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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. Who is there for you though to really care if you get sick or need hugs?
  2. Not sure if the word amenties is the word im looking for ,but im only a hospital wardsman so what do i know. But looking to retire soon whether that be Thailand,Cambodia or Phillipines,LAOS,TURKEY,, VIETNAM,MYANMUR ,SINGAPORE ,malaysia im studying what i need around me,what "amenties " i need. So i make this list to move somewhere where they have most of these to look for a city or town 1. must have good gym,i like going to the gym everyday,it has to be walking distance 2. pay4play whether that be bars or streetwalkers or meeting apps ,but should be available whether that be a bar or university town 3. Condos I prefer a condo or apartment 4.medical centres.. doesnt have to be close to hospital but its a preference 5.financial ....cheap place with good life ,prefer under 15,000 baht rent per month for say a 1 bedroom condo ,would be good to say able to live on less than 35,000 baht a month ,maybe phillipines or cambodia we could do this ? 6.easy retirement visa,less hassle 7,medical insurance ,a place which is cheap 8,low crime areas 9.healthy area , clean air ,chiang mai doesnt cut it now i know many of you are thinking of pattaya but too expensive for me ,what about farang expat cities/towns in places like phillipines etc. The question im asking is what amenties are important to you and what countries/towns do you reccomend that has everything your looking for ? To me western food is not important,i can live without, another is high crime areas eg i probaly wouldnt want to retire to Tondo in the phillipines BUT im sure there is western expats living there somewhere. Im ruling out places like pattaya ,too expensive, phuket the same, UDON THANI could be a option,university town plenty of pay4play i guess , Vietnam Hanoi could be option, as for CAMBODIA ,i didnt enjoy phomn penh BUT other area siem reap might be ok I plan on staying only 6 months in each city/town etc when i retire , i will explore Makati in the phillipines which is in manila,i may stay there a few months, then a place called PALAWAN, apparently many expats ,but these places may exceed my budget ,
  3. just wondering who lives alone here in Asia wherever you are. I was looking at my retirement thinking to buy a 1 bedroom rather than a studio if i decide to retire to pattaya or the phillipines just in case I want someone to live with me . So my questions to expats especially in places like Pattaya ,phuket ,cambodia ,phillipines who live in studios by themselves are you comfortable being alone. I never forget meeting a guy many years ago at the canterbury tales cafe in pattaya who told me he lived in serviced apartments just in case he died so they could find him and he had company everyday talking to the housemaids and reception staff so my question is , to mainly retired expats who live alone is ,are you never lonely that you need someone to live in with you ?
  4. at my age ready to retire soon from my job in Australia im glad i didnt take that "plunge" back in 2004 like most first timers to thailand/Asia and leave my job with excited hope to live there . These are the results of some that did,effectively ruining their later life . Its the dream guys to go to Asia particularly thailand to live but if you are leaving a secure job, and you are say under 50 with not much money ....dont do it Fast forward nearly 20 years and i get a whatsapp message from one of my friends here in Sydney that a former friend we had travelled with is trying to contact us. About 5 of us travelled to pattaya and one in particular his name was Russell was 34yo and had left his secure government job to live back then in pattaya with a girl he met on his first trip. Silly me at that time was also looking to live there although i was older than Russell,must be over 10 years since i spoke to him,he had moved to thailand leaving his job etc and bought a bar but now a teacher Russell is now in Cambodia ,i think around the 52 mark and has apparently been a teacher in Cambodia Burma etc ,,Russell is contacting us to ask for money . I havent been contacted by him yet but apparently financially he is not going too good and told my friend he hadnt saved any money and was considering coming back to Australia to find work. he has no skills ,no money,no job,no housing ,and get this,cant afford his airfare back to sydney His teacher salary was something like 30,000 baht a month ,so in other words he wasted his last 20 years when he could of been saving here in australia and possibly retired by now The second case is another farang friend ,who has lived in thailand around 15 years ,he is now 65yo ,married in thailand,2 young kids ,he talks to me on skype ,he says he is coming back without missus and kids to claim his Aussie pension, apparently has to live here 2 years to claim it at 67yo ,but he has no where to stay ,can he stay at my apartment with me ?..can i get free board until my wife gets a loan from her father? ....ummmmm no i said He has no money either despite his thai wife working in thailand and apparent rich father in law.
