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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. We the 47% people spoke
  2. Regarding the US-Thailand Double Taxation Treaty, both countries need to see what the taxpayer is declaring to both countries that might result in additional tax in Thailand. So both a US and Thai TIN would be required. I assume a similar bank request would be made where Thailand has other Double Taxation Treaties - Thailand currently has 61 double tax agreements.
  3. "A ceasefire between Israel and the Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah in Lebanon appeared to be holding after it came into effect at 4 a.m. local time Wednesday (10 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday). President Biden announced the ceasefire deal Tuesday, saying the U.S. and France had helped broker the agreement." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-hezbollah-ceasefire-netanyahu-war-lebanon-gaza-hamas/ Trump was busy having parties at Mar Largo with his billionaire friends.
  4. Thailand can lose its "chair."
  5. This is a one dimensional view of a multi-dimensional economic market. But there's a broader economic impact. I suggest: Thai sellers gain significant economic gains that can be further invested and/or exploited to raise standard of living, including education and business opportunities. For a segment of Thais who choose to down size their lives subsequently to sale of real estate to foreigners, it becomes a net live time gain. Foreigners buying Thai real estate are likely to have significant economic excess beyond real estate acquisition to continue to add to the Thai economy over their lives in Thailand. More foreigners buying residences likely become permanent residents as defined by the Thailand Department of Revenue with the potential for additional income taxes.
  6. State owned or not - NO government capital for Thai Airways. For decades Thailand government as a majority shareholder has capitalized profit losing Thai Airways ultimately leading to a court-ordered capital reorganization. You think the Thai government becoming a minority shareholder now will make any difference in future airline economic performance? Let the public capital market decide.
  7. GDP per Capita 2023 Singapore $84,734 vs Thailand $7,336. (AI) Singapore's GDP per capita is high due to a number of factors, including: - Low corruption: Singapore is a highly efficient country with low levels of corruption. - Pro-business environment: Singapore's low tax rates and pro-business environment attract FDI. - Manufacturing and exports: advanced manufacturing & export facilities. Thailand's GDP per capita is lower than Singapore's because Thailand is mainly an agricultural economy that relies on growing crops like rice
  8. According to TNN Online, 2,242 accidents occurred on Rama II Road between 2018 and January this year, resulting in 132 deaths and 1,305 injuries.
  9. Sounds like the source was industrial manufacturing in nature. I would expect that glass broken on site (restaurant) would be in larger pieces.
  10. That might work in Lake Geneva in Switzerland but frigates are best means to protect a fleet and cargo ships. Do you think the shipping in the Strait of Hormuz are protected by submarines versus surface warships plus shore-based aircraft?
  11. Because for about the last two decades Thailand has had submariners but no submarines?
  12. This is the correct approach that will avoid a constitutional 'trap'. From the academic paper "Constitutional Court Decision No. 19/2564: A Threat to Democracy? Forfeiture of Fundamental Rights and the Judicialization of Politics by the Thai Constitutional Court in 2021," by Siravich Teevakul, Thai Legal Studies (2022) Vol. 2 No. 2 | 178–204 - https://doi.org/10.54157/tls.261266 (partial direct and my paraphrasing) The Thai Constitutional Court in Decision No. 19/2564 interpreted Section 49 of the 2017 Constitution as “Thai-style militant democracy,” which suppresses the fundamental rights of the citizen and reflects the characteristics “judicialization of politics” and “politicization of the judiciary” applied by the Court. "In Decision No. 19/2564, the Court ruled to suppress the activists’ freedom of expression on the ground that they exercised their rights with the intention to “overthrow” the rule by democracy with the King as the head of state." As Thailand is allegedly a constitutional monarchy, unhindered discussions of changes in the constitution in a legislative forum by party representatives of the electorate is legally appropriate. Court applied its reasoning to the mechanism of “militant democracy” to defend the regime’s structure.
  13. Which is not I understand on any other Chinese-made submarine. There's been no details of this engine's development and operational history. How can engine viability be tested when there's no live operational parameters to compare performance, ie., on another similar submarine? To be fair, the Chinese Defense Ministry had issued an industrial certificate for the CHD620 generator, and it also received a certificate of approval from Lloyd's Register (based solely on Chinese manufacturer representations?). CHD620 is actually a licensed-manufactured version of the German MTU396 engine aka based on reverse engineering? However (I have no direct confirmation) the CHD620 engine may have been certified as a submarine electric generator, not serve as a propulsion engine. Maybe if Thailand requires China (versus Thailand) to conduct a month of sea trials for the new submarine, that might clear up any operational concerns.
  14. Need to post signs along highway: Watch for falling cranes.
  15. 4. In 2020 45th POUTUS Trump and his Mexican and Canadian counterparts signed the US-Mexico-Canada (USMC) Trade Agreement after approved by Congress full filling a major re-election campaign promise. Now due to become 47th POTUS, Trump aims to trash the agreement with a tariff war.
  16. This statistic is vague as it seems to imply public bus traffic accidents. "Investigation of accident scenarios between pedestrians and city buses in Thailand," December 2015 published in the International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering: An accident between pedestrians and city buses is one cause of severe casualties in Thailand. it was discovered that pedestrian injuries were more severe at impact speeds of approximately at 20 to 50 km/h. However, the 90th percentile impact speed was not over 30 km/h.
  17. Trump was convicted on all 34 counts in NY on May 30, 2024, becoming the first U.S. president to be convicted of a felony by a jury. A Grand Jury had recommended prosecution. No politics involved.
  18. Filed "without prejudice". This is effectively shorthand for saying: 'whilst I am trying to reach a settlement with you, I'm not admitting any part of the case or conceding or waiving any arguments or rights. As such the charge can be legally revived, ie., end of 47th POTUS Trump's term.
  19. Such as freedom of speech, except when you're a military junta.
  20. Neither of which the EC nor the members of the CC voiced any objection. And preserved their positions, accepting NCPO's absolute powers.
  21. But Was this also unforeseen? Suggests overloaded, people standing, etc. that a boat operator would see. The investigation should go further.
  22. If spillway is open or water is overflowing dam top
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