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Everything posted by candide

  1. No paranoia. The U.S. knows exactly what is possible as it has done it already. Remember the Cisco servers with backdoor.
  2. Actually, companies and administrations in Paris have incited (and even compelled) their employees to have holidays during the Olympic games, due to expected disturbances.
  3. It's quite interesting that you are citing examples which are not part of EU's prerogatives: tax policy, education policy, health policy are member States prerogatives. It seems you are blaming the EU instead of the successive governments of your country.
  4. It's so funny that most posters who are complaining about this certificate of innocence, are not complaining about the equivalent certificate that made coup makers immune from any prosecution.
  5. A post full of B.S. conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda lies. I particularly enjoyed this part: "You can see that the agents there to protect Trump were shorter than him, especially the woman. Why was this? ". 😀
  6. Putin made clear to his bi.tch (Trump) that he's the boss. 😀
  7. You should get informed about EU institutions and scope, instead of posting nonsense. A short one for a start. https://european-union.europa.eu/institutions-law-budget/law/how-eu-policy-decided_en
  8. One country happy to get EU subsidie! And its young people are happy to work and live in other countries with other values than Orban's values! 😀
  9. It's not about UK, it's about Turkey. Turkey has been consistently trying to join the E.U. since the 80's, including after the Lisbon treaty, and including silnce Erdoğan was elected.
  10. Well, leaving the EU was not such a success! https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  11. Ore fairy tale from you. Erdoğan did not freeze the application. He never claimed that if EU doesn't accept his conditions, he would stop applying. Turkey claimed it was meeting admission standards, but didn't.
  12. Tell that to the Jews... He killed Jews because they were Jews, and therefore convenient scapegoats
  13. Because it did not meet EU admission standards, in particular in relation to essential freedoms and human rights. It's Turkey which asked to be admitted (in the 80's, long before Erdogan was elected), not the EU which asked Turkey to apply. It's the EU wich freezed the application process, not Turkey. You are getting it the wrong way.
  14. Hitler used any way to succeed. He soon showed his true self by persecuting the left-wing. BTW, Trump was also supposed to be left-wing, before he understood there were much more scamming opportunities for him by becoming right-wing.
  15. More fairy tales from you.... It's the EU which freezed the negotiations in 2016.
  16. And UK was quite supportive of admitting Eastern European countries, since Thatcher....
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