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Posts posted by frank83628

  1. 37 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    If true, that's very misleading.

    The vast majority of those would be s-hole countries nobody wants to travel to.

    The problem for Russians is that they arrive in countries like Thailand and it's very hard to stay long term, and they're very unwelcome in the west these days to even visit as a tourist.

    They could go to Georgia and stay a year on each entry but face a lot of hostility from locals and a government that is led by a pro Putin oligarch -- so that's not secure for them either.

    Personally, I think the west should actively recruit the more promising of the Russian draft dodgers. It's not their fault that Putin happened.

    it's not easy to stay long term in many countries with out obtaining a proper visa for all nationalities, well, apart from the US, the  southern border is wide open under Biden!

    • Sad 1
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  2. 21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    One thing I'm wondering about is how many Russians have fled Putin's Russia.

    I've heard from credible sources from one million up to three million.

    Three million sounds crazy but at least a million makes sense to me.

    But imagine if it was easier for Russians to find more places that would accept them long term outside of Russia (and assuming Russia doesn't close its borders) how many more millions would flee?

    Maybe that's the reason it's been made so hard in most of the world.

    they have visa free travel to 120 countries, out of 193.
    131 for British
    150 US



  3. 11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    You're supporting Russia, a country that steals and brainwashes non orphaned Ukrainian children and is now beheading POWs.

    The Kirch bridge is a legitimate military target.

    beheading POW's really, and you have proof of this i'm sure. does your info come from the same person that said 40 babies were beheaded on October 7th?

    • Agree 1
  4. 17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Exactly. And if Putin really cared that much about NATO he wouldn't now be keeping the border with Finland unprotected as he sent those soldiers to his genocidal war against Ukraine. Putin has a hard on for erasing Ukraine. He must be stopped.

    if he wanted to 'erase' Ukriane then why is he concentrating on a few areas only? 

    'he must be stopped'...hahah


    • Agree 1
  5. 19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Crimea is illegally occupied by Russia.

    The bridge built by Putin links to actual Russia and has been regularly used to supply Putin's genocidal war efforts.

    Happily that bridge will be completely taken out soon.

    It's a very major military goal of the Ukrainian defenders.

    Do you hear yourself?



    the had a referendum, the majority voted to join Russia.

    • Haha 1
  6. 8 hours ago, AlexRich said:


    In case anyone thought that Jeffrey Sachs was an honest and objective commentator. The Hill did a fact check on him.


    For anyone who hasn't fallen for Kremlin mouthpieces in the West, of which there are many. 







    yes, written by a totally neutral party!!

    Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 09.43.20.png

  7. 16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Putin made a deal with the people.

    Stay out of politics and I will provide stability.

    The mobilization widely hitting Moscow would put pressure on Russian elites to make a big change away from Putin as they would smell total failure.

    Right now Putin is trying to shield himself with a big purge of anyone but relatives and extreme loyalists 

    He knows he is in trouble.

    He is not God. He is headed for downfall 

    He's holding out for November hoping Trump wins.

    yes, because in all the wars to date, politicians Children and family members have been the first to sign up!!

  8. 16 hours ago, bradiston said:

    Thanks @spidermike007, been wanting to say the same for some time. However much people knock the US, and of course it's knockability right now is in the ascendant, over my lifetime of 74 years, it's been an ally, and a source of huge pleasure. But like with any friend, you have to take the rough with the smooth. But I ask the Putinistas, what has Russia come up with in that time? 40 years of post war cold war. No artistic achievement, films, music, literature, the fine arts, very little of anything of cultural interest, doped up sports people, rubbish cars. Made in Russia? Not a brand name I'm familiar with. But oil and gas? Yeah, that's it's good fortune, is all.

    most of the labels on stuff you use and buy daily says 'made in China', don't see many with 'made in the USA'!

  9. 17 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    I agree. More division than ever before. America has not been a paragon of virtue with its leadership position. But, they have accomplished alot of good around the world. What has China done for the world, that did not have a loan attached to it? And Russia? One can only imagine the absolute hellhole the earth would be, with either of the two despots, Putin or Xi, leading the world. 

    do you think all the 'aid' to Ukraine is free? they will owe the US forever now, those 12 trillion in minerals certainly won't be going into the Ukraine coffers !



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