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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. This new government's relationship with the military is very defined.
  2. This needs to be settled first. Going forward, a special airport district should be created whereby nearby impacted communities (TBD) will receive an annual percentage of airport net revenues reflected by extended operations without delays.
  3. Oh please, enough with the sarcasm. 😃
  4. Hardly. There are 156 countries having 2,160 casinos in the world (discounting Thailand reported with two, most likely horse betting and national lottery). Nearby is Vietnam (40), Singapore (10), Malaysia (6 ), Cambodia (63) and Mayanmar (6). Many Indonesians gamble in Malaysia and Singapore. A little further away is China (Macau), Japan, Australia and Philippines. The USA leads the world with over two thousand casinos. https://www.worldcasinodirectory.com It's more a race for money that will fill government coffers without burdening its citizens, ie., higher taxes. Thus, able to provide more government assistance to its citizens. A key to corruption-free casinos is monitoring, detecting and prosecution of casino corrupt activities. Even Chinese citizens among the world's most prolific gamblers get ensnared by foreign casino corruption. So before Thailand rushes to casino riches, it must have in place an uncorruptible system in place. That is the real challenge.
  5. Thus, ISOC would seem to be unconstitutional to Chapter One Section 2 of the Constitution, "Thailand adopts a democratic regime of government..." If the military objects to disbandonment of ISOC, elevate the matter to the Constitutional Court.
  6. At least Paetongtarn never endorsed military coups to overthrow elected governments. A bow earned is a bow deserved.
  7. ISOC might be seen as the equivalent of the soviet communist political commisar system with a twist as in Thailand it not only reached into the rank and file of the military but into to political grassroots of the country's civil governance system. It doesn't belong in a democratic governance system.
  8. Only Mikado available with as of now 11 seats.
  9. Unfortunately very realistic. Compared to 15 of the fastest growing countries in Asia with a minimum 4.2% (Timor-Leste) to 6.2% (Cambodia & Vietnam). Other nearby countries Malaysia 4.4%, Indonesia 5% and Philippines 5%. Thailand had reached an all-time high of 9.4% in 2012Q1. Then followed eight years of military governance led by Prayut who recently declared "Thailand's finances are 'strong and stable' ...' www.nationthailand.com Might be time to realign and subsume the military budget to the People's immediate needs.
  10. Publicity didn't hurt a certain foreign stand-up comedian become president did it Putin?
  11. I have the same experience with Chase credit card on overseas purchases and sends a message to my email address for confirmation.
  12. Careful what you dream. "When Dreams Become Nightmares" by Abandon All Ships: ( partial lyrics out of context) You thought you had me fooled You've fallen victim to, the lie and it's just me and you.
  13. "export hopes bloom in Q4" Hope never fails does it?
  14. You can connect a secondary router to existing primary router with a LAN cable without cabling through electric wiring system. You could also use a mobile device to create another wifi hot spot separate from your router.
  15. Naive I know but just revive the 2007 Constitution.
  16. The Prayut Legacy. Unfortunately, likely to be repeated.
  17. Will PLO/Hamas/Iran be next for visa-free visits? Thailand could duplicate Argentine's WW2 "prudent neutrality" to all international belligerents (aside from its decades own internal Muslim insurgengecy).
  18. See if you qualify for a 10-year Long Term Resident visa. Just have to document your qualifying gross foreign income (not transfers) every five years plus adequate Thai/foreign health insurance coverage for private Thai health services. No 90-day reporting required, just annual report.
  19. Then the government needs to get rid of a lot of undemocratic political "charcoal" present throughout the kingdom, certainly can be done far earlier than 2050.
  20. Whatever it takes to keep foreign currency incoming to Thailand.
  21. "In 2019, the number of outbound tourists from China reached nearly 155 million, almost three times as many as 2010. However, the number of outbound tourists from China dropped to around 20.3 million in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and was estimated to increase slightly in 2021. Once all border restrictions in China were canceled, more than 40 million Chinese travelers went abroad in the first six months of 2023." Just based on a natural progression and caution by the Chibese government, Chinese outbound tourism will require several years more before reaching the 2019 level. Which means the same for Thailand destinations. Thailand's hype is wishful desire.
  22. From the perspective of budget assigned by the previous pro-military government, portions of the overall budget can't legally be reassigned to a frigate without Parliament approval. Defense budgets are typically for very specific programs and procurements that are usually approved through legislative negotiations. The subject proposed switch bypasses the legislative process, thus illegal. I think that's why Move Forward is taking issue. Nothing related to justification for a frigate substitution. Unspent budget for the submarine goes back to Parliament and discussions can the begin with how those funds should be reassigned, if at all.
  23. It doesn't replace household funds but supplements/-subsidizes household spending. If concerned a household doesn't need it, put an expiration date on its use. Wouldn't it be notable that a household targeted for the subsidy doesn't need it? Might then re-examine who it targets.
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