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Everything posted by candide

  1. Who are these knowlegeable and reputable scientists who have been silenced and threatened? Multiple scientific studies have been published on each and every aspect of Covid-19 in scientific peer-reviewed journals.
  2. By French standards, it's peanuts. Nothing like what happened in relation to the yellow jackets protest or surburban protests. There are usually such clashes by mainly hooligans at the end of nearly every protest, after regular protesters and the security personnel of political parties or trade unions have left. A nothing burger.
  3. There's no reason to discuss fake facts. Try to get your information from reliable sources. Fox News has been known for reporting B.S. about France (remember the ridiculous "no-go zones" B.S.). Nothing particular in the French media, including the main right-wing and anti-left newspaper. It's peanuts! https://www.lefigaro.fr/
  4. Russian propaganda B.S., Seriously? Who's looking for news about France on RT? πŸ˜† A few clashes at the end in some places, as usual. Nothing particular.
  5. Splitting hairs? Because there is a right-wing party (LR), and the RN is positioned at the right of this party. You can call it right of right, if you prefer! 😁 LFI is commonly called far-left and is not ashamed of being called far-left. The other members of the coalition are left of center (PS), and Green, so the coalition is called left-wing and not far-left. Additionally, standards are different in Europe than in the U.S. Even conservative parties are implementing policies considered as left-wing in the U.S. (I.e. social security), and, for example, the Democrat party would certainly not called left-wing (It's more equivalent to Macron's center-right stance). Why are far-right people ashamed of being called far-right? πŸ˜†
  6. Exactly! He would never read a 900 pages report. The Heritage Foundation should publish a short summary with a lot of images! πŸ˜†
  7. "I agree with madame Le Pen". Who would have thought? πŸ˜ƒ
  8. More B.S. from you as usual! RN failed! πŸ˜€
  9. Thanks for linking these studies. While they find a m9derate association, they are not conclusive about the direction of association, i.e. it may also be explained by the fact that "bad boys" tend to smoke weed.
  10. It won't change anything. They represent the network they are part of, and the same network will appoint the next EC members anyway. That's how it works in Thailand. Appointed people are appointed by other appointed people, and they appoint each other.
  11. GDP Russia $2Trillion vs $22Trillion (Europe without Russia)..... bye bye Russia πŸ˜ƒ
  12. No, no! It's just that they have their "own" opinion! 🀣
  13. It's exactly the same problem as alcohol prohibition. The choice is not between (recreational) weed and no weed. It's between legal weed and illegal weed, as recreational use of cannabis will remain even if it's illegal (as in other countries where it's illegal). Illegal weed means more mafia, more corruption, more exposure to other drugs, waste of police resources which could be better used, less consumer protection, and less taxes. An unnecessary diversion of resources from real problems, such as the Yaba and opioids pleague which is destroying lives.
  14. Right. Life was better pre-Covid in any country, and that also includes the U. S. Nothing specific to this country and this government, and there's no evidence the other party would have done better. As to Trump's program (if any), more tax cuts (stimulates demand and speculation) and more tariffs on imports (lead to price increaseare) are not going to cool down inflation. It will, have the opposite effect.
  15. No need to have a look at RT News, It's been already diffused in this thread! πŸ˜ƒ
  16. Voters do that quite well by themselves. It's just that, sometimes, it takes 14 years....
  17. Of course! Trump's plan is the same as Putin's plan! πŸ˜†
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