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Everything posted by Srikcir

  1. POTUS Trump vs Biden: Smoke vs Apples
  2. Thailand isn't in Europe, Thailand isn't a European democracy and PM Prayut once admitted it took his junta government four years to RESTORE (not advance) the economy to what it was before the military coup.
  3. Booting out the entire NCPO-appointed Senate requires a constitutional process aside from another coup that could unilaterally re-write the constitution. From limited sources I believe that a Royal Decree can order a "selection" (but not election) of a new Senate and it would be the new government (MFP Coalition headed by PM Pita?) to request and present such a Decree for royal approval and publication. Note that the President of the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) is also the President/Speaker of the House that will come from the MFP Coalition. So there should be agreement between the elected government and NLA for such a decree. As the current Constitution does not allow election of the senators, the selection process might follow as precedent the same process used by the NCPO wherein the NCPO as the 'Thai government' heads the selection committee of senators and can also directly choose (as NCPO had) 50 senators and keep another 50 in a reserve list.
  4. It's called "Thai-styled" democracy wherein there is only a one-party system. What I call "Faux democracy."
  5. ... a return to absolute power, change the constitution and laws to support absolute power with amnesty past, present and future. But somehow 88% of the electorate disagreed. Prayut is quiting what he doesn't have and will not have.
  6. Yes, don't be fooled by extraordinarily low cost for "hi-end" watches in Thailand. For example check Thai digital market places. Men's Patek Philippes: upwards to 23,000 baht (excl. delivery) Men's Rolex: upwards to 5,000 baht (excl. delivery) Men's Richard Mille: upwards to 6,000 baht (excl. delivery) By the way I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you.
  7. Meanwhile Thailand is not capable to minimize global warming: "On the first day of March, the TNAC was granted permission from the Royal Forest Department (RFD) to make use of approximately 3,700 rai of forest land situated in Tambon Sakhoo."
  8. True in theory but in reality the government typically borrows the cost, ie., from China for the dual rail high-speed train. If the operator revenues cannot provide sufficient return of capital and return on capital (ie., like with China's intra-country high speed rail system) due to underpriced fares or insufficient cargo/ridership/tolls to meet debt service and maintenance, tax dollars must be used for the shortfall.
  9. At one point I thought the disqualifying issue was that Pita held shares in an operating media company. A company that was to have one client the PM Prayut government but contract (using UHF to broadcast) was cancelled by the government before any performance by iTV and iTV was suing. Now it seems the issue has broaden into a diversity of alleged disqualifying issues post-election triggered it appears by Pita/MFP's election success that the EC didn't anticipate.
  10. Take a hint : noone cares. Without a junta the Democrat party has no relevance in today's politics.
  11. Baloney. Historically incorrect. "Given that the Thai military has launched 22 coups, 13 of them successful, and initiated 20 constitutional amendments dance the country's establishment since 1932, the institution (sic) may look to another power seizure by force if its leaders are not happy of the May 14 (2023) election ... " ref. Mar. 25, 2023; www.thejakartapost.com The new government and any succeeding it will be bound by a military-written constitution backed by an unelected Senate, a pro-military consitutional 20-year national strategy plan, authoritarian-like organic laws and a royalist-influenced judicial system. At best one can only say that no 'progressive elected democratic' government can be safe from a decades- embedded wealthy, corrupt and politically unbounded Deep State. It is not a Swamp in Thailand but a Gulf wherein Thailand's citizens hang on to the occasional democratic life saver ring.
  12. Seems Prawit defamed himself. Will he sue? That makes about as much sense as a defunct pro-military Speaker defending a defunct PM Deputy.
  13. This shouldn't have happened. No seat belts, over capacity with no seats or simply sitting/standing?
  14. Oddly in this rally Trump accused SC Senator Linsey Graham as being part of the Deep State. Linsey who fully supports Trump's campaign election and fawns over Trump. The crowd cheered Trump's accusation.
  15. It's more likely "crushing the can" that can't produce a kickback on the debt payment just ahead of a national election wherein PM Prayut campaigned partially on fighting corruption.
  16. You don't have to have PR, O visa with spouse, First Class or Business Class to speedily pass through immigration. With LTR and Elite visas you can use Fast Track for both entry and exit through immigration.
  17. Locals know you can find alleged Rolex et al gold watches in Chinese-owned online marketing platform Lazada for as little as 2,500 baht, comes with purported Rolex box and certificates. And Lazada has a great return policy if not satisfied with a purchase.
  18. The junta NCPO government led by Prayut used its absolute power to undertake projects that it thought would gain it political support without regard to cost or efficiency. Hopefully under the Pita democratic regime that will change.
  19. Yes, that's where Patani belongs culturally, ethnically and historically by common religion and sharia law. In fact "Patani" citizens can hold dual Malaysian citizenship the list of which the RTM has tried to obtain and failed. However, the Federation of Malaysia ( previously the Kingdom of Malaysia) had in effect conceded such annexation when Britain offered Malaysia the Muslim Kingdom of Kedah (also on the southern border of the Kingdom of Siam) in junction with Britain's offer to the Buddhist Kingdom of Siam the Muslim Kingdom of Patani. But I believe that Thailand is too closely tied to Patini's natural resources to ever give up its economic interests and political power gained through the RTM's dominance over the region. Even to allow Patani autonomy or semi-autonomy could divert enough of the region's economic and political power away from Thailand's pro-royalists/RTM and weaken them nationally as a power block.
  20. "At the conference, MOU signing ceremony was held, following the business matching between private sector of the two countries" it appears to me that the entire deal was negotiated and agreed during the conference. That Prayut fully intended to use the conference to further secure the RTM-royalist partnership (via an MOU that diesn't require parliamentary approval) with Chinese Communist regime in advance of the progressive democratic MFP coalition government as a last gasp- hold to continued power. And remember the 2017 Constitution written by the junta embeds the junta's 20-year National Strategy Plan that defines national development according to the junta's priorities. Any deviation requires a constitutional amendment that requires majority approval by the unelected Senate. With regard of Prayut vs Trump in trade negotiations, it's "apples & oranges." Literally ????. They operate under different government systems Parliamentary vs. Presidential so it's a reach to find similarities regarding length of time to negotiate foreign trade agreements. What is common is that both systems require support of the parliament/congress to make any foreign agreement binding. So on effect the Prayut-China MOU is just politics that ultimately reinforces the junta's cash cow the EEC before Prayut is finally replaced.
  21. Pick-up driver had clear view of the two lanes to his left side to see the motor bike crossing lanes. May be a question of the truck speeding and driver inattention. The highway design itself seems potentially flawed as well as possibly too broad (six lanes?) For any cross- access, no easy access for anyone on the left street side to safely enter traffic going the opposite direction to the lanes on the right side of the highway and having to cross three lanes with traffic moving broadside on the left side of the highway.
  22. If the stance was that the fault is inactive, then it wasn't "hidden." It's just not showing evidence of surface disruption.
  23. You don't need a new border. Just re-establish the original border for auto/semi- autonomy defined by the previous Kingdom of Patani that coincides with the current northern border for the Southern provinces. Good luck with the decades of national bigotry though towards the Malay Muslims.
  24. Desperate spin by the anti-constitutionalist pro-juntas to paint gloom and doom for the nation in hopes of providing another excuse for the elite vis a vis to save the nation from the Progressive savages.
  25. You're comparing a golden eagle to a frog.
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