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Everything posted by candide

  1. The claim was that poverty level increased under Biden. It didn't.
  2. You cannot have it both ways, like evoking economic conditions such as economic crises when it suits you, and ignore them when it doesn't.
  3. "My" graph shows 11.5 in 2020 and 11.5 in 2022. You call that an increase? That's pathetic.
  4. Lol! Average GDP growth was higher under Obama's mandates compared to Trump. Unemployment reduction rate was higher. And Obama's succeed in reversing the poverty trend generated by the 2008 crisis.
  5. Lol! I have continuously proven you wrong today! 😀. Initially high because of the impact of the Republican major crisis, then decreased. No increase during Biden's mandate,contrary to your claim..
  6. It seems you cannot read a chart. Poverty decreased under Obama after the crisis, the trend continued under Trump (as he surfed on Obama's good economic wave) at the beginning, then went up to the current level at the end of his mandate (he was still president in 2020).
  7. Do you remember what happened in 2020 and 2021? Poverty increased during the pandemic and started to decrease in 2022. Thank you Joe. But if you prefer to stick to 5 years old style economic reasoning, it can be argued that poverty level has increased to the current level under Trump!
  8. Poverty level in 2022 was the same as in 2020. I haven't seen figures released for 2023 yet.
  9. I don't disagree with you. Events get names which are not always accurate. Actually, it seems that Trump is at the origin of the name "Muslim ban". Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) said in an interview on Saturday that President Trump had previously asked him about legally implementing a “Muslim ban.” https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/316726-giuliani-trump-asked-me-how-to-do-a-muslim-ban-legally/
  10. Debt has increased in most countries during and after Covid. The difference is that the U.S. has generated more growth from it, than other developed countries.
  11. Top 20 was never my claim. I never made any claim about emerging or developing economies, because they are not comparable. By definition, they have a higher growth than developed countries, that's why they are called emerging or developing. Ex China always had a higher GDP growth since the 80s.
  12. It seems you have a poor understanding of economics. India, Turkey, Russia, Indonesia and China are emerging economies. They are not comparable. All comparable economies have a lower GDP growth than the U.S. That was my claim and you demonstrated it. Thank you! 😅
  13. Lol! The first 5 countries are emerging economies. Thank you for confirming that the U.S. has the highest GDP growth among developped economies. It spares me the time to search for it! 😃
  14. Making facts up, as usual? https://www.statista.com/statistics/200463/us-poverty-rate-since-1990/
  15. Currently the best economic performance among developed countries! https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  16. What is commonly called "Muslim ban" is more accurately called "Muslim travel ban". It did happen. Of course, it did not concern all Muslim countries. There was an executive order in 2017 and a second executive order n January 2020. https://immigrationhistory.org/item/muslim-travel-ban/
  17. That was the continuation of Obama's trend. Actually the unemployment decrease rate was lower than under Obama!😃 https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate
  18. Most the "BS", as you call it, is of his own making. He did what he did.
  19. You forgot: a childish sore loser who is always whining and claiming he won the 2020 election! 😃
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