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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. I was thinking the same, its probably more to do with different fluid intake, different diet, different lifestyle/activities
  2. All the phone shops have a gadjet that cuts sims to size, and some can even copy the sim over to a small one. Or your provider could issue a new smaller sim with same number.
  3. Land office was in Bangkok, to do with wife selling a her house and I had to produce ID and sign the "not my house " document. DBD was to buy and become a director of company (house purchase) and they insisted on Pink ID as name already in Thai. Bank, I have opened and operate a (Thai name) bank account. Local Ampher was to put wife in previously blank blue book a friend in yellow book (I am housemaster in Yellow book). All of the above, my passport stayed in the safe. Like the DLT, you can keep using a passport for many things, or switch to yellow book/Pink ID (name in Thai script).
  4. I have used yellow book and associated Pink ID at Land office, DBD (Make Thai company), Thai banks and local Amphoe/Thesaban
  5. You have sort of answered your own question. The Baht is very much linked to the USD, so when the pound is down against the dollar, its also down against the baht.
  6. A question you may want to consider, Can a Thai company own property in your home country ? Most countries have some level of foreign ownership restrictions. Usually a non-citizen of your home country owns 51% of the Thai company, Which Government are you seeking protection against land grabs, The Thai or European?
  7. OP, certain mosquitos, during the daytime can be bad. A certain breed of mosquito carries dengue fever and they usually only bit during daytime. Identifiable by unique black coloring and white bands
  8. Not sure where you get this from but malaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite, while dengue is a viral infection. One is not a combination of the other. The only thing they have in common is mosquito transmission. Dengue can be fatal if/when you develop a complication called dengue hemorrhagic fever, nothing to do with malaria.
  9. While I basically agree with the OP, but kids/teens riding bikes is often part of life in isolated or farming communities. All over the world , kids on farms learn to ride bikes, horses, tractors etc, it often a necessity in rural locations. Given the correct instruction and supervision they can learn the skills and have a healthy respect for the riding, get themselves to school, help out with farm chores etc. I appreciate the concern but would also ask the question, "are significant numbers of kids/teens having accidents/dying on bikes that they control" ? I would be more concerned with riders that are the correct age, have a license etc, and are driving drunk, speeding etc
  10. Google is your best friend, just get her to google London rents, London electricity bills, London weather etc.
  11. You are correct, it doesn't need to be a fixed deposit account. In fact, over the years some offices have not accepted fixed deposit accounts, wanting to see money being spent.
  12. I have lived all over and ended up in Pattaya (the last place I thought I would live). For me, its got a bit of everything, Bangkok type urban city without the Bangkok price tag, a couple of ks from the city centre there are nice beaches, rural villages, islands. You can be part of the tourist universe, or part of normal Thai living. Expat, sexpat, tourist, quiet life, busy party life. 500 baht a day or 5,000 baht a day. Whatever lifestyle you seek, you can find it in or around Pattaya, An hour from BKK and all the infrastructure and all the lifestyle choices. Its unfortunate, but most of the commentary focuses on the sex tourism side of things but never mentions the other side if things.
  13. Straight from the ANZ site International payments access How do I register for international services? To register for international services: Log in to ANZ Internet Banking Go to the Payments menu Select International services Read and accept the terms and conditions Select Apply. Your Internet Banking daily payment limit will apply to international services. You can set up or amend your daily limit by selecting the appropriate limit from the options displayed during international services registration. Stop talking to operators or using phone banking, literally everything can be done via online banking nowadays. It must be costing you money, and inconvenient times etc
  14. Its nothing to do with an online banking limit. All accounts have default, but changeable, daily limits, you just need to change your account daily transfer limit. Log on to your online banking and go to account settings. It usually involves a one time security step, sms or password etc. My Australian bank, the limit is set at $50k by default, on the occasion I have bought a car/condo etc, I logged in and changed the daily limit, sent the money, logged in and changed it back.
