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Posts posted by DM07

  1. Most Thai people I know like the junta.

    Gee, did you ever think maybe because its technically illegal for them to publicly say otherwise?

    Gee. Did you think that maybe people say things to their friends that they wouldn't say in public.. Also a large majority of Thais are willing to give them a chance.. Rightly or wrongly.

    You mean the same friends, that practically could get you into trouble for not hanging up some certain ones picture in your home?

    a) I wouldn't be surprised, if there was a certain underlying fear, that keeps people from speaking their mind nowadays, with LM- cases going through the roof and Martial law in place and

    b ) I wonder, how many "average" Thais actually ever discussed politics among them, let alone with farang.

    • Like 1
  2. If the lecturers are so upset about it then why don't they resign en masse in disgust and find other jobs?

    That way they are showing solidarity with Somsak Jeamteerasakul.

    quote "The decision [to dismiss Somsak] was unjust," Thammasat economist Assoc Prof Pichit Likitkijsomboon said yesterday, adding that Somsak had fled the Kingdom because of the coup and a threat to his life, as even before the putsch, his house had been attacked by an unknown gunman."

    How strange that Abhisit is still here in the country even when his car was attacked, his house attacked, blood and filth strewn everywhere. He has been charged with murder, is facing impeachment yet he is STILL in Thailand.

    Maybe...just maybe...he is still here, because he knows, he has nothing to fear, because he wears the right colors?

    I know...could not possibly be, right?!whistling.gif

    • Like 2
  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    How about finding a middle way!

    You don't need walkways, stuffed with trash and vendors and you don't need them totally empty.

    All it takes is a bit of planning, some law enforcement and some common sense.....oh...ahm....boy is it hot outside today, right.... alt=whistling.gif>

    Exactly! Food/fruit shops are welcome to the BKK pavement but the ones who sell hairclips/sunglasses/tshirts and so on can move into a mall.

    Also streetvendors always take more space then they are allowed to, that's their mentality, they want to slow down pedestrians so they can sell more.

    Also streetvendors always make a big mess and don't have any bins. I start to hate them because they are always in my way and block my walkway. Most of them look so filthy that i wouldn't even eat there for free.

    " I start to hate them because they are always in my way and block my walkway"

    Your statement implies ownership.

    Ownership implies citizenship.

    Citizenship implies that you are Thai.

    So far, so good.

    But I get confused by your post here...

    Most Thais are Buddhists.

    Real Buddhist do not hate.

    So confusing!!

    Are you a real Thai?

    Are you a pretend Thai?

    Are you a wanabe Thai?

    Or just another farang who thinks he owns the world??

    I am so confused! attachicon.gifdownload (1).jpg

    No...you are not confused!

    You are just self complacent and Thai'er than Thai!

    Let me guess: if we don't like blocked pavements...why don't we just go home, right?!

  4. How about finding a middle way!

    You don't need walkways, stuffed with trash and vendors and you don't need them totally empty.

    All it takes is a bit of planning, some law enforcement and some common sense.....oh...ahm....boy is it hot outside today, right....whistling.gif

  5. Sad abut any loss of Life , but would YOU drag your Wife and Baby in a Cart behind a bike round the world on an Alfa Male Ego Trip..Id Go alone,if i felt the need to impress no one.sad.png

    First of all: I assume that his wife was okay with that and he didn't hit her over the head with a bicycle -pump and dragged her to the hanger!

    A family decided to take a Round the World- trip of a different kind.

    I really have a problem to see, what that has to with Alpha Male behavior?

    It is really showing, that the only person liking your post, is the dude who babbels on about Karma and "things" happening for a reason and other religious BS!

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