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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. India is bailing BRIC. "Putin & Xi's "De-Dollarization" Dream is DEAD!"
  2. This is a majority of those polled. Not a majority of American voters. In the 2020 Presidential election there was 155-160 million American voters for the presidency. In that case a majority would be 77.5-80 million voters then. Likely now there will be many more voters. So I doubt the poll found that up to 80 million Americans want full conversation. So obviously a sampling of voters took place. How that sample is derived to produce less than a 1 degree of error needs to be described. This article offers no reliable information. Especially since many pollsters are anticipating a surge in young, women and ethnic voters compared to 2020.
  3. Remember - No Twerking!
  4. I guess not noted: Just recently, Thailand, is moving away from the US dollar in its capacity as the world's reserve currency, and are joining BRICS to conduct their business outside the US dollar. https://aseannow.com/topic/1329577-de-dollarization-gaining-speed/ So did Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra remind Blinken of Thailand's distaste of the US dollar? Hardly notable by Blinken when the US just faced three destructive hurricanes. But maybe the Thai government can plan quick and significant economic responses to flooded areas as did the US. But as I recalled, advice given by the Thai government regarding potential flooding, citizens were advised to move to high ground. There, all fixed.
  5. I would have thought his complicity in the 2014 military coup led by Gen. Prayut to overthrow an elected government and abolish the constitution would have raised concerns about his qualification for parliamentary duties going forward.
  6. On Oct. 11th Friday some of my remote keyboard keystrokes were linking to "favorite" functions. So I wanted to order ASAP a new keyboard from Lazada. But found my Lazada Wallet no longer connected to my K+ account so I was not able to top off my Wallet and pay immediately online. Of course Lazada customer service is closed weekends. But mid-next morning I tried again to top off and pay with Lazada Wallet...and access to my K+ account was restored!?! Sunday late afternoon the keyboard was delivered.
  7. Not exactly. Removal of the POTUS by other than impeachment of Congress (House & Senate), requires a majority vote of the POTUS Cabinet and VP to do so. As the POTUS nominates his cabinet members for confirmation by the Senate, Trump would probably want pro-Trump MAGA candidates and a very grateful VP candidate. In fact removal of POTUS Trump early in his administration was apparently discussed among some cabinet members but as I recall, VP Pence would not agree with Trump's removal.
  8. You can send a private message via Asean News. Click on your profile button, then choose message. Address to member profile name. Defamation in Thailand keys on public disclosure, ie., social media, in public settings.
  9. That makes no sense and you can Wikipedia the history. Albeit many different versions and time lines. There were two Muslim kingdoms to the south of Thailand: Kingdom of Kedah and Kingdom of Patani. Both were sovereign sultanates. With consent by the super power Great Britain apparently for trade concessions, Kedah was annexed by the Muslim Malaysian Federation and its heritage endured. Nice. Similarly, Patani was annexed to Buddhist Thailand and its heritage was smothered. There was no consent by the Patani Muslims for the annexation.
  10. Thailand allows betting in horse races. The minimum bet is 50 baht per horse per race. There is no maximum amount set. A crime being committed with 240 baht involved with these women? Ridiculous.
  11. Except maybe with Thailand's seemingly protective behavior and patience towards the Myanmar military engaged in a civil war resulting from its criminal overthrow of an elected government. Ironically, Thailand's decades military action and suspension of civil rights against the territory of the former Malay Muslim Kingdom of Patani might not technically qualify as "foreign relations" as Patani was forcefully annexed into the Kingdom of Thailand.
  12. "South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said it could not confirm the North's accusations but also referred in its statement to Pyongyang's practice of sending into South Korean airspace balloons with bags of trash attached." "All responsibility for the recent series of events" lies with Pyongyang. Oct. 12, 2024 https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/ Oh boo-hoo North Korea. You start provocations but don't like the response. December 2023 five North Korean drones crossed into South Korea.
  13. I view this skit as a "parody," not the usual low-level "snicker" standup comedy found typically in SNL skits. Parody: (Google "meaning) a humorous or mocking imitation of something, using the same form as the original. a creative work that is created in order to imitate, comment on, critique, and / or mock its subject. Perhaps that is the attraction of SNL. You never know how it will find and present current events.
