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Posts posted by DM07

  1. IF the story is, that he went after the kids and try to get them out- he deserves praise!

    IF the story is, that he went in with the kids, he put them in grave danger and AT LEAST does not deserve to be called a hero!

    IF the story is, that we are talking about a 2nd coach, who went after the 1st coach and the kids, the first coach also does not deserve to be called a hero!


    And it seems, we are having to go with the later version!


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  2. 1 minute ago, Kieran00001 said:


    The rescuers said they hoped they were on Pattaya beach, how did you think we knew they would be there?

    I don't understand, what you actually want from me?

    All I said was, that he predicted them to be at Pattaya Beach and alive.

    I am not talking about what anybody else said or hoped or wanted!

    Just the "predictions" of the super-monk!


    IF they had been at Pattaya Beach, like he foretold, they would NOT have been alive!

    So he already was wrong on those 2 accounts...


    Of course no one hoped they were dead!

  3. 3 hours ago, khlongtoey said:

    should just close this topic,  not OK  to insult any monk/s  in  LOS  IMO


    I did enjoy that there was some local hilltribe intervention as well, having to do with  bleeding it, placing it's head on an alter and taking it home to boil to read its intestines ?


    "should just close this topic,  not OK  to insult any monk/s  in  LOS  IMO"

    They have the right to believe in whichever hokuspokus they want and even practice it!

    And I will execute my right, to ridicule them, no matter if they are Thai- Buddhists, Celtic Druids, Christian- believers or whatever! 

    • Haha 1
  4. 11 hours ago, thenoilif said:

    Well said.

    Thailand is a Buddhist country and in many ways it helps to promote positive thinking among its followers. There’s not a whole lot of

    negative things one can really say abou it’s core teachings, unlike many western ideologies. I think that a lot of people on here could definitely use some of that given the amount of depressing viewpoints that are expressed in every thread.



    Thanks for another lecture on how to life our lives! 

    "Thailand is a Buddhist country" ...now that is a stretch!

    The "western ideologies" give a lot of people strength, too! Doesn't make them any less worth then the phony Thai believe in little fairies, that live in trees and need a little house and lots of Strawberry- Fanta!

    ...and by the way "Religion poisons everything!"

    All religions!

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, overherebc said:

    At the end of October last year my wife and self were in UK.

    One day outside the house we had rented, two dogs were going at it with their bums into the wind.

    I told my wife that my granny always said that if you see two dogs at it with their bums into the wind then the following year in June there would be record breaking temperatures in parts of UK.

    Who's laughing now.


  6. 20 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    There you go ruining everyone's celebration with your n words. 

    One stupid thai. Land of Zero accountability, dimwit for seeing a miracle and the strength of this young man. 

    He's only 25 you know. He gave all his food to the children and taught them to survive. 

    They went in as boys and they will come out men. 

    They will be stronger than they have ever been before. Not to mention, tourism for that area is going to sky rocket next season. My whole family is coming over just to visit that cave. So shut your trap. 

    Shut your trap?

    Bit on a high horse, aren't we?


    You know NOTHING about this guy, except that he is 25 years old!

    For all we know, he might have shat his pants and the boys might have comforted him and not the other way around!


    For all your other hyperbole: ?

    They went in as boys...they will be stronger...blah blah...


    For the tourism claim: great!

    Disaster tourism as it's best!

    Your whole family will come over to visit that one stupid cave?


    To do what?

    Light candles and say prayers?

    Weren't you actually the first on these threads who was on about "recovering the bodies" and crap like that?


    One last thing: I remember you saying,you are a teacher and you have kids?!

    Back in wherever - you -came -from-land, if a teacher would put a bunch of kids in mortal danger like this guy did, people (I guess you included) would scream bloody murder and this teacher would loose his job for sure!

    But here, in Thailand, people can do no wrong!

    They are all angels and beacons of virtue!


    As is said: zero accountability and no one will learn!

    And you and your ilk stand by and applaude a man, who put the lives of 12 teenagers in grave danger!

    If if he will not receive any punishment, stop making this idiot into a hero, for #$%@& sake!


    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, greenchair said:

    I get tired of people calling Thais stupid everytime something goes wrong. He and his team adventured to the cave many times. Nature reared it's rageing head when they least expected it. 

    It's like blaming everyone killed in the sunami for go to the beach. Nobody is to blame here. He is a hero. 

    First of all: no one is calling "Thais" stupid.

    Who is been called stupid is one particular Thai, who acted as a chaperone and absolutely failed!

    But rest assure: in the Land of Zero- accountability, nothing will happen, no one will learn and dimwits, who call this guy a "hero", will have a field- day!


    After all: how could the poor guy have known?

    He is not from that region, has never heard of the word "rainy season" and the sign said "Beware of the danger from July to..." and he went in at the end of June, so...everything cool!


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