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Everything posted by candide

  1. So Putin gets a major propaganda interview, and then shortly after that, Trump wakes up and evokes the possibility of not helping NATO countries if Russia attacks them! What a coincidence 😀
  2. Gag! Mongolia's former president mocks Putin with a map showing how big the Mongol empire used to be, and how small Russia was https://news.yahoo.com/mongolias-former-president-mocks-putin-124949878.html
  3. Putin makes an interview during which he supports some of Trump's claims, and during the next days, Trump (who had not addressed this issue for some time) suddenly feels the need to criticize NATO and evokes the idea he may not defend NATO countries against Russia's aggression. 🤣
  4. The same lame false equivalence again. Trump refused to give them when asked to give them, and lied about having more documents. Biden did not do that. You grasp at straws as much as you want, he did not do that. If Trump had given back the documents when he was asked to do it, dit not hide documents and lie about it, there would have been no trial.
  5. So when he became aware it was not legal to keep classified documents, he gave them back When Trump was made aware by the NARA that it was not legal to keep classified documents and other Presidential records, he refused to give them back, hid them and lied about it.
  6. It's not about contribution to NATO, it's about contribution their own national defense. Having said that, it's obvious that European countries should hurry to invest more on defense.
  7. Right! Stop the lie that Putin invaded Ukraine! 😀
  8. I must admit that Putin is very good at propaganda. The timing between the interview and the following Trump 's statements about NATO is just perfect!
  9. Unlike in Trump's case, he did not refuse to give them back when asked, because the NARA was not even aware Biden had such documents. He could probably have burned them in his garden and nobody would have noticed he had documents.
  10. Well, Trump himself must think she is special enough to waste time whining about her and directing his supporters hate at her. 😃 It seems Biden doesn't think Ted Nugent is special enough to be worth talking about him!😆
  11. "trump was right about her she will regret it when he is next potus". How do you think Trump will retaliate if he becomes President?
  12. Other artists support Trump. I never heard Biden whining about it and insulting them. Hate against her did not emerge spontaneously. It has been triggered. On top of it, that was stupid from Trump. I'm sure plenty of her fans did not pay attention about the fact that she was against Trump. Now everybody knows it.
  13. There is nothing new in Putin's interview. He repeats the same claims he made before in various speaches and/or diffused by RT. In particular, the RT-fed (directly or indirectly) forum members have posted these claims many times in different threads, so we all know about them.
  14. It's mainly the UK and France. Other countries don't have much extra-territorial ambitions. Same problem with the French operations against Islamist rebels in Africa. They needed the U.S. logistical support.
  15. I don't know, you presented it as a quote. A judge may not think "all the crimes". Biden did not lie about not having some documents when asked to give them back, did not obstruct justice etc... It's very simple. Had Trump just given back all the documents when he was asked to do so, there would have been no trial. That's his own fault.
  16. How do you think the average folks would understand Trump's statement? The way Trump presents it is misleading, as usual. The U.S. taxpayer is currently not footing the bill for other NATO members. Having said that, as I wrote, European NATO countries should spend more on defense, and most of all better. Just Increasing national defense budgets won't lead to much economies for the U.S. budget, unless they invest in common regional projects which can actually subsitute the current U.S. expenses. For example, they are not able to carry out a large logistical operation without the U.S. Spare the U.S. nukes budget is obviously not realistic but there could be some common investments in missiles and anti-missiles, drone units , electronic warfare etc.. Not to mention an industrial policy to invest in own R&D, production, etc..
  17. Just one lie among others in your post. "Has Trump taken money from China? NO but Biden has." Trump has taken millions from a bank controlled by the CPC. There's no proof Biden has received any money from China! 😀
  18. It's quite interesting to see that on average, the performance was better under Obama than under Trump, including during his second mandate. Trump would not like this chart. 😀 BTW, what were the Fed interest rates under Trump?
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