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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. The "attacks" in the UN are from freedom of speech. Wouldn't you want to see that among all the nations? Albeit, POTUS Trump's full resistance previously to a two-state solution between the Palestinians and Israel, and Netanyahu's on a one-state solution and attempts to disenfranchise Palestinians in Israel who hold Israeli citizenship has contributed to UN debates concerning Israel's behavior towards peaceful solutions.
  2. Your substantiation, albeit personal observations. Thank you.
  3. You know nothing about the Malay Muslim insurrection in the area of the former sovereign Kingdom of Patani, (now called by Thailand as its "Southern Provinces"). They were a peaceful nation until the Kingdom of Siam broke its peace treaty with the Muslim nation and forcibly annexed its people into Siam under Buddhist rule, denied the people their traditions, language and culture. No, instead it was the "vile doctrine and ideology" of a Buddhist nation that created a Muslim insurrection. For your easiest understanding go to Wikepedia.
  4. There are wind maps of Thailand to see where there is sufficient diurnal stability and wind speeds to provide consistent maximum electrical production. Those I reviewed showed bare minimum (less the turbine is just a hair dryer) in the northern Thailand regions targeted for many wind turbine farms (aside from Phuket that ranks among the windiest places in Thailand). "Bare minimum" means less than rated capacity. "Less" means inefficient electric production.1 But efficient electric production doesn't seem to be the criteria, maybe it's the generation of government funds that's the goal. And perhaps in terms of dependable operation at rated capacity explains the current governments' plan to focus on solar energy production on the country's lakes backed by dams. 1"Attempts at producing wind resource maps of Thailand all faced the problem of shortage in wind speed data, especially offshore and at high elevations... Thailand has relatively low average wind speeds with most areas being of class 1-1.4 wind speed, or about 2.8–4 m/s measured at 10 m. This is because Thailand is near the equator which has generally low wind speed.[4] In general, Thailand's inland winds are sub-par, but there are areas with topography such as mountain ranges, canyons, and slopes that help increase wind speeds." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_power_in_Thailand
  5. Where is the Minister of Education Pol Gen Permpoon Chidchob? He was appointed on November 13, 2023. I'd think he would lead concerns about safe busing of school children as well as for teachers riding with them. But I don't see his name in any of these accidents.
  6. Have you ever considered that there is demand for such options?
  7. While Donald Trump repeatedly calls climate change a “hoax” while pushing an extreme MAGA agenda that would gut basic environmental protections. He's not interested in any Approach or Diplomacy.
  8. The 193 nation members in the UN are free contest and to vote on Israel's behavior, be it antisemitic, ethical or moral.
  9. And ignored by police and government other than maybe, 'Yes we know and have been thinking about the danger.'
  10. What difference does it make for Dam's excuse? He stole it! That's called burglary. He needs to be prosecuted for theft of property that doesn't belong to him and not given permission to possess, regardless whom the true owner is.
  11. Passengers would be safer on a unicycle.
  12. How is that a school transport vehicle? Might as well give them bicycles or go carts.
  13. Overlooked and I believe must be addressed for foreign acquisition of Thai real estate. That is the inheritance of foreign owned Thai real estate. While the 30-99 year foreign purchase has not expired, my vague understanding is that a foreign inheritor (family relative, etc. foreign friend) has time restrictions and potential financial obligations (pay value of the real estate) to take possession of the real estate or lose the real estate in a mandatory public auction that may favor Thais.
  14. Thai owner might make a significant capital gain on sale? Us the to help pay off Thai's household debt.
  15. A mere assertion that MAGA must investigate government waste and inefficiency is a means for MAGA to manipulate government agencies into beneficial waste for MAGA individuals. No specificity as one might expect from MAGA. Here is the present situation on government waste and inefficiency. It has been operational for some time. GAOverview: Understanding Waste in Federal Programs; Published: May 09, 2024 https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-107198 (sorry this requires reading) Types of waste in federal programs and strategies to address it: Programs may be vulnerable to waste due to mismanagement of assets. Personnel may engage in wasteful practices by not following policies and statutes. Program officials do not always establish adequate oversight procedures. Improve asset management capabilities. Ensure that officials know and adhere to policies and statutes. Develop adequate oversight procedures. For example: Ineffective software asset management increases the likelihood of waste. Trump and Musk would have you belief there is nothing in place. But apparently POTUS #45 had no issues during his last term.
  16. A mere assertion that MAGA must investigate government waste and inefficiency is a means for MAGA to manipulate government agencies into beneficial waste for MAGA individuals. No specificity as one might expect from MAGA. Here is the present situation on government waste and inefficiency. It has been operational for some time. GAOverview: Understanding Waste in Federal Programs; Published: May 09, 2024 https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-107198 (sorry this requires reading) Types of waste in federal programs and strategies to address it: Programs may be vulnerable to waste due to mismanagement of assets. Personnel may engage in wasteful practices by not following policies and statutes. Program officials do not always establish adequate oversight procedures. Improve asset management capabilities. Ensure that officials know and adhere to policies and statutes. Develop adequate oversight procedures. For example: Ineffective software asset management increases the likelihood of waste. Trump and Musk would have you belief there is nothing in place. But apparently POTUS #45 had no issues during his last term.
  17. Becoming more popular in airports are single and double sleeping pods, ie., Hanoi Noi Bai airport. See video by Probably Lost. There is Boxtel near the airport about 4km away. How successful has this been for transit traveller's?
  18. Who are clearly self motivated for riches over public good. So no.
  19. Why would presumably any advanced civilization likely light years from Earth be interested in a planet whose people that can't even travel beyond its moon about 240,000 miles away? Especially given our Milky Way galaxy (almost 14 billion years old) is estimated to contain between 100 and 400 billion stars that could have more possibility of advanced civilizations. With Earth located in the Orion Arm, roughly halfway between the center and the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, I would expect that if there are even advanced civilizations within the Milky Way, I would expect more interest towards the galactic core area where stars are much more denser and more easily visited.
  20. I guess former PM Prayut's peace initiative that started with active dialog primarily with PM Yingluck (then passed on to succeeding regimes) with Malaysia and the insurgency leaderships is not going well, if at all given the RTM's traditional opposition to any dilution of Thailand's sovereign territory - being one proposal for the area described as the former Kingdom of Patani become semi-autonomous. But then it took the Philippine government and two major armed groups, the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) decades for a final peace process. Coincidentally, Malaysia also participated in the peace initiative.
  21. No. In terms of trashing the public, as of 2024, there are 813 billionaires in the United States, which is about 2.4 billionaires per million people.
  22. These are perfect for Thailand now facing an energy crisis. "Small modular reactors (SMRs) can take between 2–3 years to build, which is much faster than the average of 8 years for large reactors. This is due to the use of prefabricated building elements and modularization, which can help to reduce costs and speed up construction." They "can produce up to 300 megawatts of electric power and 7.2 million kWh per day." (Generative AI) SMRs also may mean less issues with spent nuclear rods than large nuclear plants.
  23. Trump was POTUS for four years. What did he accomplish on identifying and eliminating government waste? President Donald Trump had been violating the Constitution since January 20, 2017. He violated the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments Clauses and failed to divest from his businesses. He enriched Ivanka who had patents pending in China approved by Xi regime and Jaraed Kushner's private equity equity fund received Wealth funds in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar in the millions and possibly billions of millions of dollars while a senior advisor to Trump.
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