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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 6 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Don't have to watch news channels to know that he is a compulsive liar, that is a fact and has been evident for most of his life unfortunately.


    And I don't really care about other politicians, because they are not in the running to be the president of the USA, which may come about if this clown gains traction..... and my post was about trump, not Biden or other politicians.


    I don't watch any other news channels than BBC, which is neither left nor right biased, but I do read Internet articles and it's pretty clear that the man is a moron, and a dumb one at that.


    As for your reference regarding, "while the anti Trump crowd and left can't tell you what a woman is..and that men can get pregnant....hummm...", Well that seems to be the way the world is going at the moment, not that I'm in favour of it, in fact I'm not, but no need to get your knickers in a twist over that!


    You and Yellowtail seem to have a fixation on "the left/the right, yet none of this bothers me, what does is the prospect of having a complete, dumb, lying moron in charge of one of the most powerful countries in the world, when he has already presided over more than a dozen bankruptcies........good track record eh?.

    BBC come on, really?? at least find something at least slightly independent.
    given the fact the over 90% of the media is left leaning i doubt you'd find many articles not critical of Trump. 
    the right/left.... no fixation on it...i'm neither, i'm anti wars and BS, but these are the labels give out but vast majority of media pundits & outlets, if people don't agree with the covid mandates, geen energy, Biden, BLM, israel, Ukraine war... don't hate trump they're automatically a far right,  nazi etc etc... look at all the news.... the truckers in Canada, farmers in Germany..you name any one protesting their Government and guarantee you far right, right wing or domestic terrorist will be worded in there somewhere...

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, xylophone said:

    Angry much!!!! 555


    Trump deserves what he gets as he is an absolute plonker and a lying one at that, and unfortunately all that I have posted is true, so live with it.

    far from angry, i find it hilarious how some hate Trump so much and get so triggered but for no actual reason other than the TV or the internet told them too!
     most just attack him personally calling him racist, White supremacy blag blah, i doubt many even could mention a policy of his they did like.

    you say he constantly lies as the (A) reason to hate him....so no other politician had done this before him?
    how many of the US politicians have got mega rich while in office... on a what 200k salary?....but Trump bad m'kay!
    you also said that his followers were low intelligence.... while the anti Trump crowd and left can't tell you what a woman is..and that men can get pregnant....hummm... 
    try watching some different news channels & journalists and see something off script....plenty out there, glenn greenwald, Aron mate, max blumenthal to name a few.... 

  3. 28 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Well I hate liars and Trump is a compulsive liar and despite what other MAGA/trump followers might say, his lies are extremely well documented and of course before his supporters jump in, he did take documents from the White House, which were found in Ma Largo, yet he said he hadn't got them, and when he was proven to be a liar, because they were found there, he said that he had thought about them and therefore was able to "declassify them" so he was able to take them – – absolute nonsense.


    With his ies he is able to grow a following of the gullible, or as he put it (his favourite people) the less well-educated and he deceives them with his lies which is even more despicable.


    He makes promises that he can't keep, simply because he is not smart enough and that's not good for an American president or for America.

    He pays hookers for sex and then denies it, it then arranges to get them paid off so they keep quiet. All the while, cheating on his wife while she was pregnant. 


    He panders to the evangelicals and at the same time breaks just about every commandment in the Bible.


    Many of his businesses/companies have been liquidated or gone bankrupt and in this scenario many American working people have been deprived of wages/money, yet he has no problem with doing this, because he has done it many times.


    He has been found guillty of "misappropiating" (stealing) funds from a Charity to fund his campaigns and was fined $2 million and quote, "Donald Trump is in charge of enforcing the nation's laws, but he doesn't follow them. What a delicious twist of constitutional irony!


    He has overvalued the properties that he has in order to deceive banks and lending organisations to fund him, and hopefully these lies of his will be coming home to roost in the very near future.