  15. below is straight from the ANZs site https://www.anz.com.au/personal/travel-international/international-payments/ Transactions $10,000 and over (AUD equivalent) Payments to all other countries: $0 if sent in foreign currency from an AUD account $18 if sent in AUD from an AUD account. There is no $10k limit, the fee is $18
  16. OP, how are you transferring this money, using a banking app on your phone/computer ? doing swift transfers its a flat rate of around $20-30 no matter what the amount you transfer. I have never heard of an Australian bank charging a percentage fee, are you using a bank in the middle or some other weird way of transferring ? As other say, always send $AU and have the Thai bank change it, a much better rate than AU bank.
  17. Doesn't experience ultimately translate to or become knowledge. If a guy fixes 100 cars and gains the experience, then writes a book "how to fix a car", his experience has been passed on as knowledge, And that knowledge is then available to you or me.
  18. It depends on how you define intelligence or knowledge. Nowadays, I dont need to have great bodies of knowledge committed to memory, I just need to know where to find it. Years ago a trade/profession was essentially paying someone who had acquired knowledge in a certain field. Nowadays that knowledge is available to everyone. I happen to know where the panama canal is, but if I don't, am I stupid or just have no need for that knowledge. If I start shipping goods from Asia to Europe then that knowledge would probably benefit me, otherwise not. The ability to find, process, filter information is probably a more relevant measure of intelligence. I know that cleaning my teeth stops decay, I have no need to know who invented the toothbrush.
  19. Unless its a new service, and not widely advertised, I think you will find there is no option for online renewal of Thai DL.
  20. You may want to mention where ? I presume you mean pattaya but generic condo name like city centre could be anywhere.
  21. The FET (Foreign exchange transaction) letter is exactly what it says, confirmation that a Foreign exchange transaction has taken place, the letter will often say not much more than "X amount of foreign currency, converted to Baht, has entered Fred smiths account". The foreign currency can be several deposits over any amount if time. Its not relevant who from the bank signs the letter, so long as the letter is from the bank. People from outside the bank cant do the letter. The land office dont look any further into accounts or bank books Agents, or people that sell a lot of property can often arrange the letter, especially if a sale is dependent on the letter. Transfer fees and taxes are a percentage of land office appraised value (not actual sale price), who pays what tax is not law and can be negotiated. often sellers will want 50/50 split of all taxes, when withholding is their responsibility. Transfer fees 2 % Business tax 3.3 % Stamp duty 0.5% Income withholding tax (income tax rates) https://www.samuiforsale.com/knowledge/real-property-transfer-taxes-and-fees.html Ongoing property taxes are mostly to do with rental properties, empty land etc and dont really impact an owner occupied property (literally 100 baht a year if owner occupied)
  22. Who is currently listed in the green book as the owner ? Often the finance company will release the book but remain listed in it as the owner. My wife had a car under Nissan finance, but had the book from day one with Nissan listed as owner. Later when the loan was paid, she was put as owner. If she has the book and ex-wifes name is owner , that would usually indicate the finance has been cleared.
  23. Its a major industry in Pattaya, with many clinics set up to specialize in implants. As a rough rule of thumb, I am Australian and the price works out to be around a third to half the price of the same work back in Australia. They quote as low as 40,000 baht for one tooth, presuming a standard job, a pillar into the bone tooth on top etc. 400,000 for whole mouth When you get a whole mouth done its 4-5 pillars upper and lower to support what is like a permanent denture. Its not dentures in the sense that they come in/out. They are permanently fixed like your own teeth. I have a mate who had the whole thing done, for around $15k USD. The end result is truly amazing, they look and function like his own teeth. With the additional bonus of no plaque build up or chance of decay. Mind you, he did go a bit overboard choosing the Tom Cruise look, big white teeth and cheesy smile.
  24. please stop spreading misinformation about subjects you have no clue about.
  25. Any flooding clears within a couple of hours. Some parts of wongamat can flood, you would need to be more specific to get information as to your condo block. If a car goes completely under water then yes its probably ruined, bikes can often be recovered by changing fluids, dry out electrical etc.
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