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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. This is Thailand. If we don't like the rules here we are quite free to go elsewhere. On balance, likely most here on this forum have looked at all the alternatives, and Thailand on their merits and decided that Thailand is actually the best country for them. It is for me right now.
  2. Not just a clampdown but it's clearly "open season" on targeting foreigners working here. If it isn't Russian tour guides, British DJs, Yoga/Pilates (or whatever that <deleted> is) teachers, kindergarten workers etc. etc. then anyone doing anything without a work permit or something that is reserved for Thai citizens only would be well advised to quit immediately for fear of arrest, fine, conviction and deportation.
  3. Jeez what a loser. For the price of a beer, I was able, last night, to enjoy the view of many pretty ladies happily dancing naked (with soapy suds strategically placed but not covering much) right in front of me. Just don't get what these upskirt weirdos get out of their endeavours of pervey behaviour, other than possible arrest, conviction and shaming in the media.
  4. Agree. Almost certainly the cause. OP should look at the cylindrical fan inside it and it will likley be coated in dirt restricting airflow. This happened to mine some years ago and once airflow restored, it worked perfectly.
  5. I understand how it works. Also, how many pensioners are receiving, and how much less is being contributed. Triple lock unsustainable too. Something's going to have to give. I saw a article a few years ago that said if pensions were to be on same scale of affordability as when conceived, they wouldn't be paid out until age 80yrs! We're all living too long these days compared to the 1950's.
  6. Totally agree and I see no answer to resolve the situation.
  7. Agreed. MEA in Bangkok installed a new power pole within about 5 hours after a cement truck knocked it down one Sunday morning. Even the guys from 3BB were still working splicing Internet cables at 10pm to get the Soi back online.
  8. Fools. What's the date today?
  9. If you've been paying into to something for up to 51 years (although minimum for full pension is 35 years) then it is not unreasonable to expect something back! I've already made 40 years of full contributions (qualified already at age 56), but still have to contribute for another 11 years if still working.
  10. Don't forget the sand flies too. Thung Wua Laen was very bad for that. And trash. All hail the "trash heroes" who clean the beach!
  11. Maybe greed. I know a number of Thais who sold as the price increased. Now they regret it. I bought gold for safety last year (31,950 Baht/Baht). I reckon gold still has way to go. When WW3 starts and SHTF then those holding gold will have more options than those who don't.
  12. And, it's for all the reasons above and many more that the country is effed! Add in the welfare benefits, unemployment benefit, housing benefit, universal credit, child tax credits, pension credits and all the other state handouts then there is no way back. Like so many, Thailand is the best option for me, but I can't quite afford to pull the plug just yet. Another 3-4 years of work and getting ripped off with ever higher taxes and living costs first unfortunately.
  13. Why only Happy Easter? It's Ramadan too!
  14. Only a dozen? LOL
  15. Only a dozen? LOL
  16. Yes, we know about central banks. Where is the evidence that private investors are selling? Why would they, other than hardship need, or to take some profits? If there's high demand then now is not the time to sell.
  17. I had problem accessing the app and website from the UK on Tuesday (about 5pm Thai time). I waited a couple of hours and then they both worked fine.
  18. Quite possibly. Maybe unlikely but who knows. For me, I'm on Non-O retired but never spend more than 180 days in Thailand. Wonder how that might affect me.
  19. Not if you need a full page visa to enter a country or a Thai extension of stay (retirement at least is half page).
  20. That's an impressive overstay LOL. He ain't going like the Canadian winters after 8 years in Issan. He also, won't like the Canadian cost of living and Trudeau's increased taxes. As another poster alluded too, he'll likely be back in Vietnam, Cambodia or Phillipines before too long.
  21. I'm down to the last 6 full pages in my standard passport (after 5 years with 5 years still to run). Some pages have just a few stamps. It's all so random. To preserve the full pages, I have written "Please don't stamp this page" on post it notes placed on each full, unused, page. Last time passport was full after 5 years. Next time I will get the bigger passport with extra pages.
  22. Very good question. I was fortunate enough that my annual extension always falls at a time when I will be in Thailand (late March/early April) and I renewed last week at 44 days before expiry (Bangkok).
  23. When I bought last year I wanted 99.999 but could not get easily unless buying 1kg bars (too much and not easily traded). In the end I settled for multiple bars at different sies in 96.5% which can be traded on almost any street in SE Asia. Over 6,000 Baht/Baht weight up now in 12 months. Very happy. Hua Seng Heng in Yaowarat are an excellent source.
  24. I just sold SP500 at highs and am keeping my gold as it goes ever higher (over 38,000 THB/Baht weight today).
  25. The "best way" to ensure entry is that she adheres to the stated plans as declared on the visa application that was granted to her. If anything is different then expect questioning.
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