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Everything posted by candide

  1. But now his fans can buy distinguished gold Trump sneakers! 😆 Trump Booed as He Drops $399 Official Gold Sneakers at Sneaker Con | Video https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/trump-booed-drops-399-official-025257497.html
  2. A Wikipedia article is no more nor less reliable than the sources used. That's what smart people do when they use Wikipedia: check the sources.
  3. Why would they drop it? The Republicans don't need evidence, they can just make it up, as they have done up to now! 😃
  4. And a nice gift! I wonder how two experienced lawyers did not see it coming.
  5. Anyone else has identified the MAGA instructions received about this issue? 😅 They cannot directly support Putin eliminating his main opponent, so they use indirect arguments: Navalny is stupid, he should have stayed outside Russia, he's corrupt, etc...
  6. McAfee is a member of the Federalist Society, and has been appointed by Kemp, a Republican. 😀
  7. So this story about an old Thai lady is your proof there was no poisoning? 😆
  8. No politician is any better but few tried to steal elections..... What you also wrote is quite interesting. "During Tump's previous term in office, all the corporate pension investments over the world made profits like they never did." So if it was like that all over the world, it can barely be attributed to Trump, right?
  9. You mean when they were quoting him? For example: https://apnews.com/article/trump-policies-agenda-election-2024-second-term-d656d8f08629a8da14a65c4075545e0f
  10. The kind of reaction expected from a 100% MAGA poster who's grasping at straws because his political idol is a crook.
  11. I am surprised that the sum of the 4 quarters is -0,2 while the article states "GDP expanding by just 0.1% over the entirety of 2023".
  12. It seems you did not get the sarcasm in his post.
  13. Right after a quite noticed Putin's interview.... what a coincidence! 😁
  14. You need to take reality into account. The choice is not weed/no weed. It's legal weed/illegal weed. Same reasoning as about alcohol. You remember the prohibition? Mafia, criminality, corruption, nice people had to be in contact with bad people, no tax, justice and police attention distracted from real crimes, etc... It's the same for illegal weed: mafia, gangs, criminality, corruption, no tax, justice and police attention diverted from real drug problems such as Yaba and other hard drugs.. Legal weed: nice people in contact with nice people who legally make a living, not with dealers who may try to convert them to hard drugs, police and justice focused on real criminality.....
  15. Weed is legal in NL, Spain and also in some U.S. states. No acute negative consequences have been observed there.
  16. So to summarise... Q1: ÷0.2 Q2: 0 Q3; - 0.1 Q4: -0.3 Year: + 0.1? Ahem....
  17. From the OP "House Oversight Chair James Comer said in a Thursday statement to CNN that his investigation into the president does not revolve around Smirnov or his claims made in the FD-1023 – a form the FBI uses to memorialize information gathered from confidential sources – that Republican legislators have cited." 😆
  18. What a bunch of pathetic crooks! 🤣 GOP Rep. Blames Biden For Border Issues Using Pic Taken During Trump Era https://www.yahoo.com/news/gop-rep-blames-biden-border-201358390.html
  19. Good question! Why did the army and the Dems bury the investigation?
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