  5. just wondering how many of you can fight or still train in fighting skills wherever that be muay thai ,boxing or jujitsu ? Are there training schools/camps willing to take us on at our age? Im particular interested in older guys say 50 plus The reason i ask this is because im in my early 60's not far to go to retirement and thinking of learning to defend myself for later years. Im a hospital wardsman currently in Australia so am quite fit plus i go to the gym nearly everyday and lift heavy weights ,im 110kg ,i dont drink or smoke,im muscular to a degree a Recently there has been a spate of incidents that has made me more motivated to learn to fight . The other time when there was a spate of incidents was in April 2018 during Songkran in pattaya where i was on a baht bus and a farang squirted me in the left eye with a high powered water gun,he was probaly in his 40's but he kept doing it even when my eye started to close up and i had to get off the bus,i walked away like a coward The second one was in walking street around 2pm in the afternoon where i witnessed a drunk farang grab another farang walking past by his swimming costume ,he then elbowed me in the face not hard but as he walked past laughing,i did nothing but keep walking ,i wanted to hit him back or do a choke hold but i dont know how So i rang around here in Australia ,i rang a close full time boxing gym who seemed they didnt care my age ,then i rang a jujitsu gym who seemed a bit hesitant when i mentioned my age but said it may be harder for me to fight on a mat but yes come in and see how u go the thing is i would like to try muay thai as well in thailand .when i go there .,do you think we can do that in our 60's? i think jujitsu would be better for my age rather than kicking and punching but i would like to try muay thai i think there is a few old farang still keeping up fighting skills ,one i met in pattaya a few years ago was a judo expert or similar tell me if you can fight at your older age ? do you still train ? i need to be ready for when i retire ,ready to defend myself from louts and hooligans around ,thailand or even phillipines where i may retire is not safe.
  6. Does Pattaya have any talk back radio stations...that is where callers ring in to talk to the announcer about News topics & current affairs etc instead of just music stations ? If not I think it would go great either in Bangkok or Pattaya to have a morning talk back farang radio station say 9am to 12pm
  7. I always wonder what this fearful myth is of " be careful" acknowledging other farang ...they want something whether to borrow money from you or tell you a sorry story or whatever ...be careful saying don't hello back...they will bite you etc etc ..they re obviously after something I recall once walking with a newly arrived friend in Pattaya and we are walking in East Pattaya and I'm buying a coconut he is standing on the street a taxi pulls up and the farang passenger is seen talking to him my stupid friend is ignoring him before it drives off...I asked him what was going on..."oh he was pretending to ask for directions to a hotel...but probably wanted money ...I read it on the internet .. don't talk to stranger farangs !! Just bloody bizarre some of you lot ...fearful and anxious over oh they could ask to borrow money ...oh they could tell me a sorrowful story ...in reality they probably won't ...you know why . Because it's a urban fear myth Now as I'm getting older and some farang talks to me or acknowledge me passing by or whatever I will talk or acknowledge back ...so what if they ask to loan money I will say no...there's no need to ignore someone ...just because they could ..they might...possibly ask for a loan ....just ridiculous.. some of you must walk around Thailand with your head down making no eye contact hyper vigilant to other farang ! I remember being in a small beer bar in about 2010,in jomtien and saw a wallet in the toilet ..I knew it was the guy that was sitting with his mates nearby so I walked up politely ..hi ...I said .. I was just about to tell him before he looked at me with a sour arrogant look.. and said " do I know you !!! I recognised his accent as my own Australian and I stopped for a minute before his friend sitting next to him said something like I was trying to sell real estate... before this old C used his hand to shoo me off . So I walked back in the toilet and took the wallet Moral of the story don't be arrogant
  8. This topic may have been covered in some ways but now im getting over 60 plus had 2 work colleagues die in the last 3 months im thinking how valuable life is. One colleague Bob was 68yo and kept talking about retirement,he died at work on the nightshift,(hospital wardsmen)just went to have a nap on his break and never woke up,that was in August,he kept saying how he would be travelling Europe when he retires blah blah blah,supossed to have retired last December then it was July then it was this December,well now he is gone ,left probaly a million in retirement funds ,his kids will get it. Now my question is mostly related to those over 60 ,those old farts like me,or should i be politically correct ,and say mature aged guys ,the thing is,are you aware you will probaly die between 78 & 83yo? Are you doing everything to enjoy this time you have left ? are you going to get your goals completed ,enjoy that time you have left ? I said this to a work colleague last night whilst working, he is another oldie who wont retire at 77yo,still fit is a hospital cleaner ,hasnt taken a sick day since 1992 and proudly boasts about his 2 million in retirement funds that he pays into and how he is going to travel the world when he retires..... ....yeah right he was extremely offended last night when we spoke of Bobs death ,i said to him your 77 what are u planning o do in the next 6 years you have left ? He was shocked ,what do you mean he says puzzled ? I said mate you are 77 you dont have much time ....to a puzzled look by him before he stormed off . and thats where this past few months have made me aware,i have about 20 to 25 years left,if that,if im lucky ,that means not wasting it The point im trying to make is some of you either forget or just think your going to live forever ,im sorry to be blunt ,but as the financial planner said to me the other day ,most ill live up to about 83yo 84. Its a sad i guess morbid thing to talk about ,i used to try to talk about this to my late father who used to get angry ,but the point is i have planned to about 80yo financially and after the deaths of my 2 colleagues i have decided that the next 20 years i have left to , Grow old disgracefully ! sorry if this topic offends or hurts some of you but its no use pretending its not going to happen
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