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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 16 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Ask me a question and then tell me not to reply .

    Make your mind up , you either ask me a question and expect a reply , or you dont want a reply and thus shouldnt ask me a question .

       If another person tells me that something isnt dangerous , I always decide myself as to whether it is dangerous or not

    Do you know what a rhetorical question is?


    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    If something is dangerous , then its dangerous .

    People can avoid danger , if they realise and understand the danger and take steps to avoid it .

       People who do not realise dangers , need others to stop them getting themselves into dangerous situations .

      All caves need to be fenced of with big signs saying *DANGEROUS* and there needs to be someone watching , to make sure that people who still dont understand the dangers , try to get into the cave .

    Phew...one last try!

    Have you ever been to the ocean?

    The ocean is potentially dangerous, I think we can agree, since we are humans and not fish...

    Now...there are parts of the ocean, where sharks live and parts, where they don't live!

    That makes the part of the ocean WITH the sharks a bit more dangerous, than the bit WITHOUT the sharks (yes...I know...theoretically, there could be a shark, showing up on the part, where normally there are no sharks...but that is not the point, little Max!)


    There are caves (although all potentially dangerous) that are more dangerous than others!

    If I would be in Thailand for the first time EVER and I don't know, that a decent number of Thai- people have a different grasp of reality (danger) then I have, and a FRIEND tells me, that THIS PARTICULAR CAVE is not dangerous, then I would trust him and maybe enter that cave and I be "surprised" finding myself locked in a boat in that cave for some time, fearing for my life!


    Now...why did that happen?

    There are many possibilities here- none of which I am familliar, because it is my FIRST TIME IN THAILAND and I come from a country (Germany in my case) where safety is been taken seriously!

    a) Thais are Buddhists, so if they die in a car- crash, cave accident, shark attack...they get a second chance in their next life! I am an atheist- I don't get that chance!

    b ) many Thais are a bit "different", and they don't see dangers, where other people do, because they are so carefree and fun loving people!! 

    c) Thai- society is extremely corrupt, so some safety - measures are dropped, because someone wants to make a quick buck!

    ...and so on...


    But OF COURSE you know that, because you and your friend Julie are superdooper intelligent and knowledgable and rest of us is just a bunch of morons, who need things to be spelled out for us.

    That is why, some poor lifeguard has to stick a red flag in the sand, when the waves and the current on a beach are unsafe to swim, where on a normally calm and sunny day, there is no danger!


    Things that are dangerous on one day, are less dangerous on other days!

    Different levels of danger!




    Please dont answer!

    If I read another of your posts, I am afraid my brain turns into marmalade! 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Artisi said:

    seems that 1 didn't, and besides - Murphy's rule should always be applied - if something can go wrong it will - so change the warning sign if everyone (officials) know.

    You don't understand!

    Something that is sooooooo cooooool about Thailand is, that it is no nanny- state...like back home!

    Here, you can drive a car with no safety- belt or a motorbike, without wearing a helmet!

    Or you can go and die in cave, because no one gives a ....

    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, sanemax said:

    Why do you feel that its "dumb" ?

    I have seen what Julie is referring to numerous time with Westerners abroad . think 

      Some Westerners abroad seem to think that if somethings dangerous , they then will be stopped from doing it , * I can walk into this cave , so it must be safe to do so, or someone would stop me from going in * , kind of thing .

        Its not an intentional mindset, its just that we are used to Countries that high higer rules and regulations









    As I said before: please change your name!

    The poster with the cave story explained, that it was his first time IN THAILAND...IN A CAVE...RECOMMENDED TO HIM by a (Thai-) friend!

    How are you to know, that something that is POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS in YOUR part of the world and is handled with a modicum of safety features, is not handled with any modicum of safety in another country?

    And please...we are not talking about "a decent amount of safety"! We are talking almost NO safety, as told in the posters story!

    That's why the post was dumb and of the same arrogance, the original poster was accused of!

    Now...I understand, you are one of those people, who have to defend the indefensible, because everything in Thailand is just so super great, they can do no wrong!

    Now please go and change your username!  

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, shackleton said:

    Seems to be a lot of negative comments in this Forum on the Prime Minister Prayut

    turning up to see  how things are progressing on the rescue bid for the children 

    If he did not show up he would be said to be insensitive to the situation 

    and when he does turn up  he is criticised 

    he can't win 

    That's why elections are not taking place anytime soon...:cheesy:

    • Haha 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

    Nope ...Still don't know why the PM and his mob are all wearing boy scout uniforms .

    I am also not sure but...if you happen (unfortunately) to get into the 8pm- daily- royal-appreciation- TV- hour, you will see these caps and scarfs, whenever some "volunteers" clean up some canals or stuff like that.

    Blue and yellow being the colors of you-know-who.

    Probably has something to do with "that"...

    • Like 1
  7. 27 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

    2020 Keep America Great #MAGA

    Okay..."keep" or "make"?

    Which one is it?

    And while we are at it: what is so "great" about 'Murica?

    All the gun deaths?

    The fact, that the USA is in 8 (if I counted correctly) wars, at the moment?

    The ever growing gap in wealth- inequality?

    The fact that you have no real healtcare and that education becomes more and more a question of rich vs poor?

    The high numbers in STD's or teenage- pregnancy, especially in "conservative" run states?

    The quality of drinking water in Flint?

    The fact that 64% of 'Muricans believe, that a T-Rex was pooping on Adams and Eves front lawn...and that Adam and Eve were real people, to begin with?


    I am eager to learn!


    • Like 2
  8. I can tell you exactly, why he/ they is/are going: to get their stupid faces into a camera and their stupid mouths in front of a microphone!

    There are a bunch of rescue workers HARD at work, to get those kids out - and I really hope, they succeed!

    If there is one thing, nobody needs, it's a bunch of guys, with no clue and their whole entourage, followed by a flock of reporters and photographers, to crowd up things and complicate them!


    If you REALLY believe, this guy gives two hot $4its about the kids, I have a use car to sell you!

    • Thanks 2
  9. 17 hours ago, Expatthailover said:

    A show of compassion etc by a thai leader again has been hijacked by the haters. The population expected him to go. Thais that is ..not 'others'

    In any remotely similar tragic event in the world the leader would end up .

    Because it's thailand the usual suspects have to have a go.

    What is he doing that is wrong.

    What has he done.

    All politicians tell lies and have huge egos.

    The whole world expected trump to get involved in the florida school shooting.

    Should he have kept quiet?

    If an expat population started moaning groaning and sneering in good old back home during abtragic event how would some of you lot take it?

    Is that, why he goes Friday...or Saturday..or whenever his busy "lying to the people"- calender allows it?!

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