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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Duamagette has a airport....maybe they are calling it different on Skyscanner? But I want to go there Maybe I can go Bangkok to Cebu is that possible?
  2. The constant beeping of horns for no reason in Cebu City annoyed me. I actually went out to the 711 one morning at 3am and about to cross the road when I seen a guy in a convertible no roof on beep his horny continually , not a single other car around ...but they are programmed in their mind to constantly...beep ! So as I was walking across the road I stopped and told him. There's no other cars around why are you bloody beeping your horn? You stupid C
  3. Baguio close to the mountains so not hot and very diverse , have different events and parades every year .
  4. No I don't think so I think it's a few hours flight I tried to use Skyscanner to see flights from Manila to Duamagette if anyone can help me ,I can't seem to find flights
  5. I do enjoy General Santos city Went there last year as well as Davao city ,so safe I'm yet to try Duamagette though I didn't enjoy Angeles City And I don't like Cebu City
  6. I went there last year in July. I didn't like it except there was a nice pink & white cafe at the end of the Walking street I used to frequent. I didn't like it . I do like north of there in Baguio though
  7. I was at Canterbury Tales bookshop in Pattaya yesterday, a lovely place where a great range of books are available And the owner Dave is a fantastic listener who sat there hours recently to listen to my book reviews on data analyst and the psychometrics of statistics. But anyway I did speak to a farang who had been in Pattaya a number of years who was moving to the Philippines A lot of UK guys are moving there he said , their pensions don't get frozen ! There's going to be mass exodus from Thailand and the only place for us poms is the Philippines! So the story goes , apparently they get their pensions frozen Where are they moving according to statistics, Duamagette Thus hearing this needs and compiling data I have decided maybe next week to head to Duamagette No idea how to get there though So may I ask anyone here considered the Philippines or may I ask ,you are there NOW ?
  8. I have started try to listen to these audio books That way I can do my walking as well I like to walk KMs everyday if I can Walked yesterday Jomtien to Tonys gym ,wasn't easy !! I'm not up to date on technology though I have just discovered these podcasts but they don't seem interesting
  9. I think you have been a life failure Ralfy wheels , never achieved anything in your life ,so you run down the working class man calling cleaners in hospitals ...janitors , must be a sad society America when they are looked down by people such as yourself especially when your in a wheelchair yourself I take it America's wages are low so you think every part of the World's wages are the same You do realise if you got out of America you would know someone working in Kmart in Australia today being Sunday would get $500- $600 for one day greeting people on the door so because someone in Australia has a job which you consider as you said "low class" doesn't mean they earn low wages
  10. Wheels,as a matter of interest do they pay much on the disability pension in the USA? I heard the social security is much better than Australia I feel empathy for you mate , especially if your in a nursing home at such a young age
  11. Just shows you have never left the USA and your definitely not in the Thailand,not with your wheelchair and lack of knowledge about other countries If I was a gambling man and I am ,I would place a large bet your IP address comes up in America, your not in Thailand your a man in a wheelchair going on every forum How much do you think someone at 60 average balance in their Super would be ?
  12. You stereotyping myself with other farangs ,maybe they had no job I dont know but I worked all my life I come from Australia where we have Superannuation , I probably do have the "means " to live in Malaysia,would I want to?
  13. So I must stick to middle & upper class thais?😯
  14. I really related to that thread in here about Thailand being less friendly But as we have Cambodian expats, Philippines expats and all other ASIAN expats NOT just Thailand on here please tell me about your experiences in other places Look I'm going to be honest with you. I found Filipino guys more "aggressive" and dominate than other ASEAN countries but they weren't RUDE and most had sense if humour unlike im finding with Thai people nowadays The Filipino women were ok although dominant too but they all had laughter and sense of humour Malaysia was great , friendly polite people with great manners
  15. Ahh very true ! I noticed less manners even in Australia,may sound racist but certain ethnicity believe in running to the door of a bus rather than lining up
  16. Yes ! There some angry looking old characters walking around
  17. I feel like they recognise me as a newbie here so all the weird ones come out I'm sitting at the entrance to the condo building waiting for my Bolt,when a old guy with a walking stick looks at me and without warning says " I get chafing between my legs you know " I looked up at him ,I had no idea what to say ,just I was shocked
  18. 😂 How did you know?? 🤣
  19. Yes I went back to a man's condo last Wednesday night. He is from NZ , he is very foolish with his money and invited some Thai guys and their girlfriends around that he had met a week before at the markets , apparently they had market stalls I only found out later he wanted to put in 500b to buy them beer and prawns to sharec He later complaint to me the thai people had used him and wanted gasoline money in which one Thai guy actually asked me for , I said to him to ask Eric the guy who invited them,nothing to do with me gasoline money Anyway Eric had run out of money and they didn't bring anything to the party he said ,we had to buy the prawns and beer , I told him he shouldn't of invited them over ,for what reason? I left after one hour anyway ,they wernt keen on a conversation and kept guzzing down the beer! The audacity of one of the Thai guys with his GF to ask be for gasoline money I was out of there after one hour ,!
  20. I have no probs with gay people only those old guys my age who put on acting decrepit with limps and walking sticks and they moving slow ,some are 50yo and act 80
  21. It's good to experience this. Long term I know it wouldn't suit he. I can't live in shoebox noisy rooms , I live in a noisy place back in Australia but I regard that as temporary until retirement But if I was going to retire I think Pattaya wouldn't be part of it anymore
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