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Everything posted by candide

  1. It seems you are at least a bit informed about drugs. You never joked with flour or sugar lines? From the OP: Further unraveling the narrative, it was revealed that the photo was taken by a master carpenter, who, himself a former cocaine addict, orchestrated the shot as a symbolic message of overcoming addiction. The image was sent to Biden by his psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow, as a source of inspiration, highlighting the power of redemption and personal transformation.
  2. One of the main issue is the absence of a project, and most of all which could rally the British people, and even only the Brexiteers. The only ones who have a clear project are the proponents of ultra-liberal economics (i.e. Singapore on Thames). However it is not able to rally the "left behind" component of Brexiteers. So there is hardly a project, and certainly not a project shared by all Brexiteers. It's actually more like navigate by visual....
  3. Because now we know Smirnov was working for the Russians. Was it also Russian intelligence which directly or indirectly informed the GOP about the existence of the FD form?
  4. On top of it, his claim is not coherent with the data shown. If "all traders" knew she was doing insider trading, there would have been a spike after this purchase.
  5. And That's your proof? 😅 May I ask what the insider information was? 😁 BTW. You are certainly not a trader either! If you were a trader, you would know they are informed of such purchases. If "all traders" knew she does insider trading, they would have rushed to do the same and the stock price would have increased in the next days. Instead of that it went down a little bit during the next days after she bought shares (according to the graph posted).
  6. So you've been regularly posting on Biden's documents topic, and you don't even know what's written in the special counsel's report. 😃
  7. An interesting related question: the FD-1023 had not been assessed as reliable by the FBI and was off the radar, forgotten in some file. Who informed the GOP of It's existence?
  8. Exact. It played a role in the renewals of warrants about Carter Page.
  9. Do you understand what trend means? Actually, the unemployment decrease rate was lower under Trump.
  10. Surfing on Obama's trend... https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate
  11. Epstein's death is certainly unusual and some circumstances could be considered as quite suspect. However it has nothing to do with Navalny's death, so it is what it is, a deflection. (There has been a thread about Epstein's death, feel free to revive it.)
  12. Ridiculous! Pelosi sold the Nvdia shares at a loss before the law was passed. https://www.zenger.news/2023/05/26/nancy-pelosi-sold-nvidia-early-heres-how-much-she-missed-in-profits/
  13. From 2018. 😀 It has been the continuation of Obama's generated trends: a bit more growth than Obama's last mandate, a bit more inflation, a bit lower unemployment decrease rate, and more average debt increase/year. (During the pre-Covid period, and compared to Obama's last mandate). Nothing to brag about.
  14. I always enjoyed her ability to get Trump infuriated! 😀 And she certainly played a key role in Trump's flat and square defeat in 2020. Two badges of honour! 😀
  15. That some people feel a duty to write a barrage of deflections, in order to indirectly support Putin, is quite interesting.....
  16. Of course, every country is affected by the current economic climate. Brexit is just an aggravating factor. It seems, so far, that this negative impact has been lower than expected. Then numbers can be interpreted in different ways. More diplomatically, it can be said without any doubt that Brexit did not bring the positive economic impact some people expected. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  17. Do you realise It's not a good news for UK (and any other European country)? Germany weights around 8% of UK foreign trade, and a crisis in Germany would also affect the whole EU, which weights more than 40% of UK foreign trade.
  18. It's not Yellowtail's trolling style at all. Yellowtail's m.o. is to lay traps by asking biased questions. It looks more like Bignok's style.
  19. "ANDREW C. MCCARTHY is a senior fellow at National Review Institute, an NR contributing editor, and author of BALL OF COLLUSION: THE PLOT TO RIG AN ELECTION AND DESTROY A PRESIDENCY" 😆 Anyway, the IG investigation confirmed the Russia investigation was properly predicated.
  20. He knew it already. He's been on this forum and on these kind of topics for years. He could not ignore this common information.
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