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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. Probably best to ask the bus company directly at foodmart, as they probably change depending on demand, holidays etc. I dont know that they run to a strict timetable, when its quiet they tend to wait until full, when its busy, there is one departing every 15 min.
  2. One of the advantages of the inappropriately young wife, is the mother in-law, you will have a great relationship. She will be your age, can remember the moon landings, knows who Elvis is, has the same medical issues. So living in, or trips back to the village, you have a like minded friend to hang out with while the wife catches up with her boyfriend, oops brother
  3. Of course they dont get to keep the money, it goes into the "audited" accounts of the block, published monthly and reported at the annual meeting.
  4. Sounds like barstool hearsay, if someone is leaving or plans to leave, I doubt they are sharing with the local immigration volunteer. I was in Pattaya immigration last week doing my extension, just as busy as its always been..
  5. Not sure where you are shopping, or what you are buying, to say groceries are cheaper in the UK. I suppose if you are buying imported UK food then yes, but otherwise any local produce in Thailand is really cheap compared to the UK. Any of the following are cheaper in Thailand, electricity, internet, transport, running a vehicle, local meat, fruit, vegetables, The cost of most things is cheaper because the labor cost to do anything is cheaper.
  6. Its fortunate that the condo block has a juristic person that enforces the laws, and is willing to to take the time to go to court etc. Most of the time these condo bylaws and their enforcement is a non event. The Juristic is usually too busy running a real estate enterprise out of the condo office.
  7. Thats usually how it works, get a sim then add packages etc using ussd codes or telco app.
  8. Yes , but the difference being, there was no POA involved. The land office gets involved when a POA is doing the selling, to ensure the owner gets the money..
  9. The "seller" isnt the person with the POA, they are acting on behalf of the seller. Thai bank cheques cannot be signed over to another person, and an AU bank cheque can only be signed over if banked in Australia. I'm not being pedantic here, I literally just went through this 2 months ago. I bought a property off a french guy (not currenttly in Thailand), and he gave POA to a Thai person. My lawyer, the land office and even the sellers lawyer insisted on a cheque made out to the owner. Otherwise the owner could claim that they were never paid (and they weren't) In the above senario, the french seller actually wanted the payment to go to the Thai POAs bank account (who would then transfer it) but it could not be done, even with both parties in agreement.
  10. The cheque will be made out to the owner of the property, not the person with POA. The POA just handles the payment, its not POA to keep the proceeds.
  11. NO, he cannot do that. The payment will be made out to the seller. I think you will find the land office will insist. POA certainly doesnt grant permission to keep the sellers money, or bank it elsewhere.
  12. Its no issue, properties are sold everyday using a POA. The last 2 properties I have purchased, I was dealing with a POA, and never met the owner, who lived overseas. Its common and legal pratice. A POA exists for no other reason than for someone to act on behalf of an absent/indisposed seller. Its probably been most sales the last couple of years with absent sellers due to covid.
  13. OP, you do realize that the POA gives permission for someone to act on behalf of the owner at the land office, complete the sale as if they are the owner, etc. IT DOESNT MEAN, the person with POA gets to keep the money !!! The money still goes to the seller, a cashiers cheque made out to the seller, or banked into the sellers account etc. The POA can recieve the cheque and bank it into sellers account, but the money goes to the seller.
  14. 1) Yes, properties are sold using a POA everyday. 2) No, not if everything is in order with the POA. Why would she be challenging in court if she has signed a POA to sell it ????
  15. The owner doesnt have to be there if they have given POA to someone, that's what POA is for.
  16. I accessed some Australian super earlier this year (for the first time), it was pretty easy, really wasn't that much different to doing some online banking, transferring funds etc. I'm 61 so no no tax etc, it was as easy as how much, were to send it, and it came through in 2-3 days. (paid into an Australian account, then I transferred to Thai)
  17. Like clockwork, riding in the back of pickups gets banned every year just before songkran, then forgotten about just after songkran
  18. Why do you presume the landlord will be kicking your partner out, and police locking the house ? If the landlord has been happily collecting the rent for 15 years, wouldn't they be happy to continue ? As easy as starting a new lease with your partner. What are the terms of the original lease, is it still current, or has it expired and you pay month by month ? Why worry if partner has plans to go back to village ?
  19. The same way any other nationality does, Thai partners, a Thai company. Very large investments have different rules.
  20. There is a place in every location, the local ampher (government office). But requirements vary from place to place. If PTY is Pattaya, then its Pattaya City Hall.
  21. The process and the cost is different all over Thailand, apply at local ampher, you will need Res Cert or yellow book to buy/sell vehicle, renew license, sometimes for internet contracts and similar etc. (anything that requires proof of address)
  22. A residency certificate isnt a thing you get once then keep showing it. Its usually a thing you get for a particular purpose, bank, license etc, and they keep it. The place you present it to will usually keep it, they expire, and the place will usually want one less than X amount of days old. Maybe explore options in your area to get a yellow book and Pink ID, in theory you wont need ongoing Res Cert
  23. You should be able to use any passport to book a flight.. But I think you will find most countries want you to leave on the same (country) passport you entered on.
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