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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. Jeez! He must have been flying to cause that much damage.
  2. Good to see that security Suvarnabhumi airport stopped this live export of endangered animals (and likely saved the lives of these critters). We are all aware that baggage cases get scanned before loading onto planes. They are not just looking for explosives or stuff that will endanger an aircraft. I had first hand experience of this 2 years ago. Flew from Bangkok to London. On arrival, my passport would not work in the e-gate. Went to counter with passport. Immediately was accompanied by customs to a holding area. This was before collecting baggage. Was questioned then taken to retrieve baggage. Baggage was thouroughly searched and intense and repetitive questioning for nearly an hour. What were they suspicious of? In my cases was about 25kgs of massage balm brought for a friend who owns a Thai massage spa. Also, the item they were really interesd in, was an urn of ashes of a deceased aquaintance (brought back for his family and I had all the required paperwork). They scanned it but would not open the box - I told them he wouldn't complain! They didn't even swab for narcotics but it looked like organic on the scan. They let me go with no issue. Clearly, London had been tipped off by Bangkok that there was something suspicious in my baggage. When asked this, the officer wouldn't say.
  3. Our building of 99 units is pretty harmonious with decent owners. But, there's always one, and ours is a Thai owner who's a cheap charlie middle aged guy. At an AGM five years ago, he made a comment "we don't all have money like farang". I was the only farang present. Our gym needed equipment replacing after 11 years. The cost of replacement equated to just 165 Baht per condo unit per year. Some proposed closing the gym or repurposing it into a library or common room (that's something that newer condos have and some residents camp out in the common room as they don't want to pay to use air conditioning in their own unit). I argued that although few use the gym, by not having a gym, the resale value of their unit or rental prospects might be affected. Anyway, sense prevailed and we got the gym equipment replaced.
  4. Now I know why my account was empty after just 5 minutes (and it wasn't the GF).
  5. Buy new. They last for 30 years.
  6. If ever there was a genuine case for offering refuge then this is it. They should be welcomed to Thailand. Knowing the Burmese from my trips there, these young people are resourceful and better educated than neighbouring countries. They are also seen as a destabilising threat to the military junta in Myanmar as they are more likely to join the opposition forces and creat campaigns on social media (despite internet blocks in the country - they know how to use VPNs). Sad times for Myanmar.
  7. I know many who retired early and moved here to Thailand. My plan too in next 3-4 years. I just looked at the labour market figures from February 2020 before Covid took hold and lockdowns started. The unemployment figure is identical at 3.8%. The employent rate figure was 1.5% higher, whilst the inactivity rate was 1.4% lower than today.
  8. My thoughts too. Why should foreigners pay an entry fee if they cannot win prize money!
  9. GDP should be presented as GDP per capita and not as a total number to truly reflect the sate of the economy. For any Brits in business, they have likely been aware that the UK has been in recession, albeit it not technically, for the last two years. Look at the business closures and low levels of demand. Job losses in the news every day too. The "unemployment" figures are misleading and manipulated as to what makes an "unemployment" claim. Those who were recently self-employed cannot claim unemployment welfare benefit payments so don't show on the figures. The true state is hidden in the "economically inactive" numbers of 21.9%. If only 75% of 16-64yr olds are employed, then what about the other 25%? That 25% are not paying income taxes or national insurance contributions either and are likely claiming other welfare benefits such as Universal Credit, Housing Allowance etc. Source ONS
  10. I'd like to see the results if asking a Thai to draw a map of where they reside. Add road names too? No chance. "Professional" drivers with Bolt/Grab can't even follow GPS properly here! As for the OP's post, others have suggested too, print your Google maps then trace it by hand. Once done, make copious copies for future years to save drwaing each time (they have accepted my copies for the last 4 years on Non-O retired in Bangkok).
  11. Yes. He will have been arrested on arrival in the UK and the full force of the law applied to him. He will almost certainly serve jail time for this. Evidence overwhelming. He should also be banned from all airlines for life. As well as never entering Thailand again, if he could find another way to get here. No place or excuse for this behaviour. Generally, flying THAI Airways is chilled and relaxed. I've never seen any agression on their flights over the many years travelling this route. Only once, was there a small commotion when one laughing boy, totally <deleted>faced, went stumbling around the cabin. He wasn't a danger really, they cleared 3 seats, and let him sleep it off. He was still fast asleep when everyone disembarked at Bangkok.
