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Everything posted by candide

  1. I know, and I never made this assumption. However, it suggests that American born may not be so interested in these jobs, and leave them to foreigners, whether legal or illegal.
  2. And if it could be distinguished between 'good' agricultural jobs and agricultural <deleted> jobs, I would not be surprised if most of the <deleted>job workers were foreign-born (with a significant share being illegals).
  3. From what I read in recent posts, it seems that two issues are confused. One is how to punish sex crimes against minors. Some people argue for death penalty. I am not convinced it would have much effect but that's a question of opinion. In my opinion, the first priority is to make sure all these crimes are identified, not covered up, halted, and punished. I guess we are far from it even if it significantly improved in recent years. The other is how to prevent such crimes to happen. This cannot be done without first understanding the psychological, sociological and economic aspects, just as other issues. And then implementing programs to prevent them. BTW, what about marriage between adults and children? Who's pushing for it, and who's pushing against it? Conservative leaning religious groups? The so-called Liberal woke?
  4. That's complete B.S. Societies are now much less tolerant about pedophilia than they were in the past. Sex crimes against minors have been covered up in the past, I.e. sex crimes by priests, show business people, and political figures. And the so-called "woke" in particular the mee too movement, put more pressure to fight sex crimes, including against minors.
  5. On top of it, recent evidence shows that while the Capitol was assaulted, Trump was calling congressmen to convince them to block the certification of the election.
  6. So Ukraine must be invaded because of the war in Iraq? That's completely incoherent.
  7. What a joke! The calm and humanitarian ex-KGB guy who slaughtered the Chechens, bombed civilians in Ukraine, jailed and poisoned his opponents, who doesn't mind sending young Russian guys to death because of his incompetence? 😃
  8. Yet the majority of agricultural workers are foreign born. There must be a pattern.... Are farm jobs all equivalent? Some jobs are worse than others. For example, sitting on a tractor is not the same as hand-picking fruits.
  9. He also said that: “That’s one even I thought was safe. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, their names are now in danger,” he said. 😀 Trump's problem is that, as he is used that his supporters believe any B.S. he can tell, it encourages him to go further into the B.S. zone without any limit.
  10. I'm not argumenting about regime change. I am just stressing that Russia could have been better off without Putin. Russia's GDP oscillates between Spain's GDP and Italy's GDP, depending on the level of energy prices. It's an economic dwarf! Countries which have left Russia's orbit and joined the Western countries, such as the Baltic States, now enjoy a GDP per capita level which is double of Russia's GDP per capita. Which side is the more attractive for countries such as Ukraine? The $30,000/capita side with laws guaranteeing freedom, or the $13,000/capita side with an autocdatic regime? Considering its vast natural resources, its quality of education and human resources, in particular in the scientific and engineering domain, there is no other reason to the current low level of economic development than bad government and leadership for the last 20 years.
  11. The nearly 1,000-page report, the fifth and final one from the Republican-led Senate intelligence committee on the Russia investigation, details how Russia launched an aggressive effort to interfere in the election on Trump’s behalf. It says the Trump campaign chairman had regular contact with a Russian intelligence officer and says other Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin’s aid, particularly by maximizing the impact of the disclosure of Democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence officers. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/senate-panel-finds-russia-interfered-in-the-2016-us-election
  12. Why is it OK to invade Ukraine because the U.S. has invaded (so to say) other countries? That's incoherent.
  13. Russian interference to help Trump has been acknowledged and exposed also by the GOP led Committee.
  14. Trump did not choose to become Republican for no reason. He knew there were more opportunities for him, i.e. to have voters believe his B.S. Trump would not have been chosen as Presidential candidate by Dem voters.
  15. I think the bipartisan bill would have been a notable improvement.
  16. I have no hero. Biden has been useful at beating Trump, implementing rational and efficient policies. It could be anyone else, I don't care (except the Kennedy nutter). Could there be a better choice for 2024? Maybe. But for the time being It's Biden vs Trump.
  17. I don't desagree with you on this point. Putin may not have invaded Ukraine if it were a resource-poor country (although population itself is enough of a resource for Russia).
  18. I don't have heroes. To reply more precisely, a Republican interviewed by CNN or a Dem interviewed by Fox News would not fall into the same category as Putin interviewed by Carlson.
  19. As I replied in another pist, it shows that leaving Russia's orbit is beneficial. China was not a subject of the Soviet Union. But as you mention it, what do you think of the comparison between China's teconomic development and Russia's development? It also shows Putin failures to develop his country.
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