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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. Notably: Article 18 Pensions 1. Pensions and other similar remuneration, whether they consist of periodic or non-periodic payments, for past employment, arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident or the other Contracting State shall be taxable only in the first-mentioned State.
  2. Laughing laughter.
  3. So impose new higher taxes on resident expats that may instead lower their current spending levels or cause them to leave the country. Devious! Or provide them with higher wages and skills that will increase their standard of living and reduce income inequality.
  4. Even better, the Governor of Georgia cannot pardon Trump either. Instead that is the authority of a five-member Board of Pardons and Paroles. You might say, ha-ha, Trump still can get away. However, to apply for a pardon one must already have served five years of their sentence.
  5. But within the economic bounds established by the junta's 20-Year National Strategy Plan enshrined in the junta's written 2019 Constitution. It will take in part the pro-military appointed Senate support. So innovation may be limited. If you've had years of economic stability, might "stagnation" be a good thing? But in fact the 2014 coup drove the economy backwards and took five years to rebound just to the 2013 level, albeit virtually abandoning traditional high-value GDP instruments such as export of goods and services to be replaced with low-value tourism. Yeah, military overthrow and civil war in Myanmar is creating "civil unrest." But a criminal Myanmar government is BBF with the new government as it was with the old. I would hardly characterize Russia's almost 2-year war against Ukraine as a form of "political and economic instability." Same goes with China's desire to annex Taiwan into a Hong Kong-like state or China's declaration of sovereignty over the entire South China Sea..
  6. W 21 HOTEL Bangkok (SHA Extra plus) 4/56 Asoke Road (Sukhumvit 21) Khlongtoei Nue,Wattana District, Bangkok, Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand, 10110 210 m from MRT
  7. What is "earned income"? Not pension/social security distributions. US Internal Revenue Service: Examples of earned income are wages, salaries, tips and other taxable employee compensation. Earned income also includes net earnings from self-employment . Earned income DOES NOT include amounts such as pensions and annuities, welfare benefits, unemployment compensation, worker's compensation benefits. https://www.irs.gov/government-entities/Indian-tribal-governments/itg-faq-2-answer-what-income-is-considered-earned-income KPMG observation of effect on Section 41 Paragraph 2 of the Thai Revenue Code by the proposed tax changes: Previously the assessable income derived by a Thai tax resident from employment, a business carried on overseas, or from a property situated overseas, would have been subject to Thai personal income tax. The new interpretation means that foreign-sourced income brought into Thailand from 1 January 2024 onwards will be subject to Thai individual income tax... (my bold emphasis) US Foreign Earned Income Exclusion: The US foreign earned income exclusion was created to avoid double taxation for Americans living abroad. If taxed other than as earned income by Thailand, tax likely cannot be credited against US income for US tax purposes. In effect a double taxation and violation of US-Thailand tax treaty. But Thailand wants now to emphasize more investments from the US Government?
  8. "Not only was the creation of the Electoral College in part a political workaround for the persistence of slavery in the United States, but almost none of the Founding Fathers’ assumptions about the electoral system proved true." History.com , "Why was the Electoral College Created?" The Convention delegates "thought 18th-century voters lacked the resources to be fully informed about the candidates, especially in rural outposts. Second, they feared a headstrong “democratic mob” steering the country astray. And third, a populist president appealing directly to the people could command dangerous amounts of power." The nation obviously moved in a different direction over time through what I would blame in part to fascist corporate domination of the US political system and unrestrained social media. America's democratic political success over time has been its failure.