  14. A registered voter for a certain political party is not constrained to vote for another party without re-registering. Voters can cross party lines to support/vote candidates without changing their political registration. And that is happening on a broad scale: registered Republicans supporting Democrat candidates including Harris. How do you account for this shift? My links, where are yours? "Republicans for Harris launches, aiming for Biden-like appeal to anti-Trump voters," Edward-Isaac Dovere, August 4, 2024 https://edition.cnn.com/ "Anti-Trump Republicans Raise Over $35 Million to Help Harris," Sep 14, 2024 https://www.newsweek.com/ "Over 100 Former GOP Officials Sign Letter Endorsing Harris," Sept. 18, 2024 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/
  15. I don't think it's possible as a bank needs the account holder's tax bracket. Withheld income tax of earned interest I think is just a flat percent regardless of tax bracket.
  16. TAT just needs to rebrand Phuket as the Venice of Thailand.
  17. What I have read about UN justification of having abuser members on the UNHRC was to shame them in a public world forum by lesser/non-abuser members, meaning the number of members not deemed abusers is irrelevant. For example, USA defenders of freedom isn't currently on the UNHRC by choice - it matters not. Somehow in a fantasy (yes funny) way, such public shaming would to some degree mitigate abuses by highly abusive members from lesser abusive members. Utterly ineffective. And you can't count on the UN Security Council that includes abusive members to take any punitive sanctions such as economic bans. Note: Also overlooked (perhaps) is that prior to 2014 the THRC was an independent agency whose reports were NOT subject to review and alteration by the Thai government. But subsequently, a new Constitution required any THRC reports must be submitted to the government as drafts, approved and must NOT include anything that would "damage" Thailand's reputation.
  18. See federal law 28 CFR Part 600 - GENERAL POWERS OF SPECIAL COUNSEL https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-28/chapter-VI/part-600 See also 5 USC PART II, CHAPTER 12, SUBCHAPTER II: OFFICE OF SPECIAL COUNSEL From Title 5—GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES PART II—CIVIL SERVICE FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES CHAPTER 12—MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD, OFFICE OF SPECIAL COUNSEL, AND EMPLOYEE RIGHT OF ACTION https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title5/part2/chapter12/subchapter2&edition=prelim Guess who else used Special Counsel? Republican appointed Attorney General William Barr appointed US attorney John Durham as a special counsel to investigate the origins of the FBI's probe of Russian interference. Dec. 2020 https://www.politico.com/news/ https://www.politico.com/news/
  19. It did not and accepted by the judge, now pending response from the defense within 7 days.
  20. Monk - Hardly a professional source for construction advice. Why not an architect. "Basis of their faith"? How about confirming history of actual performance - you know, a FACT-Based recommendation? Maybe contact the Council of Engineers for an expert.
  21. Why worry? That was undermined decades ago if one follows the understanding of how a cm should operate.
  22. "Drives Economy" How sad. Goodbye to an economy sustained by tourism, manufacturing, export of goods and services, domestic consumption. Hello to Muay Thai to drive Thailand's economy.
  23. Disgusting vote of approval. Fails in so many ways to recognize reality of human rights in Thailand. Case in point: The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) called on the Thai authorities to do much more to make its protections real in practice. One year on, authorities have fallen short in implementing the landmark Anti-torture and Enforced Disappearance Act. https://www.icj.org/ Feb 22, 2024: While welcoming the implementation of certain preventive measures contained in the Anti-torture and Enforced Disappearance Act, the ICJ is concerned at the failure to provide proper training for responsible authorities on enforcement and to ensure prompt, thorough, and effective investigation and prosecutions in cases of alleged torture and enforced disappearances. PM Prayut sought to delay implementation but the Constitutional Court affirmed he had no authority to delay the Act and ordered immediate implementation. Fast forward two successive PM's and I see no public confirmation by the government that the Act has been fully implemented. Consequences: According to the Ministry of Justice, as of November 2023, since the Act came into force, there had been 57 complaints involving 27 allegations of torture, six allegations of enforced disappearance, and 24 allegations of ill-treatment falling short of torture, with investigations ceasing in 4 cases and 53 cases pending.
  24. Meanwhile Trump is already claiming that the 2024 election was stolen from him.
  25. Well, the "elephant" is the political symbol for the GOP/ MAGA led by "protector of women" DJT.
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