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Everything posted by candide

  1. And It's not like other countries such as Russia and China would consider that it is useful and patriotic to be influent on the world scene, support allies, and counter the influence of other powers. Oh wait! 😁
  2. Right! It's another case of double standards. A plain citizen would already be in jail, but the powerful get a lenient treatment.
  3. Do you also believe the 2020 election has been stolen because of massive fraud?
  4. It's a tragic choice for Johnson. On the one hand he's a patriot, so he tends to support Ukraine, but on the other hand he has made allegiance to MAGA.
  5. Also notice that none of them would admit they bought this stock! 😳
  6. You are trolling! So It's not true the protest was called "stop the steal"? Not true that organisers hid they would March to the Capitol? "During a Dec. 29 phone call with a park ranger, event planners explicitly said that WFAF did not plan to march to the Capitol on Jan. 6, the report said. Permits revised as late as Jan. 5 stated that WFAF would "not conduct an organized march from the Ellipse at the conclusion of the rally." POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol ... It can also not get out about the march because I will be in trouble with the national park service and all the agencies but POTUS is going to just call for it 'unexpectedly,'" a WFAF representative texted on Jan. 4 to MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who was a potential speaker at the event. https://abcnews.go.com/US/organizers-jan-6-rally-withheld-information-changed-security/story?id=105747804 Not true Trump watched TV for hours, without asking protesters to stop the assault? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-capitol-probes-season-finale-focus-trump-supporters-three-hour-rage-2022-07-21/
  7. He he! His sucker followers have been scamed by the Conald! 😀 It may well go down to the pre- merger announcement level, which was around $17.
  8. I state facts, you deflect.
  9. Testimonies showed he evoked the idea, not asked, and also that it was to protect the protesters, not the Capitol! 😃
  10. The context! 😂 The context was a protest called "stop the steal", which happened to be organized near the Capitol. The context is also that the organizers did not declare that the they would march to the Capitol when they asked for an official authorisation, while sending messages stating that Trump wanted them to March to the Capitol. The context is also that Trump did nothing to stop the assault for hours, just watching the assault on TV, with apparent satisfaction.
  11. So they can make war when they want right? Nothing to do with the U.S. President.
  12. And you have no evidence that Trump would have prevented anything from happening, except your faith in the Conald.
  13. To be honest I must admit it's a bit too easy to get Trump, considering all the opportunities created by the Conald himself.
  14. For a bit of context, the Assyrian Church originates from Iraq and Syria. Assyrians and ISIS were enemies.
  15. "Hence the reason so many posters who were so vocal on the Bondi beach mall attack have mysteriously gone missing on this one." Because, this time, there were no fallacious posts about the identity of the killer to correct? 😊
  16. They've seen what happened to the previous bunch of rioters. They have a big gob, but most of them are cowards.
  17. Do you also believe the 2020 election has been stolen because of massive fraud?
  18. 1. A Grand Jury decided not to indict him. 2. This was a personal matter, not a business matter. Who else than Trump would have asked his company to pay for it? Of course, the prosecution will need to prove it. They will or won't. We need to wait to see what comes up from testimonies. 3. I have not consulted a lawyer about it. Let's see what the court decides about it.
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