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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. The same way any other nationality does, Thai partners, a Thai company. Very large investments have different rules.
  2. There is a place in every location, the local ampher (government office). But requirements vary from place to place. If PTY is Pattaya, then its Pattaya City Hall.
  3. The process and the cost is different all over Thailand, apply at local ampher, you will need Res Cert or yellow book to buy/sell vehicle, renew license, sometimes for internet contracts and similar etc. (anything that requires proof of address)
  4. A residency certificate isnt a thing you get once then keep showing it. Its usually a thing you get for a particular purpose, bank, license etc, and they keep it. The place you present it to will usually keep it, they expire, and the place will usually want one less than X amount of days old. Maybe explore options in your area to get a yellow book and Pink ID, in theory you wont need ongoing Res Cert
  5. You should be able to use any passport to book a flight.. But I think you will find most countries want you to leave on the same (country) passport you entered on.
  6. In theory yes, but it would come down to the teller taking the notes, they can be reluctant to take dirty, damaged, old notes. Same with currency exchange booths, they prefer new clean notes.
  7. Insurance on an OA/OA extension isn't a new thing this year, its been in place for a couple of years now. If your original visa was OA the extensions will require insurance. If you haven't been required to have insurance for the past couple of years, you are either on an original O visa, or immigration has missed that your original visa was OA. Either way, if you didn't need insurance last year, then you shouldn't need it this year.
  8. A sub 2k phone will all be pretty similar, no/unknown brand name, basic functionality etc. The branding means nothing as its usually the importer who buys 1,000 of them straight from the Chinese factory. I don't think you will find any reviews or recommendations. You can see these generic phones on sites like Alibaba, buy 100 and they are 1,000 baht each, buy 500 and they are 800 baht each. A phone from 7/11 isn't 500 baht, the ongoing contract is paying off the phone at so much per month, or they are giving you the phone and making money from the ongoing contract. You may do better putting the 1500 baht down on the phone your friend wants and they can pay it off via a contract.
  9. OP, I'm always buying rubbish off lazada, and cant recall a need to receive SMS codes. Maybe explore the other options on Lazada, as I'm sure it can all be done via email
  10. You don't mention what is happening to the deposit that the tenant pays, surely that's some compensation to you when they break a lease. Otherwise you cant hold the agent responsible if a tenant breaks a lease. Unfortunately, it appears to be the mantra amongst 2 month tourists nowadays, They want a condo for some reason even though a hotel would better suit their needs, and probably cheaper. I see it all the time in tourist social media forums/groups, its all they talk about, even though people are often pointing out that a condo doesn't suit a short stay. Its possible your agent is targeting these people. Maybe find out where the agent is finding the tenants, or how the property is being marketed, and change the demographic of prospective tenants
  11. Firestick connects to the HDMI, same with any android box. The Tv becomes the screen for the box
  12. There is no waiting period to get a re-entry permit. (besides the customers in front of you in the queue). Go to immigration, wait to be served, get a re-entry permit.
  13. I think you will find there isn't much adjustment you can do, or washer to change. just grab a new one, they literally cost 100 baht.
  14. A fire stick is just a version of an android box, ie: a small computer that runs android operating system. Firestick is amazons version, Chromecast is googles version. There isn't really a "best" one, there are different specs, features, prices etc. They will all run apps for streaming etc, the legal route requires the apps and subscriptions to prime, Netflix, premier league etc. The illegal route involves loading apps that connect to these services for free, you will often have to change/setup the illegal apps as they get shutdown etc. Most of the internet service providers sell a version of an android box as an add-on to your service, and they may also include the subscriptions for premier league etc. There is usually a guy in the local IT mall that sells the boxes all set-up with the illegal apps.
  15. Not sure if you are aware, but for the first time in recent history, FOX didn't carry any of the Arizona rally, instead airing a DeSantis interview. He is defiantly out of favor .
  16. I think you will find, He didnt stop flights from China, he stopped Chinese being on those flights. Other passports were still free to arrive on flights from China.
  17. Thats probably the case if they have a passport, but a huge percentage still arrive completely undocumented. It was a huge issue when covid hit and the borders were closed, un-official arrivals were still coming in unchecked, and bringing covid. The big Samut Sahkon outbreak/cluster came from these arrivals.
  18. Stateless people get pink ID cards, there is no white ID card. Its the main reason the pink card even exists. A huge percentage of migrant workers enter the country through unofficial channels, they are not all presenting passports and applying for WPs. Thailand needs the migrant workers, and turns a blind eye to them entering, but likes to get them to register via pink cards (and control there movements). I used to live at Samut Sahkon, the gigantic seafood processing plants staffed bu migrant workers, you can see them arriving (undocumented) by the truckload. Every 6 months there would be an amnesty, big signs/desks would go up in the local markets inviting unregistered/no passport workers to come and get a pink ID. If you visit certain land borders, you can see migrant workers coming and going using just their pink IDs. There are literally millions of people in Thailand who exist in a grey area, they are not Thai, they are not citizens or passport holders of other countries, but they where born here, live here, go to school here, work here etc. eg: the cave kids, otherwise undocumented workers. Pink ID holders
  19. I think you will find lots of migrant workers and stateless people dont actually have passports. An example of this was the kids in the cave, although they were born and raised in Thailand, several of them only had pink IDs. When they left the country to appear on TV shows etc, Thai passports where hastily arranged.
  20. You know (better than others) that that statement applies to migrant workers/stateless people only. who often dont have a passport and the conditions of their work permit/stay in Thailand is subject to travel restrictions.
  21. The buffalo market (2nd hand market) on Thepasit rd usually has a couple of guys selling 2nd hand reconditioned laptops.
  22. I was talking10k in baht, which in home currency back in home country would still get you drunk and some company (in australia). I get that guys move here for the cheap sex but see lots of guys talking figures that would certainly buy the same back home, Which begs the question, why come to Thailand, if thats the main reason..
  23. People have short memories, the glory days of the high exchange rates were the last time world went through a cycle of high inflation etc. Current economic climate will probably lead to high exchange again BUT its not without its consequences. You may get double the exchange rate along with the price of any imports doubling, a huge increase in interest rates on any debt you have etc. You may get more at the exchange booth, but the English breakfast at ye old replica English pub will be more, imported cheese will cost more than gold, the real value of a fixed pension will diminish.
  24. For your average expat, living off investments/assets, inflation is a good thing. The interest rate on your savings goes up, the rent from your investment property goes up etc. Currencies are traded on actual values, GDP, inflation etc, and not speculation. Some things I buy in Thailand have gone up, other things have actually gone down. Pure supply and demand comes into play. There is a demand for a 40 baht thai meal, so thats what is available and what they cost, there is no demand for a 400 baht burger, so nobody sells them anymore. Personally, I'm probably in a better position nowadays than pre-covid. My rental/investment income has gone up more than increases in my outgoings. The exchange rate is a couple of points in my favor, there is a healthy competition for the baht in my pocket, reflected in realistic prices.
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