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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. I'd love to see what other stupid expressions he could create if someone were to cut one end of his hammock.
  2. there is 10:00 and there is 22:00 - I would have thought it was obvious. All it needs is a bit of intelligence. If the guy had said 10am 0r 10pm - some half-wit would have challenged that. I perfectly understood what the poster was saying. And I use the 24 hour clock system So simple. What's all the fuss?
  3. He didn't 'build the wall' either. Blame Trump as well!
  4. On my way back to Chiang Mai from Surin, last New Year's Day, I counted 21 dead dogs on the side of the roads. My journey takes 12 hours and covers 7 major roads. How many other dogs died that day on the thousands of other roads in Thailand? The dogs shouldn't have been out on the roads in the first place. I'd still be travelling if I stopped and showed sympathy for every dead mongrel on the roads. The previous 2 journeys, always on NY's Day - similar numbers. Do you show sympathy for every pigeon of other creature road kills? Or even more so, humanity wise, all those innocent people killed by other drivers? Dogs are just animals. They can be eaten. Just like many other animals - do you 'mourn' them? The deer and buffalo are sad statistics - caused by humans. Nothing changes and never will. Get over it.
  5. Other buds were more into larger yachts. Damn rich folks. How's this for American logic: Q:But, have you ever sailed on the Chesapeake? Matter fact I have, (not sailed), as couple friends were into boats. So you haven't actually sailed in the Cheasapeake then>
  6. Congratulations on 1st past the post in accusing the Brits! Instead of snidy and petulant little comments - why not wait until this slob's nationality is revealed. He could be any number of nationalities using English as a profanity. I've seen and heard this behaviour from almost every Western country. He may be a Brit - but you couldn't wait to rub the entire Brit nation's noses in it, could You?
  7. Somebody called Bob'?
  8. Checked and verified as 'pure and untainted'! All Tickety boo then! No prossies No crime-ridden ladyboys, No drugs No under-age girls (or boys) No inflated prices to scam customers No ping-pong style shows No late openings No o rowdyism No vicious bouncers waiting to kick the Sh^t out of customer. Nothing! All dues paid up folks - carry on - you're clean! Signed..... Thailand's finest.
  9. Ladyboy younger model sounds right up your back alley.
  10. Your braggart statement is ambiguous. It could mean in the company of 1,500 women, or it could mean that you are boasting of having shagged 1,500 women. I can believe the first but do not believe the second. I could however, believe that you paid for it with each one. That would sound believable............. But I wonder why we all need to know that you are the world's most virile 'poke 'em payer'?
  11. Gawdon Bennett! He's desperately ill again! Covid! Hahahahahahahahaha....... As a problem for he, the little dictator, so he finds a way around it. Like a slippery eel in an oyster! He'll be up and around as soon as he's cleared up this 'little' misunderstanding of LM.
  12. Just leave and move on..........again...........and again.............and ........!
  13. If you check his post - it looks like the poster isn't here in Thailand.
  14. Boss-baby was the driver. How is that 'implicated'? And how come the father is an' 'heiress'?
  15. This guy is 44. He's been in Thailand for 22 years. and yet he was a 'mercenary' - at 22? Presuming that he joined the armed forces at 18, he was trained to be a mercenary? Very doubtful. He may have decided to become a mercenary, but his skills after 4 year's service would be very limited, surely. It would be very interesting to discover where he was employed in such a job, wouldn't it?
  16. I spent a week in Luxor in the '90s. I had won a prize for a week in that location. Non-stop harassment from sellers, from the airport - continuing all week until our departure. Food was bland. Drinking water was the main problem. Diarrhea rampant. Ice contaminated as well. Ex-wife and I spent 2 of our 6 days - in the hotel room, on the toilet. Valley of the Kings was interesting, but not the boring dialogue of our guide. It was also, ultra hot. Good luck living there.
  17. Islam all over. The peaceful religion.
  18. When little miss pretty was chasing her political dream of following Thakkis footsteps, does anyone remember her huge posters of electioneering, waving a Samsung Galaxy Notebook in the air? "One for every student in Thailand" was her battle cry! What they got was a typically cheap, measly unsupported, badly-made copy of some Chinese garbage. Thousands of them arrived - late, of course........ Most of the cheapy 'tablets' died within months of delivery, no supporting technology, most schools without the electricity/internet services to run them and no manufacturer's guarantee of maintenance an all the other related issues. The kids played games on them! Oh, and the rice disaster. Massive pilfering from the hundreds of rice warehouses nationwide and the sale of cheap foreign rice as 'Jasmine' Thai rice - at those prices. Remember? I do. Yup! Let's return to Shinawatra democracy, Yay!
  19. Most posters on this forum have no idea what the Isle of Wight is - let alone know where it vis or how big it is! Most Brit haters probably think it is a white island.
  20. You don't get to know someone on a dating app - AT ALL! You don't even really know if they are male or female, young or old, good or bad. You are courting disaster to do so. I really feel for this young woman - trying to live her dream.
  21. Thank you for your dreary post. I don't have a digital wallet. I use cash. I don't want a digital wallet. I get hacked off - standing in a queue while waiting for some tosser to fiddle with his phone, sometimes up to 2/3 minutes, and I am 6th in line and another 4 Digital wallies in front of me. I have lived in Thailand 20 years. I get to the check out, the cashier rings it up I pay the money and am gone in 60 seconds. I don't understand. What is so difficult about that? Not once in all that time have I ever felt unsafe carrying cash around with me. Why mend something that ain't broke? Most of these wallety plonkers are just trying to be clever. They actually come across as tossers trying to impress. Now, if you really want to know what I think? ....................
  22. Hypocrisy at its best when reading such a juvenile statement from a supposedly western educated person. Plus, of course, the use of a worthless phrase such as 'init'!
  23. I don't know why, the guy didn't even have as stomp-on, while the unattractive looking female jiggled like she was possessed. Nothing sexy or sexual about it.
  24. In this case - lucky you. I'd be a bit more particular, personally. As my ex-wife once said to me when I was chatting to some girl at a party, "Any port in a storm, eh"? (Better than a shipwreck, I thought). That's when the fight started. We divorced soon after! Mind you, this woman wouldn't look so unattractive with a carrot-shaped object stuck between her teeth, I suppose ...... Hey Ho - that's life.
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