Filling, Root Canal, Endodontist, Extraction and Implant. My experience in Thailand and UK.
I am 54 and have a history of grinding teeth at night (worn nightguard for 23+ years). One of my molars LL6 has had some issues for a while. A part chipped off in 2021 and I had a filling at my usual good dentist in Bangkok. Never felt right since but not their fault. A few months later got infection while in UK so took antibiotics, again in Nov 2021 and then again in Feb 2022. Went to see them in March 202 and they x-rayed and said root canal needed with 2 visits 6 weeks apart. As I was coming back to UK delayed treatment.
Once back in UK went to dentist, was referred to endodontist. Too late for root canal and unlikely succesful anyway. As expected there was a hairline crack down the whole tooth and likely had been for years. Treating the infection simply delayed the inevitable. Was then refered to implant specialist. The x-rays and scan were not good. Tooth was beyond saving. Had it extracted last week and booked for implant consultation in 2 months time. Lesson to me is don't delay treatment and expert advice whether in Thailand or overseas. Costs? £45, £150 and £250 so far. Implant estimate is £2,800 in UK.