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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. so, thats a NO then. otherwise he would been convicted....same as the non existent rape conviction, and yeah, i prefer him to creepy ol' joe aka '10% for the big man', the 50yr career politician thats worth millions on a basic salary... but you guys are blind to the fact because.....Trumps bad M'kay. pull your heads out your arses.
  2. no, but it was spread far & wide by all the bought out MSM, implying it was what was actually said , millions of msm viewers think that was what DT said, when it was FALSE...basically schiff was spreading 'misinformation' (as you guys are so quick to point out when it comes DT). but lets give it a pass when it comes to those 'fact checkers'...double standards . com!!
  3. the mueller report was a nothing burger, any charges to trump? no, i didn't think so, El Trumpo did not 'collude ' with Russia, that is a FACT, no matter how much you try to move those goal posts to suit!, you can bang on about it as much as you want, some 'messages sent out through russian outlets ' hardly undermined the election, if they did, then it highlights how weak the US is with regards to cyber security....do you have hard copy of these so called messages??? any psychical proof..nope, i dont think so!
  4. yes, i know it was, did you read the transcript? pencil neck schiff made his own fictional version up and tried to impeach trump over that, it didnt even happen, purely in PN's head and exactly why the impeachment was another 'nothing burger' like Russian collusion, and everything else they have politically thrown at DT. show the transcripts from a direct source like the white house rather than an edited version....
  5. there were talks on the table in 2022, you know what 'negotiations' mean right? so the sides come together and... negotiate a deal.... potentially end of the war, end of people dying, (thats good thing right?) however BoJo put a stop to it so never know what could have been drawn up.
  6. yes, pencil neck was a fantastic name given to him by DT, the impeachment based on a telephone call?, which he actually didnt hear, just made up how he thought i would have gone. not bashing Mueller, just the 'nothing burger' report yawn.
  7. sow chaos' & 'cyber-espionage and distributed messages through Russian-controlled propaganda outlets to undermine public faith in the democratic process, hurt Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump'. so no specific details then and a heavily redacted report, which no doubt is BS otherwise they would be able to give the evidence!
  8. classic case of 'f**k around and find out' ! she'll think twice about raising her hands next time
  9. hahaha, they hacked the dnc server, yeah ok then.. Julian Assange has already stated that those emails didn't come from Russia either. it was an internal leak, remember Seth Rich? on a side note... how many elections have the US interfered in over the years? and now they're crying like they got picked on by big bad Russia!!!
  10. no, the us backed coup in 2014 sped that already troubled area up the ball rolling, the war kicked off due to Ukraine wanting to join nato and the US& UK interference, which was a red line for Putin. jens stoltenberg, the head of nato even said that recently. what has Putin done (or China for that matter) that has effected anyone here personally?, you're all brainwashed into believing they are your enemies because your corrupted bought off politicians and media tell you they are! it's called manufacturing consent.
  11. i don't call it cowardly to not want to fight a war for someone else, go and stick yourself on the front line in Ukraine if you think so strongly. it's easy to say from the safety of that keyboard. and yes, US enrollment figures are down across the board, people have access to much more information than previously, perhaps people are waking upto the fact war is BS and don't want to die for arms manufacturers!
  12. yes, just think, the Ukraine war would have started back in 2017 instead of 22
  13. i am fully aware of all the Russian collusion BS because it was forced down out throats nonstop for 5 years, i remember clearly the lefties eagerly awaiting the Mueller report and that it was going to be the 'nail in the coffin' for Trump, and what came of it....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Originated from the Steele dossier, which was all false infomation and funded by Killon and the dnc. the hypocrite democrats preach about Trumpo 'undermining Democracy' when they along with corporate media do exactly that!!
  14. and just how did it effect the outcome of the election? is there any physical proof? documents? receipts? Killary won the popular vote by 3mil according to the polls and media, so what did this 'interference achieve ?
  15. she/hag won the popular vote so how exactly did the so called 'russian interference' come into play? or could it be that it was..total BS from the start, generated by same ol' hag !!
  16. yes, i can see that by your totally brainwashed posts, i' have thought living in Thailand and mixing with other nationalities you'd have realised how propagandised you were, but, guess not, or perhaps you don't live here, that would explain things
  17. are you on a suicide mission? you really are dicing with death. don't you know he could take you out quicker and quieter than spocks Vulcan grip. never taunt a G-man, it's the golden rule!
  18. it's communally known as small man syndrome or TDS...i think i mixture of both in this case.
  19. you sound pretty stirred up yourself just now....TDS running through your veins.... i can imagine you face all red, eyes bulging like Arnies when he's exposed to Mars sun in total recall !!
  20. no, they shouldn't. but how many rich kids in DT's position skipped the draft back then and nothing is said?, it only used politically now when digging up any dirt possible. if he didn't go to fight a fake war for some other rich men then bravo to him, all for that, certainly not a negative in my book! Muricans are so brainwashed by the patriotism/military/war propaganda it's unreal, just look at the hollywood movies!!, back in the day people didn't know better, with only a few TV channels and newspapers, but now, with the internet and world news you can see through the mainstream BS easily, people are wising up. Enrolment figure have slumped in the US i believe, soon it will be bye bye murican empire!
  21. if you're a crim or involved in dodgy dealings then you welcome the corruption and know how things work. what problem is it to the average joe?
  22. i had a couple of hours to spare, could see the usual bores were in full effect!
  23. do you think he is fighting Ukraine alone? you know the war could have ended 2 years ago right, saved a whole tonne of lives, but no, uk & US kept it going!
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