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Everything posted by candide

  1. So where is the client list she promised to release? Or should we just believe a person who still pretends that the 2020 election has been stolen? 🤣 Let's wait tomorrow then! 🙂
  2. Is there actually such a client list, or is it just MAGA fiction?
  3. It's not fair. He was alone and Russia had two negotiators during the meeting!
  4. "A name that used to be instant account banning for mentioning." Making up stuff again, as usual....
  5. It's been an endless MAGA anti-EV rant for years on this forum...but as Musk joined Trump they are now EV friendly! 🤣
  6. Comer says....🤣
  7. Why vs.? It should be "w/" 🙂
  8. And it seems it's in your nature to make up stuff! 😆
  9. What are the reasons for Germany's specific economic problems?
  10. 2022 is not representative. It was, as I already said a correction year after a huge increase.
  11. 2022 was a correction year following the 2021 rise. After the 2008-2012 crisis, employment had been declining to comparable levels as now. https://www.statista.com/statistics/279898/unemployment-rate-in-the-united-kingdom-uk/
  12. I don't disagree with you about the fact that unemployment is also lower in the U.S. than in the EU. The U.S. economic performance has been remarkable post-Covid, compared to the EU and to G7 countries. My point is that they would be worse-off without the EU. That's why Trump hates the EU.
  13. Well, there's no doubt that the U.S. fared much better post-Covid. However, leaving the EU doesn't seem to work better, from the only example we know... https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  14. Who's rattled? I am certainly not rattled by the publication of this list (well, too bad that it has been edited out by the current administration)? Not more rattled than when Epstein got a sweetheart deal from a GOP attorney, in a GOP State and under a GOP administration (and Epstein's lawyer was the same who worked for Trump later). You know, the attorney Trump 1.0 appointed later as labor secretary. Also not more rattled than when Trump was Epstein's codefendant in a lawsuit retrieved under threat!
  15. Is that supposed to be humor?
  16. Come on, not that old B.S. again......
  17. And on this respect, UK jumped out of the frying pan into the fire! 😆
  18. Trump doesn't like competition on any issue! 🤣
  19. Suuure! And that's why Trump doesn't like it...🤣.
  20. And by weakening Russia, it also weakened its allies, leading to a regime change in Syria and a weakened position of Iran. Oh and no WW3, contrary to usual posters' predictions! 😆
  21. Trump did what he did. It's not made up! Outside the MAGA alternate universe, of course.... 😆
  22. "Frivolous" court case decided by a Grand Jury. Should they also be punished for that?
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