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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Oh, it’ll have a licence... They all have a licence !!!.. usually a ‘restaurant licence’ which is far easier to obtain, they’ll serve some food (as all the clubs do)....
  2. So you’re a vegan who wears no leather items or uses any animal products ? Or are you a virtue signalling hypocrite who believes its perfectly ok to allow soi dogs to continue to roam the streets, procreate, struggle with disease and sickness, cause accidents and deaths and spread disease as rats do ?
  3. It makes one wonder how badly they’ve screwed up their life that they believe all those around them are incapable of being caring.... .... Or, are they just dim and think this is a decent argument to present ???
  4. ....its their country right, inluding the soi dogs and they have more rights to an opinion than the foreigner ??? ... Yet another comical fool who believes he’s the guest of a soi dog !!!...
  5. You don't know what thainess is, so don't show your ignorance. Thainess is taught at schools. In this case I think he means ‘gets into a car, kills someone, then tries to escape creating further chaos’..... ... the implication being that this behaviour is ‘common’ in Thailand and thus a specific characteristic of ‘being Thai’.. ergo - Thainess. Read enough Thai’s news and one would suspect ‘having an accident, killing someone and escaping’ is everyday behaviour... its not of course, but sadly these events are more common here in Thailand than many of our home nations, whether committed by a foreigner or a Thai person, because the absence of effective law enforcement enables those who would behave with such disregards for others to continue to do so.
  6. Quite a daft response Thunglom, arguing semantics rather than a point thus missing the point... using your logic everyone dies, so no one is permanent.. so..... ??? ... mind numbingly flawed logic....
  7. I'm Thai yet still am immigrant, resiident and expat. I’m not so sure, you are ‘naturalised’ ergo you are a citizen, no ??? You have a Thai Passport and citizenship ? or Permanent residency ? (one makes you a citizen, the other still an immigrant)... Anyway... All off topic..
  8. I was agreeing with you ‘ya silly bumder’.... and you still want argue to state the very same !!.. Geez... some people !!!... And.. if you want to debate this ’topic’, then debate this topic not the semantics of word ‘immigrant’ which as I wrote, is utterly moot.
  9. Its a despicable idea to want to find out where this dog is so you can finish off what the nutcase started.... ???? As someone who cares for animals I do not condone cruelty towards animals in any form. They should be looked after and cared for by people who know how to look after animals and those who can afford to feed them and have the time to walk and exercise them. No animal should be free to walk the streets, to cause accidents, cause annoyance so that nutcases with guns or Aseannow vigilantes are forced to deal with them in a cruel manner.
  10. I thought planning to kill was murder, I don't think this guy planned it.....???? Though no excuses from me for this bloke, LOS really is the drink drive capital of the world, it didn't take me many years to work that out....???? I agree.. but, drink driving is also implies that you don’t care sufficiently for others such that you may not care if you killed someone - drinking is more important than a stranger safety... ... knowing that your actions could lead to the death of someone (i.e. drink driving) is not far off murder... the technical difference ‘manslaughter’... or specifically ‘gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated’.... (if proven to be intoxicated).
  11. I have 12 extensions, check in with poppa every 90 days. I am not an immigrant. The definition of an Immigration is a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country... Any single one of us who are not Thai yet live long term in Thailand can accurately be considered immigrations, equally so we could be termed residents, expats etc etc... the terms are not mutually exclusive or inaccurate.... The topic itself is a particularly moot point and irrelevant point except for those who get hung up in the semantics of the terminology - it just means a foreigner living here (or anywhere) and we all know that.
  12. I thought the British drove on the same side of the road as the Thai, so I find this a bit strange. I figured they meant never drove straight in his lane / often veered out of his lane.... ... again, that could just be questionable translation...
  13. When the facts are proven he should face exactly the same degree of penalty a Thai would in similar circumstances. In this case: IF proven drunk and not suffering a ‘health episode’ etc.. then the book should be thrown at him, as it should anyone, of any nationality for their criminally deadly behaviour.
  14. After watching the latest video I realise my initial observation from the initial video was flawed. It does infact appear that the motorcyclists were travelling in the same direction as the garbage truck, the rider making a huge error in judgment. As the garbage truck turned right the motorcyclists were forced to ’turn right with the truck’ and became trapped at the corner. In this case could ‘booze have been involved’ ??? - possibly which could be the reason for the flawed decision to position themselves next to the truck either to overtake while thinking the truck was going straight on, or to cut up the inside knowing the truck was turning right - either way, a deadly mistake. Was this decision influenced by the lack of clarity caused by drink or just a simple poor decision that sometimes happens when on the road ?.... Booze under the seat is not evidence of or proof that the rider had been drinking.... but the time (1am) is perhaps an indicator - only a blood test / BAC test can clarify this.
