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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. There once was a man walking along a road from one village to the next and he came across a monk... He asked the monk if the people in the village ahead were kind, honest and generous people?... The monk replied "How did you find the people in the village you just came from?"... He replied that they were terrible and only out to screw him!... The monk replied "You will find the people in the next village the same"...

  2. I seem to remember a plan to serve exotic meals made from different animals around the world at a new restaurant at the zoo :o... Did that Thaksinesk plan ever go thru?...

  3. Some computers have a Wlan card utility software that controls the Wifi & Bluetooth... Sounds like your friend has activated it from its dormant state to enable bluetooth... (This is not Windows software but proprietary to your computer or Wlan card - For instance I have a Dell and it has a TrueWlan Card utility) look for that running on your computer maybe a bluetooth icon or reception bars have appeared in your lower right system icon tray... right click and open it up and see if there is a way to enable your wifi radio and UNCHECK the box that says let this tool manage my wireless settings - that will release control back to Windows standard wifi


  4. I doubt the powers (?) that be in the relavent transport office would allow this.

    From a practical point of view what happens when the two parties argue ownership or if one party dies?

    Better to put such property in your sole name and set up a will to pass the title on correctly in the event of your death.

    You could create a company entity to hold the property (cars etc.) however this would require higher taxes to be paid, a mate of mine looked at this type of setup about 5 years ago. He put cars in his name as it was easier.

    Be careful about setting up wills in Thailand... Especially if you live in a condo on a high floor :o

  5. Another little Beta space they have opened in MS Office Live Workspace... It allows you to store up to 1,000 Excel, Word and PowerPoint documents on the internet. With a add-in to MS Office you can open and save you documents from within your Office application. (As long at you have a internet connection)


    PS miniwai... Go into your Hotmail/Windows Live profile and change you country/Region to United States

  6. A question along a similar vein... If I would like to sell my present condo (and have a gain of 4-5 million) and buy a nicer (more expensive one) would I have to sell, go through the trouble of transferring the funds out of the country and then transfer it back? Would I be liable for tax on the gain even though I am just buying a higher priced unit?

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