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Everything posted by candide

  1. His cult still believes he won the 2020 election! That says it all! 😆
  2. And MTG remind us constantly that she's a dumb<deleted>! https://www.yahoo.com/news/10-most-humiliating-things-maga-161921706.html
  3. Lol! They never opposed U.S presence. and the U.S. has never been barred from investing in Greenland! 😆
  4. As usual, the mountain gave birth to a mouse!
  5. So, in summary, Trump caved!
  6. So not prioritising to stop drug from enterering the U.S. where it actually mainly enters, is the best solution. 55555 😆
  7. Of course, drill baby drill is just a slogan for the gullible! 😆
  8. As usual, Trump is just pretending to solve problems and doesn't address the real issues. As you mentioned, drugs mainly enter the U.S. thought legal ports of entry, hidden in cars, or in shipments by truck, train, etc... There's nothing troops patrolling the border outside these legal port of entry can do about it. The only way is to improve detection means, and to increase the frequency of vehicles and shipment search at those ports of entry. Not to mention that there is drug trafficking because there is a demand. I also don't see what Trump intends to do in order to decrease demand.
  9. Interestingly enough, the UK trade balance with the U.S. has been showing a deficit only since 2016. https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c4120.html
  10. Doesn't that finding depends on the NTSB being packed with MAGAs?
  11. I see. So the UK trade balance with the U.S. has been showing a deficit since the year 2016. Coincidence?
  12. That the U.S is not currently imposing special tariffs on some specific goods from the E.U.
  13. Funny, it's not what the UK government claims! 🙂 Total UK exports to United States amounted to £182.6 billion in the four quarters to the end of Q3 2024 (a decrease of 0.5% or £889 million in current prices, compared to the four quarters to the end of Q3 2023); • Total UK imports from United States amounted to £111.5 billion in the four quarters to the end of Q3 2024 (a decrease of 5.1% or £5.9 billion in current prices, compared to the four quarters to the end of Q3 2023). https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6762c58cbe7b2c675de3075a/united-states-trade-and-investment-factsheet-2024-12-20.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiphLzbzqmLAxUNUqQEHQ2uC0IQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw30Va1MuC_dYkDrKuYx_u29 Same for 2023 https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/nationalaccounts/balanceofpayments/articles/uktradewiththeunitedstates2023/2023
  14. The U.S. is doing exactly the same....
  15. Actually, China already started that.
  16. Come on, not that "unfair trading" lame argument. It's not unfair trading, it's the lack of competitiveness of the U.S. European countries are not China. They pay regular salaries, social taxes, government taxes, etc... there is no social or economic dumping. And also, unlike China, it's not the State who decides what consumers must buy. They don't buy that much American products because they have better options on the market. Actually they do buy at lot of American brands, ex. Apple, HP, but they are produced in China! 🙂
  17. Do you naively think that UK will be spared from U.S. tariffs? How about the retaliatory/negotiating power of UK, compared to the much larger EU? 😆
  18. I'm also wondering. It looks completely useless and ridiculous!
  19. Ridiculous argument. DEI is not the cause of the crash.
  20. Obviously, you didn't get that it was a parody of MAGAs usual statements...
  21. They are already associated with the EU and have EU passports.
  22. The problem is that Trump is unable to define and follow smart tactics, because he's too impulsive. Canada, Mexico and China represent 40% of U.S. exports, add European countries and it's more than 60%. He could have taken them one after the other, with a reasonable chance to get some benefits from it. But he's too stupid. It's not a trade war with only Canada, it's a trade war with more than 60% of U.S. exports.
  23. Easy. Just make a deal with Chinese firms to build new ports! 😆
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