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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. You can add VAT going to the State for all the purchases resulting from sale of cannabis as well as additional income tax to the State on business profits.
  2. Glad you posted this. Yesterday went online to start an order but found all my personal data was gone as well as auto signin. Now I understand why. I saw no announcement for upgrade. No issues recreating my personal data and started an order in progress - yet to send it in because shipping is too high.
  3. I recommend TMN - The MeidasTouch Network. https://www.meidastouch.com/news
  4. I recommend TMN - The MeidasTouch Network. https://www.meidastouch.com/news
  5. Video in US where timber poles are used. Thailand has precast poles but still topple over.
  6. I prefer Minestroni, at least still available. Chicken noodle seems to have disappeared.
  7. In 2023 there was a spike in covid cases after the Songkran celebrations. So shouldn't those celebrations be cancelled this year to exercise extreme pubic safety?
  8. Members of the cabinet are nominated by the prime minister, cannot be members of Parliament and formally appointed by the King of Thailand. Except in the case of former military-coup leader PM Prayut who claimed in 2023 that he was not with concurrence of the Constitutional Court the PM beyond 2018 even though he received Royal Appointment. The prime minister is nominated by the party that won the majority of Parliament House seats in a national election, except when the person is a military coup leader such as Gen. Prayut who simply in 2014 appointed members of the Parliament, then elected by Parliament as PM. But when under the military-drafted 2016 Constitution, when no nomination gains a majority vote of the House, the then military-appointed Senate can add its vote for PM as it happened in the case of PM Thavisin who lost in the House vote but with the Senate won the overall Parliament (aka National Legislative Assembly) vote. Governance of Thailand is complex.
  9. Note: "Why Poland Passed on F-16s for New FA-50 Fighter Jets," August 2022 https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/08/why-poland-passed-on-new-f-16s-for-new-fa-50-fighter-jets/ For Thailand I'd say the while purchase and maintenance costs are important, how the aircraft will be used should be predominant in terms of mission objective and effectiveness. I think that using the FA-50s solely within Thailand and backed up by ground radar and anti-air missiles puts it on equal standing with the F-16s. Outside of Thailand I think it is the reverse, the F-16 is superior to the FA-50. So does Thailand want to be known as the Big Boy carrying a small stick (F-50) or a Little Boy carrying a big stick (F-16)? Note: The Republic of Korea Air Force operates a total of 180 F-16C/D aircraft and the US operates three F-16s air bases in South Korea. South Korea also operates the F-35s. Little Boy with a big stick.
  10. Russia has Putin. So West 1 / Russia 0
  11. I always carry a couple folds of Scott paper towels, especially when it comes to finger foods.
  12. Without the Jews there would be no Christians and Islamists in that order. Why does the world not celebrate other religions that developed without the influences of those three religions such as the Native Northern Continent religions (Aboriginal Indians, Aleuts, Inuits), Central and Southern Continent religions (Aztec, Mayans), Pacific Islanders, Native Africans(Akan, Hansa animism), Siberia (Shamanism), etc.?
  13. The article identifies her as "A female para-military" so not unidentified. ISOC knows who she is as she would be on the RTA payroll. The Malay Muslim soldiers are no more mercenaries than are the Ukraine nation's military soldiers fighting Russian "occupiers. "
  14. No. The Malays actually fought together with the RTM against the communist attacks in Southern Thailand with the hope that Thailand would allow the Malays to regain their sovereignty. The communists were repelled. But The Kingdom of Thailand didn't grant the Malays sovereignty.
  15. Thailand has good trade relations with North Korea since 1975 when it first established diplomatic relations with North Korea. Thailand exports to North Korea have continued to increase consistently since than.
  16. Arrest whomever allowed them on-site? Arrest project management that solicited these workers? No. And so trafficking continues.
  17. Apparently not. Last November a navy delegation sent by Sutin was sent to China to negotiate a frigate instead if a sub. Looks like they failed.
  18. The answer is no. "Civilians found in possession of pepper spray can by law be jailed for up to 10 years and fined as much as Bt1 million. In other words, the penalty is far worse than if you’re caught with illicit drugs or a firearm." "Pepper spray would give us a fighting chance," March 2024 https://www.nationthailand.com/perspective/30303925 from Samsak Lawyer September 2014 "By law there are two types of weapons, (1) weapon by condition eg. knife, gun, etc. (2) weapon by use eg. bat, bottles, stick etc. Batons, knives and pepper spray are considered weapons by condition, if you are caught by one by police you could be fined THB 100 and have it confiscated." http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/762108-concealed-pepper-spray-expandable-batons-and-pocket-knives/ So always carry THB 100? Or the answer is maybe. also from Samsak Lawyer September 2014 "In the case of using it in self defense you can use it if it's against a weapon that is of a more of a more dangerous in nature such as a knife or a gun. Only police and authorised personnel are legally allowed to carry such weapons." Ask your assailant if he's carrying a knife or gun, please display it? Welcome to Thailand.
  19. Oh please. Maybe resolve your own problems at home peacefully in your Southern Muslim provinces instead of decades of subjugation and denial of an indigenous population's ethnicity, customs, language, traditions and religion.
  20. The ladyboy was just "fishing" hoping she would get a bite.
  21. "Police reform may be easier than everyone thinks" But the entire article seems to point towards an impossible path to reform of deeply embedded corruption. Nowhere in the article is suggested any "easy" solutions. And that maybe the real truth. Those who are supposed to enforce the rule of law distort and abuse the rule of law. This destructive culture might stem from decades of military direct and indirect control of the nation punctuated with frequent military coups that defy the rule of law and Thai people's sovereignty.
  22. She was a para-military ranger aka mercenary paid by the Thai military Internal Security Operstions Command (ISOC) to hunt Malay Muslim freedom fighters in the South. It's my impression that ISOC uses these mercenaries to do field patrols to hunt and kill Malay Muslim rebels to minimize exposure of regular Thai military outside of their secure posts. ISOC for decades has maintained the military's State of Emergency in the Southern provinces that deprives resident Malay Muslims constitutional rights. Nowhere outside of the South is there a SOE. Yes, her execution was unfortunate but not surprising.
  23. Does RTP have tasers, never seen them using the device? Instead the officers in the video seem outclassed fighting the Russian who himself is flaying away.
  24. I'm sure that POTUS Trump who gave the Taliban a gateway to ruling the country unopposed by the US will appreciate stoning women.
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