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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. I have a glass jar full of them. I'm not sure if the banks take them. Possibly about 200-300 hundred coins collected over the years. I doubt the amount would be more than 200Baht. If the banks took them, I would happily give them to one of the market blind Thai musicians. I'd rather they have them than just throw them away.
  2. you know women who still wear transparent nighties? Are all these women under 90? still, nothing like a sag-grab ....... Hahaha.
  3. Disgraceful that a male doctor, of any nationality, should have the authority and the ability to examine a woman in such a way, when no female nurse is present. It definitely smacks of sexual gratification and he should be charged accordingly.
  4. All of a sudden, Anutin appears to have been elevated to the ranks of senior military officer, all decked out in medals, pretty badges and his 'rakish' beret splattered all over his baldy head. He might want to soar with the eagles, but he still quacks like a duck! He was in construction, wasn't he?
  5. Not necessarily, if they were Chinese. Personally, I have no problem where a small child urinates in the street under the protection of its parents. It's one of the things that very young children need & do in many countries. However, the Chinese are well known for their lack of social graces of the when , how & where they empty their bowels. An incident occurred in CM a year or so back, where some Chinese woman decided to have a dump in the moat around the city. She too was photographed. They're not the most sophisticated of people. Oh, and I agree with you about the other incidents as well.
  6. Oooh, clever, fun you! You've done everything , haven't you? Such a clever boy! clap clap! 1st class muppet.
  7. The picture of the monk with his right leg, entrapping the young boy is not an innocent pose of simply hugging. He's trying to get his leg over! Pedo!
  8. It's a pity your moral viewpoint isn't reciprocated when it comes to these freaks manhandling tourists against their will and thieving what they can.
  9. I disagree! I think I would find it very easy to beat this lowlife. A crowbar can break anything, yes?
  10. Is that so? And how do you know that? Who are they? Why not name them them? Just being a little bit petulant and bitchee -scratch your eyes out mentality? Nobbers do that And where do you come from lady?
  11. Good riddance - hope you Yanks are happy with it - we are! Even with his drug taking - should fit in well. Particularly with the corrupt administration that allowed him in initially, Despite his own admission of addiction. Great news - less tax pilferers for the UK. All we need now is to stop hearing about him and his trashy wife.
  12. There are 2 mistakes in this headline: Xi Jinping’s bullet train grift offer sparks China-Thailand railway and brown envelope reality There - I've fixed them.
  13. Oh, one of these turgid, monotonous and predictable whiners again.
  14. We tried that - check your knowledge of history - you obviously don't like Aussies either. Where do you come from Mr. 'Safety first'? La La Land? No losers of your own? Just vindictive and saddies - like you, eh?
  15. Wow! Aren't you just the sexy one - to have engaged in so many public displays of sexual activity. Was it due to the action of your left hand or your right hand? Do tell........ 'Handsome man'...... !
  16. What about I see your 'TI's and I raise TIBS... Pointless, eh?
  17. Who have done what he did, which was to put the proverbial boot in!
  18. Not exactly true. The names Great Britain and United Kingdom are often used interchangeably. The reason for the two names, and the difference between them, has to do with the expansive history of the British Isles. The British Isles are a group of islands off the northwestern coast of Europe.
  19. The foul air has been here for weeks. Thank god for Anutin; he is concerned. All done folks. Sorted.
  20. Maybe a snippet or two.....
  21. Everything listed with the exception of the pigeons - we ate them. Actually, we didn't - in the south we thought that was just a northern city fad for those with flat rooftop access... and a penchant for bird sh*t!
  22. "Dave' as in he's a real friend or 'Dave' as in being over familiar with an arrogant bully? What's wrong with just stating his surname or just his full name? 'Dave' gives this thug credibility.
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