    And the following may be of interest to you: –


    "It has long been a truism that politicians lie," wrote Carole McGranahan for the American Ethnologist journal in 2017. However, "Donald Trump is different" from other politicians, stated McGranahan, citing that Trump is the most "accomplished and effective liar" thus far to have ever participated in American politics. McGranahan felt that "the frequency, degree, and impact of lying in politics are now unprecedented" as a result of Trump.[
    During and after his term as President of the United States, Donald Trump made tens of thousands of false or misleading claims. The Washington Post's fact-checkers documented 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidential term, an average of about 21 per day.[1][5][6][7] The Toronto Star tallied 5,276 false claims from January 2017 to June 2019, an average of 6.1 per day.[2] Commentators and fact-checkers have described the scale of Trump's mendacity as "unprecedented" in American politics,[13] and the consistency of falsehoods a distinctive part of his business and political identities.[14] Scholarly analysis of Trump's tweets found "significant evidence" of an intent to deceive.[15]

    But of course the Trump followers will not believe anything untoward about their glorious orange leader, and it's unsurprising that Trump likes the "poorly educated" because they will gladly go down the rabbit hole and believe his lies and the MAGA conspiracy theories, because they are poorly educated and gullible.


    As has been said many, many times on this forum, it is pointless trying to state facts and truths to Trump followers, because they believe the lies that have been fed them through their association with this truly despicable man.


    Please don't insult my intelligence by trying to dispute the above because it is extremely well documented. In fact I am putting you on ignore, because I can handle and welcome "differences of opinion" but not Maga/trump supporters who persistently lie and refuse to see the truth because that is ignorant and stupid and a waste of my time.

    jeez, you couldn't sound like a Rachel Maddow, morning joe or any cnn pundit if you tried. 
    Reminds me of the clip where all the news anchors are reading form the script throughout the entire US of Arse!
    fact checkers??...what an f ing joke, and how many times did they fact check ol' sniffy joe, or kamala? and the times they did how they moved the goal posts to suit the lies''or lets say 'misinformation'....they are all democrats, you can check the staff info on each site and it shows you most of the time. how many times did they fact check the 'Russian collusion' BS, what did musk say about the twitter employees that he fired...funny how twitter was so great and godlike, until he bought it and sacked half the staff..now its right wing this n that. 
    your TDS is stronger than the force was with Darth Vader!!

    and for the record, i'm not a Trumper, but i have seen how the likes of cnn, msnbc etc manipulates and edits things he says. it's also great fun seeing rational (maybe theyre not) people lose their minds over him... but say zero about that bumbling corrupt idiot joe, and worship obumma, the dude who started how many wars?.... but he spoke nicely!!

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  4. On 1/21/2024 at 5:55 PM, xylophone said:

    As soon as I saw the line above, I knew that I was in for a load of MAGA/ rabbit hole nonsense, so I stopped reading!! So sad that you have got it so bad!! LOL. 

    well, the media do lie, constantly about Trump,while cioverign for Biden & dems/lefties,  the whole Russian collusion, proved false,  made up by clinton and regurgitated daily by them all, especailly  rachel maddow, the 'good people on both side' white supremacy BS was  edited from the original speech, which clearly shows what was actually said.
    imagine the headlines and coverage if it was Trump jr's laptop that was found!!!!
    remember all the Dems like Kamala saying she wouldn't take the vaccine if it was trumps.... soon as it was Biden, anyone that didnt want it was antivax and a basically a granny killing nazi. 

    • Haha 1
  5. On 1/16/2024 at 5:34 PM, Prubangboy said:

    It’s comical to read Trumptrash  here parroting straight up  Kremlin disinformation about wack stuff like cultural marxists somehow impinging on their manly freedom.


    2 free Guinness pints to any piece of trash here who has met a self admitted cultural Marxist.


    I actually have. My ex stepson teaches Marxism at a high end college in England. For the Chinese students paying absurd foreign student rates to keep the lights on, it’s an easy A.

    Other than that, my life is as untouched by cultural Marxism as the average Maga genius who’s quaffing aquarium solvents to beat Covid.


    the TDS is beaming through.... 'Kremlin disinformation' was when all your credibility was finally lost!!