  9. Gift tax is not an income tax. From Mazars tax rate in 2023 for yearly employment income and hire of work range from exempt for less than 150,000 THB to 35% for 5 million and over. https://www.mazars.co.th/Home/Insights/Doing-Business-in-Thailand/Payroll/Personal-Income-Tax
  10. Much empirical evidence suggests that wage increases do not lead to inflation. "Do Higher Wages Cause Inflation?", April 2004 by Magnus Jonsson and Stefan Palmqvist. Simple correlations have found no relationship between the sectors with the most wage growth and where costs are going up the most. "Wage slashing is not the answer to inflation," Nov. 4, 2022 by Kate Bahn, MSNBC Columnist. "Inflation and nominal wage growth tend to stabilize, leaving real wage growth broadly unchanged." Study by IMF in Nov. 2022, cited in "Will giving workers a pay raise really make Inflation worse?", www.bigissue.com Finally, lack of worker negotiating power will suppress wage increases, allowing greater corporate profits that increase income inequality. In Thailand about 2% of the workforce is organized into trade unions and less than half percent of private enterprises in Thailand had unions. March 2017, "International Labour Standards and Thai Trade Unions Agenda for Labour Law Reforms," www.ilo.org/asia/countries/thailand
  11. Correct. The POTUS election is not determined by popular vote, unlike State and Local elections. Do ehat's your point? Unless a State prorates electoral votes between candidates based on popular vote (and some States do), it's winner takes all based on a simple majority vote. Landslide State votes for POTUS beyond say 51% for a candidate are essentially wasted.
  12. Reminds me what PM Prayut said in June 30, 2022: "Thailand's weak baht is good for exports while it's fiscal and financial position remains strong....Baht weakness, however, has a negative impact for some and the finance ministry and central bank are monitoring." www.thestar.com.my Previously in August 22, 2019, it was mentioned in The Diplomat that as a broader point in order to have a more balanced budget than based on costly investment increases from higher deficit spending, the sensible policy might have been to trim defense spending and "put that money toward new stimulus works, if the economy were truly the focus." In fact the government committed to a higher YOY military spending. Sound familiar?
  13. Got this in an email from BOI LTR Visa Unit: "the revenue department has already announced a royal decree to exempt the LTR- Wealthy Global/ Wealthy Pension/ Work from Thailand from paying the income tax derived from oversea business/ work and assets. Therefore the change in conditions will not effect the exemption of the LTR mentioned group."
  14. I don't see acceptance of the candidature any time soon while the Thai government continues to delay the Law Against Torture and Forced Disappearances passed in February 2023 and mandated by the Constitutional Court in May 2023 to immediately be put into effect.
  15. Seems common with travel health insurance.
  16. While the GOP has majority in the US House, the Democrats have majority in the Senate. US Congress is bicameral like Thailand's National Legislative Assembly. So what passes in the House cannot become law unless passed by the majority of the Senate. Remember that in case if a tie vote in the Senate, the VPOTUS gets the tie breaking vote. Even when a budget bill passes both chambers, the POTUS can veto the bill. That then means both chambers of Congress must vote again by a two-thirds of members voting (vs first pass by simple majority) to override the veto. So yes, majority does rule in the process but sometimes it has to be a "super" majority.
  17. First, what data does Searat7 present? None. He just "seriously question", a thought, an impulse, a muse. Even alleged Aid Commitments cited is then more evidentiary of the amount of aid intended for Ukraine, ie., substantial and worldwide. In reality those committments might be even higher when it comes to legislative approval.
  18. And "It (the Board of Investment) said that though the employment situation has improved after the pandemic, the Thai labour market is suffering a mismatch in terms of qualifications. The report cited figures from the Board of Investment (BOI), which showed that demand for university graduates had dropped in 2022 compared to 2018." Aug 27, 2566 BE https://www.nationthailand.com
  19. Read limitations carefully. Some will not cover pre-existing conditions, motorbike accidents, etc.
  20. Deal with these immediately to show good faith: Thailand is not a signatory to the U.N. Refugee Convention or its 1967 Protocol and does not formally recognize or have a regulatory framework to manage refugees within its territory. Thailand has a registered stateless population of more than half a million – one of the largest in the world. Thailand remains on Tier 2 in the 2023 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report issued by the United States Put up or shut up.
  21. Try this. Foreign laborers found without permits likely to being trafficked into Thailand are immediately given permits for which the employers MUST pay the prevailing wage, including backpay. Migrants become legal, productive members of Thai society and trafficking loses its purpose.
  22. Hence POTUS Trump and his bizarre world trade wars. Ironically, a national obesity follows a rich and developed high GDP country with a plenitude of foods choices. Being thin becomes a personal choice and not forced starvation.
  23. He was probably referring to the diaper.
  24. Too bad the majority electorate can't regulate this government. The Thai electorate lacks an MD - Masters of Democracy.
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