  12. So technically he is innocent as not charged nor convicted. I read the Thaiger and the AN story but could not see any mention of him being arrested in Thailand or facing extradition. Nor his visa status in Thailand. Did I miss something? Or can he continue to reside in The Land of Smiles?
  13. All of this is terrifying. Here in central Bangkok, it's so bad. No wonder so many are still wearing facemasks.
  14. I've read this with interest as I stayed at one of the old rickety bamboo floating national park owned lodges on Chieow Lan Dam (Khao Sok) 22 years ago back in 2002. I wonder how many commenting here on this thread have actually been there or stayed there? Nowadays there are many fancy resorts on the lake offering accommodation. Wasn't it in the last 18 months that an Irish guy drowned there too? IIRC. Firstly, this a huge body of water and in parts extremely deep. Many/most places are very remote too with no mobile phone signals. At the time I was there, I commented that it was the quietest place I had ever been in Thailand (and still is). Truly stunning scenery, wildlife and tranquility. Well worth a visit. I too kayaked across the calm waters, with my father. It was only later, on return to the raft resort, that he told me he could no longer swim well. Of course, neither of us had buoyancy aids or life preservers. Yes, the water was cold and clear and no sight of the bottom. Probably some very large fish in there too. Hopefully there will be resolution as to what happened in this case however the outcome regarding this young man is already certain. RIP.
  15. Jeez 20,000 Baht! Ouch. Just got the GF her first pair of eye glasses from a decent store on Centralworld. 6,000 Baht all in and super quality. If OP is not pleased or has a problem then you MUST go back to the source and complain up the management levels until you get your complaint resolved.
  16. Unfortunately, in the future (and present with some institutions), there will be no option but to use a phone app for banking. I have a credit card account with Virgin Money from the UK. They do not offer any website to manage the account. It must all be done on the phone app. I'm sure there are other financial institutions going the same way.
  17. @uttradit Thanks. Would your routes listed above be considered suitable for motorcycles?
  18. Just helped a friend in the UK get a Non-O single entry marriage visa. Simply upload a copy of bank statement where they asked for residence. Misleadingly, they ask for bank statement with £10,000 or high monthly amount in the funds section. Just simply uploaded a bank statement there with less than £2,000 balance. His evisa was issued within 3 days no further documents asked for other than passport and marriage certificate. They could clarify the requirements which would avoid any confusion.
  19. Normally I research and tour by myself. Sometimes it is easier to arrange a private guide (not a big group tour) to avoid tourist traps, scams and ease language barriers. I found that the experience of all below could not be surpassed doing it solo. Got to experience places that would have been unlikely if not using a guide. I would not use a mainstream big name company, rather these were all by recommendation or found online. Food tours in; Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok, Nice and Yangon. Bicycle tour in Bangkok and Tokyo. Walking tour in Tokyo with free guide 3 days with a tour guide in Yangon. 7 day private escorted tour in Egypt - antiquities, museums, Nile cruise and food tour.
  20. I would go with the agent who will guide you through everything that the district office requires (different offices have different requirements). It will save you time, hassle and effort. Likely will be worth whatever the agent charges you. I did mine in Bangkok with help of GF. Still took two months and lot of trips to the office. I would gladly have paid an agent to help make it easier.
  21. +1 I use ClipGrab to download and save films from YouTube. Works very well.
  22. How did they think they were going to change the climate? By taxing everyone more? <deleted> wits!
  23. That is nothing to do with YouTube. That is soley due to the channels you wish to view or subscribe to. Choose more wisely...
  24. Hairline cracks or gaping canyons? Settlement to be expected but depends on the degree.
  25. Never tell anyone you are emigrating from the UK. You are simply on a long holiday. Retain a UK address, GP registration, Electoral Roll, UK bank account and tax status and you'll be fine. Keep everything updated in the UK. After all, very few are entitled to permanent residency in Thailand.
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