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  6. On 1/16/2024 at 11:10 AM, BigStar said:


    Uh, no. Her name is Jessica Starr. She talks about the moment here: This Trump protester completely lost her mind and in greater detail here, with Martin Geissler, ITV foreign correspondent on the scene with his cameraman. https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2021/11/12/memes-the-scream


    the fact she looks up to see whois watching just before the 'noooo' would suggest to me she just an attention seeking tit


    • Confused 1
  7. Just now, BusyB said:


    '' ... Later the owner of the night boat, Lomprayah Co. Ltd., sent two high speed boats, Phuyai Hor and Baan Diving, to rescue the tourists and help out.''


    From the report.

    well thats misreported,  Lomprayha might have sent the speed boats for the rescue, and i would imagine that big life raft was theirs, but totally separate company to the nightboat itself

  8. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Well, if you've never heard of Thai Newsroom it must be a load of b0llocks...that must be the rule.

    no, i meant the usual main outlets didn't say it broke in half, only 1/7 articles i read mentioned it, so i wondered how true it was. also just read another that said it capsized. its hard to find the actual facts between Chinese whispers and flat out BS!

  9. 1 hour ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

    What is the giant orange vessel? A lifeboat? No mention in the report other than the ferry owner ' later sending two high-speed boats'. Later than what?

    This could easily have become a major disaster and should be positively followed up by the Government. No doubt social media input from survivors will cause embarassment.

    The report that Khao Tao police will investigate how the ferry broke in two and sank leaves me shaking my head in exasperation.🙄

    where does it say it broke in 2


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  10. 4 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:


    And how many suppliers/bars/shops on Koh Tao do you know that will pay to ship their empties back to the mainland?

    Who collects it at the other end?

    that wasn't what i responded to, it was the first part of your comment and your seemingly pompous attitude..... but maybe i misread it.

    the issue would be solved if the breweries bought the bottles back, but there would have to be some specific deal done with it as the boats have to pay their fuel costs.

  11. 15 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Oh dear.

    Think about it please.

    You are comparing eggs to elephants.

    The supplier (rich businesses?) ship it in.

    The local government ship it out.

    If the residents of Koh Tao are anything like the residents on Koh Samui, then most of them do not pay the garbage collection taxes. That is why so many locals burn their garbage.

    The money has to come from somewhere.


    there isn't a 'Singha' or 'Chang' boat that ships it over.... all the supplies for the Island are brought in by privately owned companies, you buy stock for you bar, restaurant etc, you pay shipping.... 

  12. 30 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    I think I've covered that....the issue is how deaths are handled on the island. See comments on how the authorities operate.... the fact is all you can do is speculate.

    things are handled accordingly, they just don't need to inform barstool `Jo Public with information that is not anyone but the families business.
    did you know Neils body was sent to Surat for an Autopsy, requested by the police? na, didnt think so, you just read a few lines of a sensationalised story form someone in a different continent that doesn't have any actual knowledge of Koh Tao.

    • Confused 1
  13. 21 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    It's both impolite and inappropriate to criticize the beliefs of a mother in mourning for her son. But maybe that's just me.


    What possible value do you see in your rather obscure p.s, comment? Beyond an "I was (almost) there" claim I mean?

    do you think it's impolite and inappropriate to verbally attack the mother of David Miller because your opinion differs from hers?  because thats what Su Buchanan & ian Yarwood do regularly when she posts on threads they're both on!

    it means that i know Ben was Hammered when he drove, after people taking his keys away at first because he was too drunk, there was never any 'suspicion' regarding his death until Su Buchanan got her claws into Mrs Harrington. i feel sorry that she has been preyed on by Su for her own personal agenda. 


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  14. 2 hours ago, Slip said:

    Well said Mac.  Not to mention that the death rate has nothing to do with visitors per year but average population to even arrive at figures on which to comment.  Also not to mention frank has been on here doing the same thing as he does now since the time of the gruesome beach ripper incident.

    you can move the goalposts how ever you want, it doesnt change the fact that these 'suspicious death' claims are total BS. but if you are that gullible thats your fault. your comment highlights this.


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