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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. "Judge rules Trump’s conviction withstands Supreme Court immunity decision," (my bold) by Zach Schonfeld and Ella Lee - 12/16/24 https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/5043247-trump-hush-money-conviction-uphold/ "A New York judge upheld a jury’s verdict that convicted President-elect Trump of a felony, ruling the outcome of the hush money case can withstand the Supreme Court's new test for presidential immunity." (my italics)
  2. Probably part of the toilet seat from Russia's Mir space station.
  3. Remember after a year of government badgering (but not in response): "The Bank of Thailand unexpectedly lowered its key interest rate by 25 basis points to 2.25% during its October meeting, marking the first rate cut since early 2020 and a move long advocated by the government. The decision was made amid a sluggish economy and inflation remaining below the lower end of its target range between 1% to 3%." https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/interest-rate Okay, so if the government has now failed to improve the economy that could lead to higher inflation, why would BOT further lower interest rates?
  4. If you don't disburse the vaccine and you don't track the impact of the disease on the population, the result is a perceived low mortality from the disease and/or misdiagnosis of the impact of the disease. 45th POTUS Trump faced a conundrum: On the one hand 45th POTUS Trump correctly took credit for producing the covid vaccine at "warp speed" to save lives, but on the other hand 45th POTUS Trump denied Am,erican deaths from covid and wouldn't put resources into tracking the extent of spread of the disease because the vaccine proved successful. But there was a considerable time lapse before the vaccine was available and the spread of covid. "How Trump's Denial and Misinformation led to the covid pandemic's dark winter," by Yesmeen, Abutableb, Ashley Parker, Josh Dawsey, and Philip Rucker, Dec. 19, 2020 https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/115611/documents/HHRG-118-FD00-20230330-SD005.pdf "Debunking the False Claim That COVID Death Counts Are Inflated," by Christie Aschwanden, Oct. 20, 2020 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/debunking-the-false-claim-that-covid-death-counts-are-inflated1/ "In August, President Donald Trump retweeted a post claiming that only 6 percent of these reported deaths were actually from COVID-19." vs "94 percent of COVID-19 deaths reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “were the result of 2-3 additional serious illnesses and were of advanced age.” "The Trump Administration and the COVID‐19 crisis: Exploring the warning‐response problems and missed opportunities of a public health emergency," by Charles F Parker and Eric K Stern https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9115435/
  5. After you read this story you'll want to drink one?
  6. Thai economics. Increasing inflation of consumer product costs for more government revenue. But that actually will reduce consumer purchasing power and thus demand for inflated cost of products. Retailer loses. Standard of living for consumer decreases.
  7. Trump isn't POTUS yet. He is a civilian. The Suite currently belongs to POTUS Biden. And like his civilian guests, he should have held his hand over his heart during the national anthem.
  8. "Karen" likely refers to a stateless indigenous people living in Thailand. For example: "The Black Forest: Karen People's Fight for Indigenous Rights in Thailand," by Yostorn Triyos August 7, 2023 - earthjournalism.net - "The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) announcement No.64/2557, better known as the Forest Reclamation Policy, led to regulations to stop encroachment on forest resources in Thailand. - Enforcement resulted in more than 46,000 villagers in the country being arrested and sued. Most were villagers who lived on, or had land plots that overlapped with, forest preserve areas in various ways. - As national parks adopted specific laws and imposed severe penalties, a shockingly large number of people were prosecuted, many going to jail. Many others lost their ancestral lands. In some cases, families were left bankrupt, the assets accumulated over a lifetime exhausted. Others lost family members." Historically, the stateless (having no citizenship) Karen people have not been well treated in Thailand. Hence, a younger generation of "soldiers."
  9. A good example for a Muslim democratic system is Indonesia. While 93% of the adult Indonesian population identify themselves as Muslim, Indonesia is not an Islamic state, but "constitutionally a secular state whose government officially recognizes six formal religions." In 2023 Indonesia ranked 58 worldwide as a democracy according to the Freedom Index. Contrast with Malaysia 53, Thailand 30, Iran 12, Saudi Arabia 8. The higher the score the higher ranked for democracy (in political rights & civil liberties), ie., Norway at 100. https://freedomhouse.org/country/
  10. I'd think tasers would be more practical in tourist areas for police.
  11. I quote one source, you avoid citing any counter source. Instead you divert from the topic. "Trump Abandons Iran Nuclear Deal He Long Scorned," by Mark Landler, May 8, 2018 New York.com "President Trump declared on Tuesday that he was withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, unraveling the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor Barack Obama, isolating the United States from its Western allies and sowing uncertainty before a risky nuclear negotiation with North Korea." "5 years after U.S. left Iran nuclear deal, more enriched Uranium and much less trust," May 30, 2023 by Connor Donevan, Courtney Dorning, Mary Louise Kelly - npr.org "It was then-President Trump who, five years ago this month, yanked the U.S. out of the nuclear deal known as the JCPOA, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. What followed is the U.S. reimposed crushing sanctions. Over time, Iran stopped adhering to the limits the deal had imposed, and day by day, its nuclear program crept forward." Personally, I think Trump's rejection of the deal was purely that the deal was formulated by Obama. Technically the deal was beyond Trump's comprehension and would give credit to his nemesis Obama.
  12. Lest we forget why Iran is where it is now with its nuclear program. "Killing the Iran nuclear deal was one of Trump's biggest failures", by Tom Collina, May 7, 2024, responsibkestatecraft.org 45th POTUS Trump promised a better deal. - "Six years after the US withdrew from the JCPOA, prospects for its resurrection are dim and Tehran is closer than ever to a bomb. - Tehran is believed to be not one year but just weeks from being able to produce enough fissile material for a bomb if it chooses to do so." Now does Trump 47th POTUS have a better deal or just another "concept?"
  13. I think this "suffering" is self-contained. Are there not many other more critical issues before the nation that need discussion?
  14. It depends maybe. I still call US Toll Free numbers (800, 877, 888, etc.) without charge. Maybe because when I originally downloaded Skype and it asked me what country I'm in, I picked US. Skype also gives me " local" toll rates when I call non toll US phone numbers. For other foreign calls I use a free (up to 2000 MB) VPN Tunnel Bear to get local toll rates. You choose your gateway country from which you make the call.
  15. You think Trump knew any of the history and current status of Iceland? He doesn't nor does he care. As he says, it's all about real estate regardless of ownership or sovereignty. Real estate is transactional - willing seller and willing buyer.
  16. Wrong. I use MS10 as my operating system on top pc's. MS keeps trying to upgrade to MS11 but frankly even when MS no longer supports MS10, I will keep it.
  17. What Muslims are terrorizing who?
  18. Your point? Don't expect Trump to know or bother to know about foreign country sovereignty. To him the world operates transactionally.
  19. Only outside of the hospital.
  20. True. Monthly subscriptions for making outbound calls or free Skype call to anyone anytime. Currently I have almost $9 remaining for calls to personal numbers; most of my calls are to toll free numbers.
  21. Some issues now with Skype might be due to Skype is now owned by Microsoft. As the story goes, MS introduced Team as a competitor to Skype but Skype remained much more popular. So it might be a business strategy by MS purchase of Skype to establish practices that would drive Skype users to use Team.
  22. Nice to see Vice President elect Vance appearing somewhere in public, albeit overseas. Seems all the public sees post election is Elon Musk whose close relationship with Trump is more like a VP.
  23. Start nationalizing the flood of trafficked foreign workers into Thailand every year instead of deporting them. In fact Thailand has to a nominal degree provided citizenship for some of its stateless peoples.
  24. Make a lot of friends with doctors.
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