŸ˜€
  2. The choice of "Bidens familly" by the right-wing is just a way to smear Joe Biden indirectly, as they have nothing on him. It's very simple, they say "the Biden crime familly", because they cannot talk aboutJoe Biden's crimes. The left-wing (or so-called) doesn't need to say "the Trump crime familly", as they can talk directly about Trumps crimes, convicted felon, etc...
  3. And if he had undone it, the MAGAs would have called him a war monger! 😁
  4. Not to the same extent. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/03/14/a-look-back-at-how-fear-and-false-beliefs-bolstered-u-s-public-support-for-war-in-iraq/
  5. Well, form your posts in this thread, it seems that, from this variety of channels, you have only selected RW talking points and conspiracy theories.
  6. And if Trump loses, we already know what to expect from him: corrupt judge, biased jury, et ... πŸ˜€
  7. It seems you have received your dose of RW social media posts! πŸ˜€
  8. He was absolutely ridiculous with this proposal. UV lights are used externally, not internally, and lungs are not empty sacks which are just inflated. Trump tried to look interested and instead made himself ridiculous. Lol! The moron doesn't even know the difference between viruses and bacteria! πŸ˜€ Asked by a journalist about the level of testing for the coronavirus across the US, the president answered: β€œThis is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-antibiotics-coronavirus-white-house-briefing-brilliant-enemy-genius-idiot-a9460636.html Trump is a childish idiot who doesn't know when it is better to shut his mouth.
  9. By far the best post-Covid economic recovery among developped countries (i.e. G7 and Eurozone). https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  10. That's the facts. Posted several times already.
  11. Lol! You don't even remember what you posted! "How’s that science working out for Biden?" was a lame deflection used by you as a reply to my post! πŸ˜€
  12. They did not claim the 2016 election was rigged by massive fraud. Trump did. πŸ˜€ The"left" are certainly not ruining the country. They have achieved the best post-Covid economic recovery among developped countries (I.e. G7 and EU).
  13. From watching the oscillation of poll results since about 1 year, I would say around 4-5% of the electorate.
  14. Several of his aides told him the election was not rigged + he was exposed to the failure of each and every lawsuit, recount and audit. It's also a regular pattern as he already claimed the 2016 election was rigged by massive fraud (before and after). So there are two options to interpret it - he's lying, or - he's unable to distinguish fiction from reality. In both cases he's unfit to be President.
  15. Now that Trump is less likely to win, we can expect a resurgence of rigged election whining from Trump, as he did in 2016 and 2020. πŸ˜€
  16. And you were criticizing Biden about it. My point is that it was meaningless as the trend started under Trump, and as the annual rate of wealth increase actually decreased quite significantly under Biden.
  17. He just blames them... πŸ˜€ Trump blames 'airports' gaffe on teleprompter https://www.bbc.com/news/48885319
  18. So after complaining that data about billionaires were not representative of "the rich", you now link a source showing data about billionaires! πŸ˜€ I also note that one of the main source cited by this article (reports from IPS and ATF) is the same as was used by the source I linked previously. My point is not that the rich did not become richer (they usually do), my point is that their wealth increased much more under Trump, when this trend of strong wealth growth started.
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