  15. The issue is of course an underlying ‘pseudo caste system’ of road users.... In the subconsciousness of road users cyclists and considered way down the pecking order such that they become invisible.... In area’s were cycle lanes are provided, cars are parked, street vendors set up or in the countryside rice is dried.... Then of course its just to humid to enjoy riding anywhere if using the bicycle as a mode of transport instead of a bit of fun exercise... Getting the cycle lane at the airport is a chore.... Getting across to Bang Krachao is nice, but again, its a chore and a trip across there and back can consume a whole day. Cycling is great and encouraging is a great idea but roads are simply too busy with motorcycles and cars for cycling to be considered reliably safe in the city.
  16. When drunk people have a short fuse. That might have something to do with it. But it would be so bad if this was intentional. I mean he could not be that stupid to do something like that on purpose and thinking to get away with it. Or just drunk and foot on the wrong pedal... panicked thinking he’s on the brake, broke harder when really he was on the accelerator... We see this same thing with the cars that fly out of multi-story car-parks !!
  17. The report states ‘habitual drunkard who would drive int eh wrong lane.... ' IF he was a respectable member of the local community these would not be the words used to describe him.... Then there is the ‘raced off....’ part... not the behaviour of a likeable or decent character.
  18. This is wrong... Foreigners are extremely well received in Thailand. In tourist area’s where there are plenty of tourists behaving poorly there maybe an element of ’tarred by the same brush’... however, for the most part Thai’s do not judge us all by the actions of a despicable few. IF you’re walking around drunk in the day time with a hooker on your arm etc you going to be judge. IF you’re walking around and behaving perfectly normally, you’re going to be welcomed. This whole idea that ‘foreigners are not liked or welcomed in Thailand’ are the musings of people who are likely to either feel unwelcome or actually find themselves unwelcome and disliked anywhere they go - Thailand is not the denominator, they are. In this case the British man was apparently a burden on society, his drink driving behaviour despicable. Thankfully, Thai’s are not so silly enough to think all foreigners are the same.
  19. Nearly every time I see someone complaining, or observing a shortfall within Thailand, some lame guy, who has not taken the time to think things through, nor to devote any focus or effort to a reasonable reply, says something like "Perhaps Thailand is not for you", or maybe you should leave, or the top prize, "if you do not like it here, go back to your own country". Hard to even respond to such inane statements. Why? Because I have some issues with the place? Sorry to inform you, but the nature of a discerning mind, is to have issues. Though absolute contentment must be a beautiful state of mind, it is not something most of us are blessed with, in case you have not noticed. The fact that I complain, does not mean I do not love Thailand, nor most of it's people. I do. I love my life here. I have a very good life here. But, I do have some complaints, and there are some things I would love to see improved. I should leave because of that? A good response. Sadly, some people see any negative comment on forums such as this as ‘Thai Bashing’... Their binary view point argues that If you are not 100% in love with everything Thai then you hate Thailand. As you wrote, their comments are ridiculous inane and hardly worth comment, yet its frustrating to be accused of having ‘rose tinted glasses’ or being a ‘Thai apologist’ in one thread because you don’t agree with someone’s post that all Thai’s hate us, yet in another thread to be accused of a ‘Thai basher’ because I am critical of the attitudes towards safety in Thailand.
  20. That's also what they said 6 months ago, and now even 2 months after the government has published in the Royal gazette that masks are voluntarily NATIONWIDE, there are still people who find and excuse. Just to go by your post. You went from crowded places, to busy places, and at the end places where you see the staff wearing a mask, to advocate the wearing of one. As long as those mask advocates are active, it will never wear off. Its already wearing off... But I don’t really care about mask wearing, I’d prefer not to, but its not something that really bothers me enough to start calling people ‘mask advocates’ etc... I just don’t see an issue with it - if people want to wear a mask thats up to them. I will continued to wear a mask on the BTS because I think its a good idea in crowded places, not just for Covid, but for regular colds and flu.
  21. If it's in a shopping mall, it's also private...???? No its not... Look up the law. This argument came up recently about the car-park at a shopping mall. That is also a public area. Any area designated for public access is a public space - the front area of a bank, inside supermarket, a shopping mall, a restaurant, a bar... They may be privately owned, but they have ‘designated public spaces’....
  22. ??? you mean who stays on the left of the road when turning left ???? The rest of your comment is just utterly preposterous - the truck cut the whole corner across to the other-side of the road where the motorcyclists were - drunk or not the position of their motorcycle was perfectly normal for a motorcycle turning left. It would be the same if they were stopped on a straight road and the truck crossed the centre line and drove other them. Your comments read as if you are trying to blame the motorcyclists for simply being there. This is by no means a measure of whether these guys were drunk. Any motorcyclist sober or otherwise turning left at that point in time would have found themselves in the same position, on the left hand-side of the road, turning left. Only with 20/20 hindsight could it be predicted that the truck would cut the corner like that.
  23. This Carries a special level of fluckwittery in a Bank when everyone else is wearing a mask !!!
  24. The front ‘public area’ of bank is a public space not a private space.
  25. Miscommunication or the Immi-officer didn’t know the regulations. Part of the confusion & debate often encountered on this forum is a result of flawed Information passed on from a person in a position of relative authority who should but doesn’t know the regs. The Ops experience is a perfect example.
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