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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. On May 30, 2024, Trump became the first U.S. president to become a convicted felon. That does NOT Mirror the "heartland" of America.
  2. Starts life with $400 million inheritance, ivey league schools, now claims to be a billionaire, albeit selling bibles. Draft dodger who disrespect Americans KIA. He's not the heartland of America.
  3. A soldier has to survive the war. Putin is making sure they don't. If MIA, captured by Ukraine or terminated by officer for "treason", all benefits terminated.
  4. 47% by popular vote
  5. Information provided on these firms constitute personal data under the Personal Data Act. KB told me that the data is not going to KB who would i think bear responsibility for any unauthorized disclosure (ie., KB employee, officer) but to a KB contractor for whom no information could be provided...? I suggest in doing these forms that you know who will see the data intended for the bank.
  6. I thought MAGA believed Obama was the shadow president and/or the US military controlled the government. Just can't keep up with all these MAGA revelations. Truth now is divisible.
  7. Actually a power of the Thai electorate through the legislative process. It was recently that Thaksin Shinawatra was still a Thai citizen despite all the years he spent outside of Thailand, therefore he is a member of the Thai electorate.
  8. You must had missed Trump's first presidential term.
  9. Trump's event were not presented as private events but as real life events - which they were not. They were presented as real life events without any political connections to Trump.
  10. Why. Employees just show up, not having any work space, desk, outlets, etc. and get paid doing nothing. The day will just be one long break - who wouldn't show up for that?
  11. SpaceX actively seeks billions in defense contracts. $5.32 billion went to the Defense Department to pay for SpaceX rocket launches. Time to cut.
  12. Which seems to be countered by "The Best Leaders Don’t Fire Employees The Way Elon Musk Did," https://www.forbes.com/sites/bruceweinstein/2022/11/21/ How did thousands of Twitter employees learn that they were being let go? Some were notified by email. Others found themselves unable to log into the company’s systems.
  13. Wouldn't 1 in 5 significantly reduce need for office space and operational costs for the government, ie., by 80%. Some agencies use "hotelling" that requires employees to book in advance existing federal office space/seating that minimizes need for more government office areas and support services - it's a cost reduction program. Employees are required to hotel at least one or more days a week or face dismissal.
  14. Have any data by department behind that allegation? Cite links?
  15. Correct. The House ministers and committees lack subpoena power. It is only under the criminal penal code that a subpoena can be issued and then only through a court order. This questions how any House committee can develop effective legislation directed towards abuse of power, corruption or government efficiency.
  16. Trump is a 'piker' compared to Hitler. Albeit Trump's lack of Concern for Americans as Covid 19 began its infectious run in America, "the United States could have avoided 400,000 COVID deaths if the Trump administration had implemented a more effective health strategy that included mask mandates, social distancing, and robust testing guidelines." (my bold) "New Revelations Emerge on How Donald Trump Killed 400,000 (or More) Americans," https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/11/ 'It's going to disappear': A timeline of Trump's claims that Covid-19 will vanish," https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2020/10/politics/ "(Trump) declared at least 38 times that Covid-19 is either going to disappear or is currently disappearing." "You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April." "It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear. And from our shores, we — you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows". (CDC knew)
  17. Yes, Fake is a thing with showman Trump. Reality isn't. "Trump Roasted for Failing to Even Fake Working at McDonald’s Right, https://newrepublic.com/post/187379/ Donald Trump’s weekend work trip to a closed McDonald’s franchise was intended to help him connect with working-class voters—but regulars and staff members alike at the burger chain weren’t so impressed." "McDonald’s where Trump served fries hit with flurry of bad Yelp reviews, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/10/23/ The motorists Trump served were all screened by Secret Service ahead of his arrival, leading Yelp to conclude the reviews were probably phony."
  18. "Trump's Cabinet of horrors exposes his totalitarian drift" No. Trump's Cabinet of horrors confirms his totalitarian intent.
  19. This is a civil dispute, not a political dispute. PM should defer to civil resolution, namely the parties involved can litigate the issues in civil court.
  20. Only because how the electoral college works. In terms of popular vote, Trump did win the popular vote but won 44th versus 51% majority. Hardly a landslide among American voters. His popularity is similar to Thailand elections that nominated PM since 2014, politics parties relying on House party seats and Senate rather than direct elections to win PM.
  21. Absence does not affect Thai citizenship. Thailand's citizenship is based on blood, or jus sanguinis. A person who is born with parents who both hold Thai nationality automatically acquires Thai citizenship. persons acquire Thai nationality by birth: A person born of a father or a mother of Thai nationality, whether within or outside the Thai Kingdom. Thailand’s Nationality Act B.E. 2508; Chapter 1: Acquisition of Thai Nationality, Section 7. Birth https://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/nationality-act-acquisition-of-thai-nationality-sections-7-12/
  22. Unless these committees are democratically elected, they'll be unaccountable political hacks.
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