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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. You can watch anything via the internet, especially if you have a vpn
  2. ”Oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz,my friends all drive pick ups,I must make amends " ???? ????
  3. I had a particular dinner lady who made a man outta me! ????
  4. If inequality vexes him so much what have been his pronouncements on the many other aspects which contribute to this problem? Or hasn’t he thought too deeply about all this….? ????
  5. That's what I mostly do (for exercise). Just anxiously awaiting overwhelming feelings of murderous intent to surface.. ????
  6. It's done by distraction. Can you send my $100 dollars now..?..or I'll just take it off you next time I spot you.. ????
  7. The only thing shown by urging an accomodating aspect to egregious murderous regimes is ???? damage.
  8. More economically if you have an acquaintance with a U.K. bank account who’ll be regularly transferring funds from U.K. to Thailand (as many of us are) simply pay the 20k into his Thai bank and he does a corresponding equivalent Sterling online payment to your U.K. account from his U.K. bank.
  9. To be fair it's a bloody tasty basic dish and Thai food is very successful internationally.
  10. Just reminded me to check the gutters, downpipes for leaves and nests
  11. So what your effectively saying is that what's working everywhere in mostly democracies is wrong...? I see...
  12. I didn't say that. ????. Whoosh! Did you miss the ???? emoji?
  13. An electric motor is superior in every respect to an ICE. However for the moment the reverse is true for their respective "fuels " ,the energy density of fossil fuels is many orders of magnitude greater than current batteries with All the drawbacks that entails. So for now I wouldn’t buy BEV as I see current incarnations becoming expensively outdated if battery technology progresses as it will have to to oust ICE vehicles. A decent hybrid is most likely the current answer for those buying now. A very good example is Honda CRV hybrid which I’m interested in. However ,visits to 2 dealers are quoting'next year' for delivery, both only having petrol turbo as physical demonstration . Have any CRV hybrids actually appeared in thailand?
  14. Not really correct. You are ignoring that the election of MPs is in large part due to their association with the party they represent,thus it’s incumbent on them to reflect that basis.
  15. They've all arrived in dinghies at my place! ????
  16. In further developments he's requesting the dissolving of the Eurozone on the basis that a common currency is removing their financial independence.... ???? Dead..
  17. Then you need to understand why. It's because the citizens of the aforementioned white countries, because of a myriad social and economic factors can be relied on to return at the end of their visa. The latter not so much. It also explains why those in dinghies coming across the channel are from the latter group. The white countries citizens aren't baying to leave.
  18. It's not the responsibility of UK tax payers to underwrite irresponsibile behaviour of the underclass abroad. Although living here I pay higher rate UK tax on my income there and they'll do nothing to help ANY medical needs I may have here....other than to freeze your state pension to run salt in the wound! ???? Feckless need to learn actions have consequences
  19. Problem with this and many similar cases is that their actions ( nohelmet orlicence or drunk) will invalidate any travel insurance
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